Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Patriots miss making sports history. Crap.

Blog 020608

Ugh, my roof KEEPS leaking. And now 3 days of rain. The roof guy said he’d be over – again. Sigh. Hopefully this time he’ll use roofing tar instead of just cocking.

Work continues as always. Work gave us Super Bowl Sunday off or at least said ‘no one’s working’ since they can’t force us to work. So the Patriots up and lose and stall out at 18-1 for the season. Just losing the Super Bowl sucks. But losing and missing a great chance to have only the second perfect season ever in the NFL REALLY sucks. It’s probably not going to happen again in my lifetime. I think I would’ve rooted for just about any team about to have a perfect season because it’s been done once and only once in football. Those guys went 17-0, though. And because the Patriots lost to an 11-6 team, that team will probably be often considered a better team overall because they won the Super Bowl even though the Patriots beat them in the regular season.

It’s a good time for a sports break though. I watch baseball and football and that’s it. Now it’s that lull time as I wait for baseball to start. It’s about 2 months time because I only follow baseball once the regular season starts. I fully expect to join my buddy’s baseball league again this year. I finished 2nd the first year and 3rd last year. Not to shabby.

I saw the movie Cloverfield on Monday. I LOVED it. Except for the motion sickness stuff. It’s a movie about a few friends and how they experience a Godzilla like attack on their city. And it’s all shot from the point of view of this guy carrying a digital video camera. So when he moves the camera shakes like hell and the vantage points move all over. I was glad I saw the movie on an empty stomach because there were a couple of times I really felt ready to hurl. Because of this I probably won’t watch the full movie ever again. But I still loved it. I saw a noon-thirty showing and I was the only one in the theater until about 5 minutes before the start. Then one other guy came in. It’s really relaxing to have pretty much the whole theater to yourself. I sat pretty much right in the middle of the theater. It’s a really good way to watch a movie.

I finished Harry Potter and the Secret Chamber. The movies follow the books fairly closely so there were no surprises for me but I still enjoyed. J.K. Rowling has made a wonderfully fun fantasy world that I think would be great to visit. I bet it could be a really cool multi-person internet role-playing game if someone created one.

I’m now reading The Bride of Frankenstein. This is a new novel based off the characters used in the old Universal monster movie of the same name. It’s seems like it’s just starting to get good after about 80 pages. One thing that’s refreshing is that I have no idea where this book is going. With the Potter or Anita Blake books I know a lot of stuff like there’s more books to come and some later book spoilers. Because of that I can pretty much map out what’s going to happen. Not so with this book.

I’ve been doing a number of sketches recently. These are all from a comic book forum I hang out at. I had asked people if they wanted original characters drawn and about 7 responded. All so far have been pretty happy with what I’ve done unless they are lying and just being nice. I currently have two more to do and they are mostly done. Then I plan on joining a thing called CBR Runway which is a yearly art contest held at the comic book forum I hang out at. In it contestants draw whatever the assignment is which is usually something like ‘redesign Superman’s costume’. Then people vote and the lowest vote getter – or two! – get the boot from the contest. I made it about midway last year. I was always going into the last day of voting at or near the very bottom but usually sneaked through. But drawing a hair legged Wolverine in a costume with short shorts got me booted. LOL!

My sleep got really messed up on Sunday because of the SuperBowl. Basically I was taking catnaps for about 48 hours or more and it finally caught up with me on Monday night. I successfully fought of a migraine before it could take hold. That’s a sure sign that I’m over doing it. I slept for 10 hours yesterday and even then forced myself out of bed to get ready for work. I probably should’ve stayed in bed because I had a miserable first half of the night. The second half wasn’t too bad. Then I went food shopping. It’s awesome that supermarkets and Wal-Mart open at 7am. It’s perfect for me as I drive home. Usually there’s next to nobody in the stores and I’m in and out without any kind of hassle. On occasion one of my supermarkets gets jammed up because there is only one cashier and like 6 people trying to get out. That only happens once a month or less though. So after some grocery shopping I got home and loaded up a load of laundry. I just realized as I’m typing this that I haven’t tossed in it the drier yet! And then I did the trash. And finally, some internet time before reading my new book for an hour before going to sleep. And it’s raining so I expect to get a good sound sleep as the rain taps softly on my roof – and leaks through some of it - grrrr!

Over and out.


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