Monday, June 30, 2008

A pretty good weekend after all!

Blog 063008

Turned out to be a decent weekend.

Over-time at work was either cancelled or reduced. My original 8 hours was reduced to 4 so I opted out of doing it. I wasn’t in any hurry to work 11pm to 3am on Saturday night.

I finally got my government $600 check and cashed that Saturday morning. It went right into savings because I may not have a job in a few weeks. A union steward told me that the lay-off’s wouldn’t happen this holiday week because the company hadn’t talked to the union at all yet about numbers for the lay-off. We’ll see but hopefully she’s right. A supervisor told me he had heard they are delaying the lay-off. That’s nice too because I’m in no hurry to lose my job. Schooling sounds great but with gas going up and up and unemployment meaning a reduced check and having to find healthcare it would be tough.

If I do not get laid off I plan to buy an air purifier for the house to help with my allergies and such.

I spent a chunk of Saturday sleeping. I had meant to get up around 3:00pm and my alarm went off and woke me. I put my head back on the pillow and woke up again at 4:45pm! I had meant to be at my parents for 5 and hadn’t even showered yet! I also pitstopped at the local supermarket and bought a fruit-filled sponge cake for dessert. YUM! The cake is awesome and one of my favorites. It’s cost $15. Not all that bad consider a ¼ sheet cake goes for $17. We all enjoyed it after supper.

After supper my brother had me tag along to Staples with him. We also pit-stopped in at Gamestop looking for my niece. Her best friend was there hanging out with her friends that were working. They had no AC going. It was hotter walking IN from outside! All three looked at me when I couldn’t help but exclaim ‘Jesus Christ!’ over the wave of heat that hit me. My brother ended up buying two games for his Playstation using the employee discount of my niece’s best friend. She calls us her uncles and we’ve known her since she was in middle school.

Saturday night ended with me going home and watching Pan’s Labyrinth. It was a pretty cool flick. But I found the real world War World Two stuff more interesting than the fantasy stuff. Some of the blood and guts stuff was really nasty to watch and made me wince more than once. The ending was touching and struck some nerves with me getting me a bit misty eyed.

One thing I was happy about was that I was able to watch the movie the way I like to watch a movie. This means laid back on my couch in the dark with no distractions on my big screen TV encompassing all of my attention. The brother that stays with me stayed late at mom’s and he put his son to bed as soon as they arrived at my place. Then he sat down on the other couch and didn’t make any noise. I was very happy about that and actually quite worried that the house would turn into the usual playground of lights and noises when he and the kids are around.

I was pissed about Sunday morning in that I woke up at 6am when I could’ve slept forever! I still ended up with about 6 hours of sleep though. At least I had a really neat Harry Potter dream. The trio of Potter friends were getting ready to go to college. Harry was driving around in a car at night sometimes feeling chased. And maybe he was I can’t recall now. I was sometimes behind the wheel instead of him. Ron lived on Chestnut Hill Road which is a short but steep road by my parents’ place. Hermione was with him and they were packing Ron’s stuff for college. It was a night summer day when Harry pulled up along them. There was more to the dream but I can’t really recall it. I woke feeling happy that the dream was really cool and I enjoyed it.

With my brother asleep on the living room couch I stayed in bed. This is part of what causes tension for my in the crowded house – to be conscious of others I limit what I do in my own house. And that pisses me off. So I inked a picture of my super-heroine Shadowdancer that I drew late Saturday night after the movie. It came out pretty well over all. At some point I took a shower in the morning. It may have been before I inked the picture but I pretty much stayed in my room for about 90 minutes until I heard my nephew come downstairs.

After cooking myself a satisfying pancake breakfast I went to the movie to watch The Wanted. It’s very vaguely based of a comic. Actually, it pretty much uses the name and that’s it. I enjoyed it quite a bit. It was really insane with totally outrageous stunts and completely ridiculous things happening but it worked for me within the movie. SO I walked out quite happy. It did use up the final amount on my Christmas gift card though. The preview for the newest Mummy movie with Brandon Fletcher made me want to now see that movie. It looked really fun with great special effects. The other previews were pretty blah. I have zero interest in yet another Batman movie.

I headed down to Connecticut after the flick to pick up my comics. I see why some many people die on the highways. I’m on a three lane highway. I want to move from the middle to the right lane to catch my exit. I see this pick-up truck barreling on to the highway and into the right lane. There is a car not far in front of him obviously going 10 to 15 mph slower. So I decide to move ahead of him to get into the right lane and figure he’ll take my spot in the middle lane. I guess he decided that didn’t work for him and floors it to match my speed which was approaching 75 mph. 70 mph was getting me passed by 85% of the cars or more. So we’re racing side by side and my exit is coming up fast and he can’t get into my lane. So I back off knowing he won’t let me in and that I’ll miss my exit. He slides in front of me and I slide in behind him. As this happens at speeds of 70+ mph I notice he’s a young guy blabbing on the phone. Jesus Christ. He maintains the 75 mph rate and continues on his way. Fucking people.

At the comic shop I buy a new mini-statue. I really love these things called Marvel Classics. They are painted lead statues maybe 4 or 5 inches tall of Marvel Comics characters. Some look so awesome I’ve purchased characters I have little to no interest in like Deadpool and Blade. But they’re figurines look totally awesome. So I bought this bigger on of black suited Spider-Man crouched on a building corner. While the other ones cost around $15 at this store Spidey was $33. Gah! But I made the purchase anyways because I kept going back to look at it. I now have about 30 of the available figures which is a total of maybe 50. A couple I bought out of guilt because my friend had ordered them for me when he had his store even though I had little to no interest in the characters he ordered.

I’m looking for a Wendy’s on the way home because they have some new vanilla shake mixed with chunks of strawberry or something that looked awesome in the commercial. I looked on the wrong side of the mall and missed it. Damn it!

The ride home had more idiots on the road. There are groups of traffic here and there and I notice this driver blast across three lanes of traffic probably at 75mph in-between cars. He didn’t do this away from the pack but in the pack. I just shake my head. Then I notice that all I can see in my rearview mirror is pick-up truck grill. Again I’m in the middle lane doing 65 mph with a couple of cars ahead of me probably a car length or two in between us cars. Left lane and right lane are clear of cars. I see fuckwad swerving back and forth in the middle lane and rolling up REAL close to my bumper. This is usually an indication to go faster. I guess he expected me to push the cars in front of me out of the way or something. So I start bitching shaking my head and turning my head so that he gets a profile of my mouth. So he finally decides to pass me – in the RIGHT LANE. What the fuck is it with speeders passing people in the right lane when the fast left lane is totally clear of cars for some distance? So I keep yammering at him as he passes and he flips me off. I noticed he was driving a shit kicker pick-up that looked like it was 15 years old or more.

At least I picked up some comics I’m excited to read. I haven’t yet.

So I play some Call of Duty 2 to blow off some steam before heading to my parents place for supper. I end up stopping when this brutal downpour hits. It sounded like a firehose aimed at my house. I shut everything off and unplug stuff and read one of my new comics. Eventually about 20 minutes late the downpour turns into a mild shower. I rush out to my car and hop in. I hop back out immediately. I had left my window open and my seat is completely soaked. I check the back of my gray shorts and it looks like I’ve pissed in my pants. Great. My underwear is all wet to. I run back in and change into new clothes. I grab my nylon jacket and toss it over my seat to act as a drying buffer. By the time I arrive at my parents my once dry pants and underwear are damp if not downright wet as my nylon jacket failed as a drying barrier. The rain was so furious that I was driving through swaths of huge puddles – more like rivers of water – that had to be 6 inches deep or more. All of that in about 20 minutes of gushing rain.

Chow was good at my parents and then I headed off to see comic book friends I hadn’t seen in about a month or more. We gathered to catch a wrestling pay-per-view. There was some minor tension in the room. One of the guests had broken up with his girlfriend and my friend banged her after that. I guess this was all fairly recent. It was suspected but unknown if the guest knew the host had recently screwed his recent former girlfriend.

I made a snafu. I thought the down and out guest had brought along cookies. I made a smart remark of ‘I hope these aren’t poisoned’. I was referring to the dude who’s ex had sex with my friend and the dude maybe wanting revenge on my friend. Only one friend caught my reference. It turns out though that someone else had made the cookies. Further, that elder gentleman who brought the cookies’ mom who is 95 is down with food poisoning and having a hard go of it. So I missed the other people looking at me with looks like ‘WTF?’ Whoops.

The pay-per-view was decent. Triple H looked orange he had such a deep tan. It was kind of freaky looking.

I got home and kept it quiet since my brother was sleeping on the couch. Again, this is where 4 people jammed into a house of only 5 rooms with 2 being a kitchen and a bathroom has its problems. I went straight to bed though after brushing my teeth.

Oy, I woke up this morning at 6:15 am – the exact same time I woke up Sunday morning. After a shower I loaded up the laundry. After changing the sheets on my bed I bit the bullet and went to get my car inspected. I passed a dinky place that seemed like it had nobody waiting. Instead I pulled into another place and checked in. The lady at the desk wouldn’t tell me how many cars were in line and I couldn’t tell because they were parked along a fence. It took one hour and fifteen minutes to get my car fully inspected and me out of there. I was fairly miffed. But its my own fault. So I stopped at Wal-Mart and got my cat supplies and then did my grocery shopping. I splurged a bit spending $60 instead of my budgeted $50. One of my splurges was $5 on this raspberry drink. It’s 100% fruit juice. I was worried it wouldn’t taste good being a frothy raspberry drink but it’s not bad. I’m not sure if I’ll buy it again though. I also bought a pack of golden raspberries. Yum!

It’s really muggy out so I’m probably going to blow off mowing the lawn today. But it REALLY needs it. My lawn is easily the worst on the street. I have some weeds that are almost a foot high. I also have to do a mountain of dishes. I expect that to take literally over 35 minutes. And I have to fold my laundry. The lawn takes about 90 minutes to mow or less if I really bust my ass. And I go back to sleep before work around 5:30ish. It’s now 1:24pm as I write. So yeah, mowing the lawn’s out. I expect my brother to return with both kids around 7pm. And then it’s off to work 11pm to 7am. Short week though! I’m looking forward to having Friday off.

The comic on Drunkduck varies for views. I have something like 35 pages posted now. It’s weird. I get either 70 to 100 views a day or 200 to 250 views a day. And the views come and go in bunches. It’ll be like 2 days of 80 views and then 2 days of 250 views. So I have over 3000 page views now. But I have no idea if that’s good or not. I seem to have 3 fans that comment and an occasion random viewer adding a comment.

Okay, 4 pages long. I’m done!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Nothing new

I'm back to working 6 and 7 full days a week while the OT is avaliable because of the impending lay-off that could cost me my job permanently.

The latest rumor is that Tuesday July 1st the company will start lowering the boom. This makes sense for a couple of reasons like we have July 4 that Friday off and they need to tell us 3 days in advance of the lay-off. Also, our last shipment of golf balls to Gloversville is scheduled for July 15 so our lay-off should hit before Gloverville's lay-off.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Been busy with comics and work stuff!

Blog 061608

Where to begin because I haven’t written in a while.


I’ve posted The Necropolis Chronicles at

It started off well and has settled down a bit to what seems like a regular veiwership. I started by posting 10 pages to get things rolling and that seems to have worked well. So far, the comments have all been positive and the ratings have all been 5 stars out of 5 stars.

I’ve also been looking in WOWIO and seeing about having the comic posted there for downloading.

In more mundane news:

I liked Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull movie. It took me a little off-guard. It’s set in the 1950’s so once I turned my mindset to that it worked well for me. But I kept expecting Nazi’s to show up! The ending was a little cliché but I would say it’s my second favorite movie overall that I’ve seen this year so far. I think my moving viewing has been limited though. I believe I have gone to see Cloverfield, Iron Man, Chronicles of Narnia – Prince Caspian, and now Indiana Jones. Seems like I’m missing a movie but I guess if I did it wasn’t all that memorable.

I’ve been back to working six days a week lately. Last night I scored Sunday which is double time. That certainly helps when I’m on my ‘mortgage’ weeks where the bulk of my paycheck goes to paying my mortgage. I get the feeling the company is trying to build up some stock knowing that lay-off’s are soon to hit and that they’ll be a learning curve to deal with and maybe some older people washing out if they bump into Dual Core. My Sunday OT was in Dual Core and holy shit was it hot. The large AC unit right by me was set to 92 degrees and it never stopped. During the week of massive heat last week one or two workers passed out. It was reported that the room hit 144 degrees!

I’m wondering if I should get a new dentist. The place I’ve been going to for the past 15 years has been sold twice now. The new dentist seems to be quite good and all but I was stunned when I went to get a small filling last week. My portion of the bill which was 20% of the total was $65! Holy shit! So my figuring is 20% twice or almost half the bill should be $130. My further figuring is that my filling cost around $300! Good grief!

My fantasy baseball team is in a pretty good slump. My offense has really hit the shitter. Despite having 5 guys on my team that hit 3rd or 4th on real life teams – which usually means that they are the best hitters on the team – I’ve lost all 7 offensive categories for two weeks straight now! Only my pitching has saved me some. But I’m still losing at an alarming rate. I went from solidly in 2nd place to one game ahead of fourth place. Oy. But better to slump now than in the play-off’s. I still expect my team to make the play-off’s. Top 6 teams of our 12 team league make it. Last year my team barely snuck in at the last minute and I won 2 out of 3 series and finished 3rd overall in the league winning a bronze trophy for my sports profile.

Nothing new on the work lay-off’s. I may go or may not. I want to stay overall at my job but if I can get unemployment for 2 years and near free schooling because my job left for China that could be a really sweet deal. That part of the lay-off is actually quite exciting.

The Ship’s Fool continues her standard belly-aching. This past week the company held tours of the plant for workers because a bunch of newer people didn’t know what from where. So the Fool takes her two hour tour and I ran the area by myself. It got a little hurried here and there but I survived until she returned. The next night I did my tour and was gone for two hours. If I heard correctly, she didn’t have to lift a finger for the first 45 minutes of the shift. Since we replenish stock this is not necessarily uncommon. As soon as she had to do some actual work she went to the supervisor and asked if she had to run the area by herself. The super replied that I had. She stormed out and slammed the door. He did send over this guy that’s really good at the job and way better at it than the Fool.

Later I come back from the tour and have to hear the Fool complaining up and down. And she mentioned she was ‘pissed off’. I told it it had to wait because of the truth – I had to weigh some barrels with the supervisor. It’s awesome to be able to tell the truth and stick it to whiners. So later on the Fool does her usual deal. She’s got all this breath to sing her songs as she’s working but when she gets near me pushing her car of golf balls she’s all out of breath like she’d just run a marathon. It’s hard for me not to laugh in her face over this because it’s so fake. She also makes sure to grab parts of her body and moan in pain like her hip. I just ignore it. It’s also laughable that she’ll open a new barrel of golf balls if another barrel is available if the first gets to be half empty. I wouldn’t empty the barrels one night and she had three barrels half full sitting around for one golf ball type. The guys on first were mystified by this when they saw it. But this time she emptied the barrel to its last balls when it meant she’d have to get on a forklift and pull a new skid down.

The next night the Fool called out claiming she sprained her ankle. She called out Friday night also now claiming she was at the hospital getting X-Rays. At 11pm at night? Okay. The whole crew laughs at this. Yeah, it’s just a LITTLE suspicious that the Fool is has regularly missed Thursdays and Fridays over the past few months. She always has some issue both days usually dealing with emergency mammograms or some other hospital visit. Funny how that works. My parents on the other hand have never had a hospital visit take place at night much less later in the night and they have to regularly go to the doctors because they are elderly.

I’ve been reading the hell out of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows. It around 741 pages and I’m on page 515 or so. I could probably finish it today if I sat down and read it. I’ve read it so much over the weekend though that I might not. But it is sprinkling here right now which means I have an excuse not to bondo my car up which I should really do.

Okay, I’m sick of writing now.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

I work with a complete idiot

Blog 060508

God, I really do work with a complete idiot.

Ship’s Fool was on fire last night.

So 6 people from our area had to attend a meeting for continual improvement of the plant. One of them was my supervisor. And the ink maker. And the back up inker maker. The supervisor told the stampers that use the ink to apply the logo to the golf ball to make their own. This I didn’t know. Two stampers didn’t mention it to me when I finally decided that someone had to make the ink so that the stampers could do their job. So I ended up doing both my job and the ink making job. Another co-worker, Leo, was tremendous help in doing his own job and helping me with the ink job.

Enter Ship’s Fool. For those that don’t know, there are 12 stamping machines that need golf balls supplied to them. Ship’s Fool and I split the table in prepping the orders for the stampers. Actually, stamp machine 7 is seldom used and it’s on her side so I usually have more machines to provide for. So second shift has been doing a terrific job loading the supply table to the point that often Ship’s Fool and I don’t have to work for like the first 20 minutes of the shift, sometimes longer. Ship’s Fool sits in the break room and eats her grinder. I don’t even see her come to the supply table for 20 minutes and she didn’t have to lift a finger for around the first 25 minutes of the eight hour shift. I don’t know if she had some sort of issue she was bringing into work but she was all bitchy throughout the night whenever she had to work.

For two hours I do my job and the ink making job. She doesn’t lift a fucking finger to help me or Leo. Instead, she calls for my help on two different orders complaining second shift screwed her. Leo and I just shake our heads in disbelief. She also informs me that as I’m loading my side of the table that one of her stampers needs ink. Again, no offer to help me with my machines just to do more work. And when I was busy making ink and she’s calling to me from behind the supply table I had to tell her I was busy and she would have to wait. It was seriously like talking to an 8 year old that wasn’t getting enough attention.

The rest of the crew arrives back from the meeting and Ship’s Fool starts whining about how tired she is. Well, maybe if she didn’t drink soda all night and would lose some weight she would have better health and have better physical endurance.

So the other night she couldn’t pull down some skids of golf balls with the forktruck because she was too upset about some mammogram meeting. Tonight she was crying because she was over-whelmed by her workload. This is a fucking 46 year old woman who’s right there to file a grievance for free pay anytime she can. And after 5 months on the job she’s too fucking stupid to read a series of three digit numbers to determine how many inks, a maximum total of five at best, is needed for a job. Good fucking grief.

So later she tells me not to tell anybody that she was crying in the back about her job. Whatever. So she tells Leo the same fucking thing even though he wasn’t there in the first place.

So she’s bitching and moaning all fucking night long even though I’m literally doing about twice what she does because I clean the joint up and zap balls which means I’m leaving my area for 20 minutes and reloading balls to be zapped. And I’m getting really fucking sick of her moaning. Finally, with 30 minutes left in the shift she moans again and I tell her she should disqualify herself from the job – meaning lay-off – because she hates the job. She goes on this big speel about how we are suppose to rotate jobs like that’s the cure all. She’s said this before too. And once again she shows her complete and totally jealousy of another co-worker nicknamed Pee Wee sighting that Pee Wee never rotates. She doesn’t mention Leo or Pedro at all, just Pee Wee. She doesn’t mention wanting Pedro’s job or Leo’s, just Pee Wee’s. And she starts lambasting Pee Wee like she’s done three or four times previously. One of her arguments was literally (because I couldn’t believe my ears) ‘she can go grocery shopping after work where I have to go home and shower first’. You’re kidd’ni me. That’s an argument? So we get into this argument about rotating since the shifts don’t do it either and she pulls her usual ‘that’s wrong, that’s wrong’ as if I’m a liar. She’s pulled this same shit on me before where I proved things just to be told ‘you’re wrong, that’s not right’. So she gets all huffy and even more pissed off and doesn’t talk to me the rest of the night (GOOD!) because I didn’t support her. She starts bitching to anyone that will listen to her and take her side. What a surprise.

On top of being a total idiot she’s a HUGE hypocrite. The one night she got to work Pee Wee’s job she sat down and read the paper and ate through out the night at Pee Wee’s station. And that’s what she wants to do every night. What a piece of work. It’s no surprise that there are only two people that she hangs around with on our shift. One is this mammoth girl larger than the Ship’s Fool and another is a really high strung girl who’ll snap without a moment’s notice. This I know because she snapped on me and ranted and raved on me because we disagreed on a subject matter concerning her friend.

I have to work this Saturday since my area is behind and it’s a blessing that Ship’s Fool has taken a vacation day to skip it. BTW, this is the same Ship’s Fool that has had sudden medical problems for two or three days on holiday weekends where there was every indication that we would have to work that Saturday shortening our three day weekend to two days. And thereby missing the postings of mandatory OT she didn’t call Saturday and then file a grievance with the union and got paid. Then I caught her bragging to her mammoth friend about ‘Sheila don’t play that’ meaning she had such a backbone about fighting the company.

I still have no idea if I’ll lose my employment once the lay-off’s hit. The rumors are now 50 to 80 people. 50 people I might survive. 80 I won’t. And these are permanent job loss too. I do laugh at the Ship’s Fool about this. I yank her chain when I can about her getting some asshole because it’s the truth. A lot of these long time employees are all about collecting a check and retiring with as little work as possible. And a lot of these long time employees have problems with one another so she may get a real doozie. And it’ll serve her right since that’s what she deserves.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Weekend news - what's else?

Blog 060308

Not a bad weekend. Friday night at work sorta sucked. We did inventory and most of the crew left at 3am because we couldn’t start back up because it was the weekend. I wanted to leave at 5am to make sure my paycheck was a certain amount. So I’m getting pumped to leave since there were only 4 of us left when my supervisor asks me to stay until 7am, normal leaving time because he needs someone with a forklift license to help the auditors. What a pisser. I just wanted to get to sleep a little earlier than normal so I stayed. I got stuck there until 7:10am but it felt like f-o-r-e-v-e-r.

I got home and took a nap and called a buddy of mine. We headed down to the comic shop we now populate and I filled out my ‘pull list’. I bought a couple of comics and a great statue of The Red Skull. I have to put him in my display case with the other awesome statues. I found some other cool statues from the same series including a Spidey perched on a grave. That one goes for $32 at the shop while the others are $13. At my buddy’s store I got the same statues for $11.

I’m really loving this arc in many Marvel comic books called Secret Invasion. These shapeshifting aliens called Skrulls have been at odds with Earth since they were first introduced in The Fantastic Four in the 1960’s. I’m talking real world here, not comic book world. My current favorite writer Brian Bendis has reworked some of them to have infiltrated Earth undetected and now they are invading again. For whatever reason I’m really REALLY into this massive cross-over. It’s just good comic book fun and I can’t tell what’s going to happen. That’s what makes a story a fun read for me.

After the comic shop I hung out at Dwain’s watching Shaun of the Dead which I hadn’t seen before. I caught about 85% of it I think. I was better than I expected if only because I had heard so much about it that I was so of sick of it. I snarfed some Xbox 360 games from him and headed to my parents place. After a few hours there I was home and in bed and asleep by 9:40pm! That on a Saturday night! I’m getting old. Actually, I had had only 2 hours of sleep in about a 20 hour period.

Sunday was back up to my parents place where one of my brothers helping me with my car repair. Actually, he did it all as he worked on welding a piece of metal over my rust. So one side is done but could use some bondo and paint. I hope to get the other side done this coming Sunday. We’ll see as my supervisor thinks we’ll be working this Saturday.

After some great chow at my parents I was disappointed to learn that some friends were not playing Magic the Gathering that Sunday. I had specifically made two new decks to beat on them with. Now I have to wait another two weeks. I then failed miserably at Air Combat 6 and then popped in the first Harry Potter movie. I’ve got to stop watching movies when I dead tired. I feel asleep during this one just like The Da Vinci Code.

I also caught the new Indiana Jones movie on Sunday morning. I didn’t realize that they had 10am and 10:30am showings and went to the 11:30 am showing. There were about 20 of us in the theater where I’m use to less than ten movie-goer’s. I enjoyed the movie better than I expected. It took me a bit to get into it but when I did I found it quite entertaining. It was worth my price of admission that was $7.50. I think I still have around $2 on my gift card that I got for Christmas. I caught Iron Man, Prince Caspian, and Indiana Jones on it. I may have also seen Cloverfield using it too. There aren’t any more movies that I really want to see now. Maybe Hancock. There was another movie about people living inside the earth with two kids looking for a way to the surface. Bill Murray has a role as the underground sects leader. That might be interesting. I was disappointed and downright bored by the first Hulk movie so I’m lukewarm to seeing the second one. I might go see the G.I. Joe movie just to see The Baroness. There’s something about a woman in black leather… But I think they ditched her glasses! Come on! That’s a huge part of The Baroness for me because nobody hot looking wears glasses!

Our first shift supervisor was canned yesterday. This is a bit of a shocker to me and I just learned the info before leaving from work so I have no details or reasons why. I was shocked to learn that she’s only a year older than me. She looks fairly bad for her age and I thought she was around mid-forties as opposed to 38 or 39. She had a rough time somewhere back in the day.

Nothing new on the lay-off’s coming next month. I’m caught in the bubble area. Depending how things go I’m either gone or not. Most people pretty much know if they’re gone or not but I’m in the hazy not sure sure either way area.

Sony has a totally stupid warranty on their mp3 players if I’m reading it correctly. My non-functioning mp3 player is still under warranty. Apparently if I send it back to them (at my cost) they want $30 labor cost to fix it and I might even end up with a refurbished one instead. Huh?! I freaking paid $70 for it brand new. Now it’s $30 just to look at it UNDER WARRANTEE not including shipping & handling? WTF?! Time to write a nasty letter to Sony and go with an Ipod next time.

That’s about it!