Thursday, March 30, 2006

My cat, natural born dummy lol

Yeah, my cat is REALLY dumb. I don't expect much brain power out of a cat but mine is at least ,...extremely ignorant.

So, he does his usual cat patrol thing of watching the area by the kitchen sink. There's a space between the floor of the cupboard under the sink and the floor that leads to the basement or at least an open space. Mice apparent come and go through there.

At long last, his vigilance pays off and a mouse shows up. He does the usual pawing the thing here and there and maybe biting it a few times. Not sure if the mouse played dead or what but the cat started carrying it around and eventually dumped it into his litter box. This may have been a best place for the mouse since he is a house cat after all. Then the mouse springs to life and rushes off back into the kitchen and underneath the kitchen table. The kitchen table is packed with boxes underneath it because there is no other place to put them in the house - moving a three story house into a single floor 5 room house tends to make things jammed up.

Eventually the mouse comes out from behind the boxes and the chase is on again. In all, this happens three times - my cat chasing the mouse around. And since I haven't seen a mouse corpse anywhere and that my cat doesn't seem to eat meat of any kind, I'm guessing the mouse got away.

So it would seem that while the cat is at least a persistent hunter, he's no killer. And since mice are vermin, this kinda sucks.

Bizarre sleep schedule today. I woke up around 6:30am or so and decided to get up. I'll go back to bed around 10am and get back up around 1pm. Then I'll get ready for the physical and drug test, return from that and go to work from 7pm to 7am. I find this to generally be more effective than trying to sleep for 9 to 10 hours straight. I can only do that if I'm dead tired. But I do find that getting up and doing something for a few hours seems to knock some of the energy out of me and I go back to sleep usually fairly easily. I actually picked this habit up when I use to live with my parents. My mom would get up anywhere from 3:30 am to 5:30 am if she slept in. All the animals would then wake up to be fed - a couple of cats and a noisy dog. Then my dad would get up and watch TV for awhile. This would be anywhere from 6:45 am to 7:30 am. During all this phone calls from the other family members would roll in. Some would call just to blab and others called to see about babysitting or whatnot. After about 2 and 1/2 or 3 hours of this, everybody would go back to sleep or my parents would leave for morning duties like food shopping, errands, or doctor's appointments. So the best time in the house to sleep would be from like 9:30 am until 11am. But considering I worked a lot of nights in that span, it was quite upsetting to be awoken in the middle of my 'night' to all sorts of clamouring.

That's it for now.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

All sorts of stuff

Got my drug test and physical tomorrow!!!! This is actually terrific news. It's one of the last steps before being hired on to Top Flite as a regular employee.

Weird dream. My sleep has been screwed up on these two days off. I had to go to the post office after work so I only sleep for 3 or 4 hours and got up on Tuesday. Feel asleep for a bit around 7 to 8pm and was up maybe til 3am ot 4 am. Then I got up for 8:15am to go help my friends at the comic store for 9am.

During this run of screwed up sleep, I dreamt I was digging in my backyard. I uncovered some sort of blue tarp maybe a foot down. Dug around that for awhile until I removed part of it from the ground. Found a human skull under the blue tarp. I woke up soon after.

Watched some TV tonight because it was kinda interesting stuff. All on PBS. I've taken a real liking to BBC World News. It's so much more interesting than my local news. Local news spends 90 minutes every day on really boring stuff. I'm talking BORING stuff. I get sick of snippets of stories 'continued next half hour'. Yeah, so Agawam H.S. has kids with drug problems. Stop the presses!!!!!

Saw a fiarly disturbing bit on BBC. In India, having female babies is apparently kind of a bad thing. This woman had her third child, a third daughter and the family was upset. Although it's illegal, some places allow abortions because of the gender of the baby. That's pretty fucked up. It's not rape, or a baby with disabilities that would result in an extremely poor quality of life. It's because it's a girl. One town had a ratio of 34 boys to 15 or 19 girl babies. They didn't say how large the town was but that only 1 baby girl had been born this year.

On another night they were talking about the European Union banning airlines with poor safety records from being allowed to land in European airports. They then showed a file clip of a jet airliner taxiing. It was Phuket airlines. LOL! My brother and I laughed at this quite loudly.

Another PBS show tonight talked about numbers and mathematics. Usually boring stuff but it was presented fairly well and rather enjoyable. It's goofy how things get tagged with names. The numbers 0 - 9 are called Arabic numbers or numerals but they originated in India. In fact, India created the number zero. The Romans never had a number zero.

Finally heard from a printer on quotes for my comic. I stopped at the other place and they seemed to be like ' you had a quote coming from us'? Joy.

Thinking about investing in some colored pencils. Not cheap ones but a small set that usually goes for around $20. I have some black Strathmore paper and color really looks great on them. But I'm kinda crappy with pastels and I don't care for the square shape of the ones I have. I also don't care for the mess they make getting all over my fingers and smudging easily when I don't want them to.

Bought some Heroclix from the comic store today and didn't get jack shit. So much for buying older sets. Now I owe the store $42 because I bought them on credit or a tab or whatever one wants to call it.

Already have trouble with my fantasy baseball team. One guy got dropped to the minors, another is pitching like crap and may lose his role as a 'closer' and another got released! Yeesh! But that's baseball. My team seems competitive on paper but we'll see.

Think that's about it.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Some of this, some of that

Phew, 3 12 hour work days in a row are done with.

Had the 'joy' of working with Nazi Boy today (last night really). This dude is an incredibly arrogant ass fuck. I've yet to here him saying anything good yet when I asked him he says he doesn't hate anybody. I had given him some ammo when we first met in that I had trouble opening a door. Yes, I said that correctly, a door. That was all he needed to decide I have the intelligence of a retard. Of course, I've discovered that he's incredibly quick to judge. When he complained that I was taking to long to change a gold ball mold he didn't ask that there were three of us changing various and that there was no rush. And that we had no molds to replace the one I was removing. Of course, he didn't pass judgement on himself when he got someone else to do his job for him and walked away for like 8 minutes. And then upon talking to my friend that replaced Nazi Boy, said friend said Nazi Boy kept leaving his station all night long. Gotta love hypocrites - they are such wonderful people. Also came to learn that Nazi Boy has about one friend at the factory. And that friend as generally known as a dirtbag. LOL!

We had this crazy test we have to take at work. I was one of two people to a 100% on it. I wrote a book for the 20 questions. I added a couple of quips too. A lot of people enjoyed reading it so that was cool.

No weird dreams lately. I've been sleeping well during my work days.

Heard a rumor at work I hope that comes true. Word has it the background checks are done and physicals and drug testing could happen next week. That would be sweet because that's all that's pretty much holding us up from getting hired. I feel bad though bcause my buddy is going back today (we got out at 7am) to bitch about being hired. Maybe he'll come back with good news.

Had the computer pick my fantasy baseball team. Haven't done fantasy baseball in about 10 years. The head to head style is new to me but it sounds very much like fanatsy football. Don't know if I'll do well because I'm not good with the details of baseball yet. In fantasy football I've won the only two years my friends and I have played.

Waiting on quotes to print up some copies of my comic. I guess I expected to much to have the quotes the same day. It's only been two owrking days and a weekend thrown in but I'm anxious to get some printed.

This weekend should have nice weather. Sweet!

End of line.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Why didn't I stay in bed?

I forced myself up at 10:22am this morning. I know - forced?!!?!

Couldn't get to sleep last night and I think I finally dogged out at 3am. Maybe 4am.

Usually what I do the day of going back to work is to get up around 10am or 11am, stay up for about 3 or 4 hours and then back to bed for about 2 to 3 more hours before work. Generally it works fairly well. I dunno about today. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Boring stuff to do before work: change cat litter (yuck!), do the dishes, and I really should go get lunch meats so I have decent lunches for the next three days. We'll see how lazy I get.

Drove around yesterday trying to get some printing quotes for my comic. Still waiting on those.

Gotta pay the state $28 in taxes.

Got my baseball draft today. Kinda sucks because I LOVE to draft in fantasy leagues but I have to go to work. So I'm going to have to let the computer do it. Ugh. My team will probably suck so bad! The biggest thing I'm worried about? Losing my perfect rating on Yahoo Fantasy sports. I've played in 2 football leagues and won them both. There's a little bar that tells you of your success and gives out trophies. Mine's perfect. I didn't do any research for this baseball league so I might do horrible. So most likely, bye bye perfect rating. :(

Got my ass handed to me in D&D On-line last night. I'm kinda pissed about it. I recreated my halfling paladin from a pen & paper campaign. On-line is a little different than pen & paper but overall the same. I play complicated role-playing characters instead of min/max characters. Kinda sucks in a way because you almost need to min/max to survive in the campaigns I play. And other players will hold it against you if you can't do as much damage in combat as them.

Anyways, a min/max character is a character that puts a certain stat to it's highest. Usually it's a fighter with the highest strength they can get. There's nothing wrong with this until they don't play their other stats correctly. This usually means the Charisma stat (likeability, tact, leadership) and Intelligence stat (sheer brainpower) usually don't get played correctly. The prime example is this kid I know. He plays a fighter. His Int and Chr are probably 8 apiece which is like being a "D" student in school. Yet because the player has memorized almost every monster in the game, his character knows exactly what to do in every combat.

Suffice to say, we have different outlooks on the game.

Think I'm rambling because I'm still half asleep.


P.S. - Thanks for the props, Wendy! :)

Monday, March 20, 2006

wrestling things

So I'm watching WWE Raw at my buddy's tonight. I no longer have expanded cable so I haven't seen wrestling much since last year. It's a pretty good show overall in my opinion if for no other reason that lack of over-saturation.

Then come on the Divas. I have come to realize that there are two types of women wrestlers. The more prominent on the WWE is the I want the Playboy shoot wrestler. Pretty much, these women just seem to be there to get a photo layout in Playboy. Actually wrestling is totally secondary. Not neccessarily a bad thing and these women are gorgeous. But when they can't wrestle, it really shows. The crowd go almost dead silent and gets bored. The only thing they wait to cheer for is a lesbian act or some gratuitous T&A.

But then there are the ones that really can wrestle. For the most part, they don't get all that much respect and the crowd still dies down quite badly. But they can at least pull off some really cool moves. And they look hot doing it. I enjoying watching these women much more than just the T&A girls. I just feel bad for the wrestlers because as I said before, they don't get that much respect from the crowd.

And sometimes, they have to wrestle in high heels. I noticed in a impromptu fight two wrestler women fighthing each other and throwing wrestling manuvers while each wore boots with high stiletto heels. And they did a great job too. Well, maybe not, actually. One of the women was bleeding pretty badly from her nose. Her nose might have even been broken but I'm not sure.

So I have even a further respect for Mickey James and Trish Stratus. They look great and can bring the pain.

I may have upset my buddy's best friend's girlfriend. She moved in with the guys after she had a baby with my buddy's best friend. Before wrestling, we were watching Deal or No Deal. A somewhat entertaining game show I had not seen before. I actually don't watch that much TV these days. So this goofy Texan gets up and starts doing quite well for himself. They bring in his family who can tell him what to do. Can't recall if he listened to them but he still did fairly well. Then they brought out the guy's wife. Instantly this dude's whipped and does whatever his wife says. Even though he's the contestant she plays the game for him pretty much. She blows it. Totally. At first, when the guy has a ton of money he can win she's like 'keep going - we're here to have fun!' Well, she essentially lost money three tries in a row. She's no longer happy at all and convinces him - or really decides for him - to take what money's left before he - she really - lost it all. They still got something like $100,000 but he was up over $200,000 before she came out.

So the whole time I'm telling my buddy this woman's going to screw it up for this guy. And I said it again and again. I wasn't against women in general but just this lady. She ruined all this guy's momentum and like I said, essentially played the game for him after he was doing great on his own.

My buddy's best friend's girlfriend gets up, grabs the baby, and walks out. May have been just a simple walk with the baby through the halls of the complex. Then again, she was in slippers and a robe that barely covered her ass and it was like 9pm at night. I asked my buddy if he thought I offended her. He didn't really answer and didn't really care since he's not her biggest fan. But he did say she is essentially a feminist.



Oh yeah, trademarking is expensive as all hell! Geez!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Um, yeah...

I lied.

Well, not really. I changed my mind about going to ConnCon. About 2AM this morning at work I really started to drag. At 3AM I was really surly and just said, 'screw it, I ain't going'. 4AM was pretty much the same. 5AM I got a second wind felt fairly awake but that was probably because of the Zingers and Gatorade I had at break. And also some mechanics issues at work that needed to be worked out.

On the ride home I nearly ignored a street signal that's in the center of a 4-way intersection. Thankfully the light was green when I remembered it because I wouldn't have had much time to stop.

I briefly went on the internet once home to see if a friend was on-line. I was hoping to get his dad's number so I could call the dad at Conncon. No luck. So I went to bed. I was in bed and asleep almost immediately.

I did wake up at 9:30am which would have given me a shot at making it to Conncon but I said screw it and went back to sleep.

I feel kinda bad about missing it because it's an annual thing but I pretty much play pen-paper D&D quarterly these days. Maybe less. There were a lot of little factors that I can justify the reason not to go like 90 minutes of sleep in what would be about a 24 hour period which would have included a 2 hour highway trip at 75mph+, I didn't register, $30 to play 4 slots of gaming, falling asleep (most likely) during one of those slots from lack of sleep, hunger from not eating properly during the gaming and the like. But I guess i don't love the game as much as I use to.

So I spent the bulk of the day at the comic store I frequent playing Heroclix with my close friends that I haven't really seen a lot of over the pass few weeks. I got my ass KICKED in 3 seperate games. I'm on a pretty bad schnide. I can't recall the last time I won or was even competitive. I think I'm approaching or even maybe hit a 10 game losing streak. So I'm thinking about quitting the game. LOL! There is so seriousness to quitting though.

Found out a friend of mine has aracnophobia - the fear of spiders. The fact that he has it is funny because he's this big firefighter, tough black dude. He said he nearly drove off the road nearly causing an accident because a spider crawled across the windshield.

I shouldn't laugh but i did.

Guess I'm getting old. My friends too. I'm kinda od dragging and fighting not to fall alseep at 8:48pm on a Saturday night. I'll be playing Call of Duty 2 on-line after this. My buddy went home to play World of Warcraft. That may have changed though. The ex-girlfriend of his best friend showed up at the store. So the three of us sat there shooting the shit bored out of our minds while we waited for 8pm to roll around so we could close the store. We said screw it and closed at 7:30pm. It was a dead day for sales anyways.

So my buddy and the girl went off for ice cream. My buddy invited me but I wasn't interested in spending money - not since I plan on spending over $240 in the next day or two. It wouldn't surprise me if the girl wanted to screw him. Their friends but she had previously hooked her sister up with my buddy and it felt like she wanted some dick tonight. I'm kinda of considered the freak so I don't believe she had any eyes for me. LOL!

Okay, time to kill folk on CoD2.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Off to Conncon

Gone to Conncon this weekend! See you late Sunday night or more likely, Monday afternoon.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

More bizarre dreams

My sleeping habits are really weird because I work 12 hour shifts every 2 days.

So here we go, more weird dreams.

The easier one to remember had to do with alligators. I was living in a 2 floor house with a sexy roomate. For whatever reason, the pool was in the front of the house. Although the house was near no real roads and even 100 yards or so from the country road it was on.

So the sexy girl goes for a swim and one of us brings up alligators. Not sure how this came about. Anyways, there was one in the pool. Then the pool froze solid and the alligator was on top of the ice and partially buried in snow - thick heavy wet snow. So we cover up it's eyes. Then there's another on the pool. It takes off to a swamp area a little ways across the street from the house. Weird stuff. Allysa Milano of Charmed showed up for a sec and we were all always in swimming gear and the weather was warm and sunny. Despite the snow and ice in/on the pool. A gator did trying taking a bite or two here and there.

There was some more stuff with me at an alternate version of work. The area was set-up differently and I didn't know most of the workers.

The cooler dream was about wrestling.

I was up in Seattle or talking about it for some reason and trying to make it out to be some super violent place. Then whoever I was with, we went to a wrestling area or someplace to watch wrestling. It started out as sort of a barbwire match of 3 to 5 guys. Then seemed very much like the Royal Rumble where a new contestent would come out every so often.

Well, my 2nd all-time favorite wreslter Bob Backlund of WWF fame came out to wrestle. He was young but had left the WWF. (I don't know where my mind gets this stuff). So he starts wrestling. The other wreslters are all no-names either washed up or trying to make it in the business. Backlund is one of the stars of the league. Although I didn't feel he was the champ.

The ring kept changing. First it was sqaure, then octagon and I think back to a sqaure later. Around the ring changed a lot. Barbedwire, then a seemingly scaffolding that could make like a ramp to the ring by folding on an angle. And other stuff too.

Backlund was doing okay and I said I wanted him to win. And weird dudes starting coming out to the ring. A guy huge and looking like Juggernaut from the X-Men. And another dude in hugely bulky knight like armor with spikes sticking out of it. And these guys were like 7 and 8 feet tall each. And guys dressed like mosters started coming out. It was like some werid Japanese monster wreslting or something.

So that's when I wanted Backlund to win. He was doing okay before but nothing great. So he starts doing this crazy pin where he'd jump into a dude's arms and wrap his legs around one shoulder and his arms around the other shoulder. He'd then cause a sort of roll-up pin as the guys would lose balance, fall forward and roll over completely until their shoulders were pinned.

Backlund beat something like three huge guys this way. A few other manuvers and he pinned the other remaining schmucks to win the Battle Rumble and win the apparent vacant belt.

go Bob!


There must be a glue factory near my house that I'm sniffing or something.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Meh, nothing really new

Nope - nothing really new.

Got my taxes done. I don't have to pay this year which is what I feared. My State refund is $28. Whoop-ie.


Haven't really had any crazy dreams as of late. Specifically tried to spend more time sleeping on my 12 hour shift days. For awhile, I could stay asleep after 5 hours of sleep. The past few work days, I would just stay in bed until I finally fell back asleep. Even if this meant tossing and turning for over an hour. Maybe it's worked.

Yep. That's about it. Not much to report after spending 36 hours at work over a 72 hour period. It's just sleep, work, check e-mail.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Lots 'o comic news

Got the cover art of the comic the other day. Looks nice too. But when I opened it, it was somehow only 72 dpi and the dimensions were gigantic. I'm talking like 2 feet wide by 3 and 1/2 feet tall! Ugh! LOL!

After a couple of e-mails and another sending of the file, things seem to be okay now. Because of my 12 hour shifts things seemed to go quickly. I'd e-mail before leaving for work, arrive about 13 hours later to find a response. And Alexandra's in France.

Looking into finally naming my company. I'll keep it mum except to personal friends until I have checked on that I can use it.

Looking into UPCs and ISBNs for the comic. Normally, if I was just trying to get the comic through Diamond distribution I wouldn't really need that. But I want those because it opens so many more options. Amazon and bookstores rather than just comic stores are just a few of the options.

Also found a website with a guy that helps sells the rights to the books for publishing overseas. For some reason, just a crazy gut feeling, I feel the book may be more successful overseas. Maybe because it's not tradional super-hero fare and more horror-adventure. Anyways, this guy already does this overseas stuff for Image books. Image is probably the thrid largest comic publisher so I'm guessing he's legit.

Filling out paperwork to get a post office box. Now that the comic's just about ready for printing I'm not big on handing out my personal address. And I don't want to drive to the neighboring town's post office to use my brother's P.O. Box. Not when my post office is just 8 minutes away.

I did find I almost missed something for the comic. The indicia! That crazy stuff like volume #1, first printing, printed in USA and all that disclaimer stuff. Gotta squeez that in somewhere.

Seems like a lot of good news for me. I got my papers at work to start the hiring process. This is welcome news. Once hired, I'll be making an additional $6 an hour. The way the higher up's at work were talking was that it should be pretty quick too. I mentioned a two week process and they said it would be quicker than that. I think the drug testing and physical would be the only semi-major time delays. The other stuff is just paperwork. So that's exciting and terrrific news. It'll be nice to afford my mortgage and bills and then have several hundreds of dollars a month to spend on what I want. Of course, I save money and am slightly cheap so most of the extra money will not be blown. With warmer weather coming I expect my heating bill to drop significantly from the $285+ a month I now currently pay. So that'll be great to.

Like I said, things seem to look really awesome right now.

Hell, even my insane, lesbian internet friend came back on-line! Turns out she's entering a new friendship that could turn her couple into a threesome. Hot stuff! LOL!


Monday, March 06, 2006

general stuff

Usual weird dreams again. Can only remember random elements now but they were just bizarre.

Religous nut is still a thorn in the side of my friends that own the comic shop. It's all but likely that he left a note in their door about false advertising. They weren't open at 10am. They were open at 10:05 am though. Also, my buddy said the lock looked like it had been screwed with. It's a subtle thing so only a couple of people would notice.

Religous nut also sent them an e-mail saying that they would lose customers if they continued their weak customer service.

And it's most likely he turned them in over the sign of the store. The store was contacted by the city saying that they had been alerted by a complaint about the sign. This action also nailed the pizza shop next door. Their bill was like $10,000. No shitting here, it's the truth. They are also linked with the mob. So maybe religous nut my get what's coming to him.

Then, he had a fit and threatened to get a lawyer saying that my friends are stalking him because they passed along the non-compete agreement to other local comic shops in the area.

Nothing overly new with me. The cover for the comic should be done in the next day. I keep saying this but I okayed the last changes and that should be that. Then it's off to the printers!

Can't wait to get hired on full-time by Top Flite. I'll be earning and extra $6 an hour when I do. Should be in 90 days. Hopefully no longer than 3 months total.

D&D On-line seems fairly cool. I still play Call of Duty 2 a little more. It's a lot less time consuming in that I can hop on, play a few games, and leave without having to worry about finishing the mission.

Cream is such an awesome band.

Conncon is coming. I'll miss part of it because of work but it'll be nice to play pen and paper D&D. On-line is decent but I get into role-playing so the original game will always be best for me.

Missing my on-line friend Sara. She hasn't shown up at all in the past 10 days to 3 weeks. Considering she's a manic-depressant it's a little scary. But that's the problem with on-line friends. You never know when they'll just disappear. I hope Sara is okay.
