Tuesday, April 22, 2008

busy week & weekend

Blog 042208

Worked all weekend to end a busy week for me.

Monday started off with a couple of trips here and there to do shopping, cash my paycheck and stuff like that. I looked around for snowblowers too but they are all gone for the season. I plan to buy one with the government rebate of $600 I should be getting sometime in May or June. I also set up an appointment to have my cat fixed, blood work, physical and shots. I was surprised to get an appointment for 8am the next morning! Then there was work that night.

Tuesday was cat both after and then picking her up before work. She was trying to walk around but was literally falling over every few steps. I felt bad for her because I kept hearing ‘clump!’ every time she fell over.

Somehwere along the line the guy that handles my investments came calling. I think I saw him Wednesday. The only reason I truly believe I’ve seen him is because the market crashed hard. He had my account for over a year and half with not even a peep. But as soon as he probably needed money I became his best friend. I find talking about money very boring and tedious. Furthermore, every investor type person has always made me feel poor intentionally or not. But the guy had his uses. I moved some money over from a bank savings account. I know it’ll probably lose a little to start but it should perform better than just in a savings account over the long haul. I also started putting money away for me. Eventually I’ll have to get a new car and saving now should help pay for it. So I either heard from this guy almost every day. I was getting really sick of him.

Thursday was a morning oil appointment and Friday I handed a check to the investor guy. I was quite happy he was allergic to cats and that despite his talk of it not being bad his face was all red and his eyes watering. Go Weebee! LOL!

I worked Saturday and Sunday to help pay for the cat’s medical bills which were almost $400! I had $160 already saved towards it. And she still has to go back for some sort of booster shot or something. Good grief.

I was able to buy to Golden raspberry bushes. I LOVE golden raspberries and haven’t had in years. We used to have some plants at my parents house but my dad killed them off. I wrapped one in Saran wrap to keep my cat from eating it. The plant’s gone crazy. It’s growing like mad now! The other has barely grown at all. I just wrapped up some change so I can hopefully buy another bush or two if Lowe’s still has them in stock. I’ll be very disappointed if they are all gone but it has been about a week since I bought mine.

I have a sore throat. This sucks. It’s like 70 degrees out and my throat is all scratchy and sore at the top. My brother’s been sick a lot over the past couple of weeks and I think a co-worker was sick this weekend. I ran myself fairly hard this weekend with the over-time which I believe lowered my natural resistance to illnesses. I’m eating chicken soup as I write this.

Somehow I managed to miss paying both of my phone bills last month. I knew I was missing something when I wrote bills last month but I couldn’t figure what. I got one bill yesterday and one today and I was like WTF?! I then checked my checkbook and couldn’t find a check for either bill. Whoops. It’s probably all my fault because I can be a little disorganized but my brain’s self-defense mechanism blames my brother. He cleaned the house one weekend and that may have been when my bills got placed who-knows-where.

I finished Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire this morning. It was pretty good but I’ve seen the movie first so it didn’t hold any surprises. Harry Potter Prisoner of Azkaban was on Saturday night and I caught about an hour of it before heading off to work. Goblet of Fire is on this Saturday.

Because I’m short on cash this week I’m a little stuck. I haven’t picked up my comics from last week and won’t this week. I want to buy the next Harry Potter book but I’m planning on spending my money on time sensitive stuff like raspberry bushes. Once I get my check for this week I should be okay for cash. I’ll still only have about $40 for me but that’s enough to buy what I want.

I’ve been trying to tell myself to dream certain things here and there. I told myself to dream about my comic book heroine Jaina during the week. It worked. My dream was weird. Sometimes essentially I was Jaina and sometimes I was a floating camera following the action. Two of my co-workers were involved in the dream as well. Mostly Jaina was walking through the woods behind my neighbor’s which then turned into a small community of old but cool looking brick buildings on a small hill.

I’ve been working on the picture I plan on using as the back cover for issue three of The Necropolis Chronicles. Initially I wanted a rip-off of the movie poster The Exorcist. But I did a lousy job. I changed it some but I suck at drawing buildings. I tried twice. The second looked better than the first but not all that great. I’ve moved on to Jaina walking through some fog. This is rather hard because I’m mostly painting the picture in Photoshop. I’m not skilled in painting in Photoshop. But I read some fog creation tutorials although most didn’t help. But the effect I have going is decent looking. I need to do a chunk of more work on it though to get the whole picture where I want it. The start I have is pretty promising though which is nice.

I was looking at some cos-play costume last night on-line and I got inspired. I haven’t done a detailed drawing yet but I sketched out an idea for a new character. I’m also building a world around her too. Maybe I’ll try sending that one to comic companies to.

I work with the ship’s fool at work. This woman is really pathetic. She’s stupid. I mean really stupid. I could live with this as people can’t help if they are short or tall and stuff like that. But she’s lazy and dramatic. And fat. Yet she thinks she’s all that. I think she made over 10 errors during the Friday night. Stampers were constantly coming back for more balls because the woman literally can’t count. And she’s still asking questions about orders that literally every other person has gotten easily after the second day of training. She’s going on a month and a half. And these are questions about basic things to just accomplish the job. And she doesn’t lift a finger more than she has to. She literally leaves me every lifting to be done. God, she’s really a suckless worker. Worse, if she thinks someone has an easier job than she does she hates that person. She was literally bitching out a co-worker that wasn’t there Friday and who has done nothing to her. But because that other person’s job seems easier the ship’s fool was ripping her all over. And then the ship’s fool was made because she didn’t get to do ‘that easy ass job’ on Friday because the usual woman was out. But ship’s fool is too stupid to understand that she’s too stupid to do the job which is a lot of counting.

I started shit with ship’s fool by getting her all worried about the zapper. The zapper is a machine that we have to run certain golf balls through to make the ink stick to the ball’s surface. So what that take, maybe 20 second tops to read and comprehend. My supervisor had to spending, literally, ten minutes explaining it over and over to ship’s fool because she didn’t get it. Afterwards, this laid back rarely swears supervisor asks me, ‘is the concept of the zapper THAT fucking hard to understand?!’ I burst out laughing. He knows she’s a joke but because of union rules we’re stuck with her.

Okay, too nice a day out and I need food for the house.



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