Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Weekend news - what's else?

Blog 060308

Not a bad weekend. Friday night at work sorta sucked. We did inventory and most of the crew left at 3am because we couldn’t start back up because it was the weekend. I wanted to leave at 5am to make sure my paycheck was a certain amount. So I’m getting pumped to leave since there were only 4 of us left when my supervisor asks me to stay until 7am, normal leaving time because he needs someone with a forklift license to help the auditors. What a pisser. I just wanted to get to sleep a little earlier than normal so I stayed. I got stuck there until 7:10am but it felt like f-o-r-e-v-e-r.

I got home and took a nap and called a buddy of mine. We headed down to the comic shop we now populate and I filled out my ‘pull list’. I bought a couple of comics and a great statue of The Red Skull. I have to put him in my display case with the other awesome statues. I found some other cool statues from the same series including a Spidey perched on a grave. That one goes for $32 at the shop while the others are $13. At my buddy’s store I got the same statues for $11.

I’m really loving this arc in many Marvel comic books called Secret Invasion. These shapeshifting aliens called Skrulls have been at odds with Earth since they were first introduced in The Fantastic Four in the 1960’s. I’m talking real world here, not comic book world. My current favorite writer Brian Bendis has reworked some of them to have infiltrated Earth undetected and now they are invading again. For whatever reason I’m really REALLY into this massive cross-over. It’s just good comic book fun and I can’t tell what’s going to happen. That’s what makes a story a fun read for me.

After the comic shop I hung out at Dwain’s watching Shaun of the Dead which I hadn’t seen before. I caught about 85% of it I think. I was better than I expected if only because I had heard so much about it that I was so of sick of it. I snarfed some Xbox 360 games from him and headed to my parents place. After a few hours there I was home and in bed and asleep by 9:40pm! That on a Saturday night! I’m getting old. Actually, I had had only 2 hours of sleep in about a 20 hour period.

Sunday was back up to my parents place where one of my brothers helping me with my car repair. Actually, he did it all as he worked on welding a piece of metal over my rust. So one side is done but could use some bondo and paint. I hope to get the other side done this coming Sunday. We’ll see as my supervisor thinks we’ll be working this Saturday.

After some great chow at my parents I was disappointed to learn that some friends were not playing Magic the Gathering that Sunday. I had specifically made two new decks to beat on them with. Now I have to wait another two weeks. I then failed miserably at Air Combat 6 and then popped in the first Harry Potter movie. I’ve got to stop watching movies when I dead tired. I feel asleep during this one just like The Da Vinci Code.

I also caught the new Indiana Jones movie on Sunday morning. I didn’t realize that they had 10am and 10:30am showings and went to the 11:30 am showing. There were about 20 of us in the theater where I’m use to less than ten movie-goer’s. I enjoyed the movie better than I expected. It took me a bit to get into it but when I did I found it quite entertaining. It was worth my price of admission that was $7.50. I think I still have around $2 on my gift card that I got for Christmas. I caught Iron Man, Prince Caspian, and Indiana Jones on it. I may have also seen Cloverfield using it too. There aren’t any more movies that I really want to see now. Maybe Hancock. There was another movie about people living inside the earth with two kids looking for a way to the surface. Bill Murray has a role as the underground sects leader. That might be interesting. I was disappointed and downright bored by the first Hulk movie so I’m lukewarm to seeing the second one. I might go see the G.I. Joe movie just to see The Baroness. There’s something about a woman in black leather… But I think they ditched her glasses! Come on! That’s a huge part of The Baroness for me because nobody hot looking wears glasses!

Our first shift supervisor was canned yesterday. This is a bit of a shocker to me and I just learned the info before leaving from work so I have no details or reasons why. I was shocked to learn that she’s only a year older than me. She looks fairly bad for her age and I thought she was around mid-forties as opposed to 38 or 39. She had a rough time somewhere back in the day.

Nothing new on the lay-off’s coming next month. I’m caught in the bubble area. Depending how things go I’m either gone or not. Most people pretty much know if they’re gone or not but I’m in the hazy not sure sure either way area.

Sony has a totally stupid warranty on their mp3 players if I’m reading it correctly. My non-functioning mp3 player is still under warranty. Apparently if I send it back to them (at my cost) they want $30 labor cost to fix it and I might even end up with a refurbished one instead. Huh?! I freaking paid $70 for it brand new. Now it’s $30 just to look at it UNDER WARRANTEE not including shipping & handling? WTF?! Time to write a nasty letter to Sony and go with an Ipod next time.

That’s about it!


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