Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas - yet another good one

Blog 122507

Christmas is just about over and it was another swell day. It started off a little rocky. My sleep’s been a little messed up since I called out from work Saturday night. I awoke at 5am Christmas morning. The previous night I turned my lights out just after 11pm so I got around 6 hours of sleep. But I couldn’t get back to sleep. Eventually I pulled out one of four new acquired Anita Blake novels given to me by my oldest brother on Christmas Eve. After reading the first 4 chapters I rolled out of bed around 8:30am.

After a shower I checked the final score for my fantasy football score with hope in my heart. I had lost. This drove me insane and I was really angry because I had blown it. My Sunday schedule was really packed and I never turned on my computer because I knew I would be really late doing my planned things if I did. So I missed doing anything for any of my three football leagues. The Pick ‘em league I lost out. In the league I didn’t care if I won I crushed my opponent. In the league I really wanted to win I missed switching out a playing that wasn’t going to play. By the time I realized my error it was too late and I got zero points from my player. Ugh. In the end, I lost by less than one point. Had I gotten 1 single tackle from the player I didn’t switch out I would’ve won. Instead, I had my worst week of the entire year. While my team usually crushed everyone most of my players flopped. Two were injured in game with one of them being injured on the very first play of the game so I got negative points for him.

So I was really incensed over the situation because in fantasy football you can only control who you put in and pull out. And I shanked that. And I lost because of it. Fuck. I really wanted to win my third championship in four years. And the guy I had chosen to replace the player that didn’t play had an awesome night and scored 10 points which would have easily won me the championship. I guess it was just meant to be that I was not to win.

So Sunday I blazed around doing some Christmas shopping and then headed to the comic shop to play games with friends from out of town. We played Axis & Allies. D was my partner because we each randomly chose Japan and Germany respectively. D had terrible rolls while his opponents had terrific rolls. So D got slaughtered. He was really frustrated and was getting really angry. He was swearing and punching walls. I was doing well trashing my opponent’s forces but not capturing territories. So in his frustration and anger D partially blamed me for his problems. I was like WTF?! So then he gave up and quit despite me having quite a bit of power and in no threat of being stopped. So I was kind of pissed by the whole deal. But I quit because to play longer would have only caused more problems.

In our second game my partner threw caution to the wind and we lost really quick. I was Japan again. I was getting clobbered to I didn’t really care.

Then I hustled up to the parentals to have a really good meal and dessert that I paid for because I’m making decent money with all my O.T.

I was fairly exhausted by then because I had woken up early Sunday also.

So back to Christmas. The initial part of it somewhat sucked. I’ve cooled down from my rant and sulking over losing my football league. Now I’m only a little mad and more disappointed.

Reaching the parentals place and exchanging gifts with he family cure most of my ills. While I was bored here and there and took a nap from fatigue I had a good time. I got some needed things and some fun things. I got 6 books! I had them on my list and was surprised to get so many. I got the first two Harry Potter books. I’ve only seen the movies. I also got 4 novels from the Anita Blake vampire hunter series. I got two games for the Wii. My brother also bought a Wii game for his son because his son likes it so much. I got some cooking stuff like pots and pans that I needed. And I really like my flashlight. It’s one that doesn’t use batteries. Instead you shake it and it generates its own power.

The chow was awesome and the turkey was incredibly moist. Dessert was fine too. I made sure to have to Jello with homemade whipped cream. My mom makes terrific homemade whipped cream. So after about 12 hours at their place I finally came home. Christmas was another solid Christmas in a long line of enjoyable holidays this time of year.


Blogger Wendy said...

Sounds like your past few days were crazy, but good.

Happy Christmas.

5:50 AM  

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