Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Mist, ghosts and other stuff

Blog 112307

Ghost hunting at my sister’s went well although there wasn’t any stunning evidence to be found. Again, we tried to do it scientifically using digital cameras, digital camcorders, temperature readers, digital sound recording and one or two other things that I may have missed.

Early on as my sister said as she lead us to a ‘hotspot’ closet that the male ghost of the house was right behind her. We didn’t see much and I don’t believe anything was detected. So it was fun and interesting but I don’t think we found anything conclusive.

I was able to see The Mist at a premiere. For free no less. I LOVED it! I really enjoyed the interactions between the characters and the decisions they were forced to make. One thing I loved was that intelligent characters didn’t suddenly make stupid decisions to allow the bad guys to put them in harm’s way. So many Hollywood movies have great tension build up and then blow it through tired clichés. If this movie had some I missed them. Towards the end I thought there were three main possibilities. One came true and I was fine with it. In fact, I would have been satisfied with any of my three endings because they all worked.

Work has been going pretty fast each day because we are pretty busy. What sucked was a screw up on Sunday night that I had nothing to do with. Another area made the wrong stuff for our new product and it all had to be scrapped. So half of third shift was called an hour before going to work and told not to come in. That sucked. What can I do at 10pm on a Sunday night about half an hour before I’m supposed to leave? Not much. I played some video games and went to bed. The break was nice but I lost out on $240.

Seems like I had a lot more to say but I guess not. Thanksgiving will be brief as I get out at 7am, sleep a little and then head up to the parentals for chow. I also have Friday off and then I’m working, working, working.

I still wake up most days with a headache. I’m not sure why. I think it might be because the house is so dry. Last year I woke up with dried blood in my nose. I added one humidifier last year and added one to my house central air. It seems to help somewhat. I will be firing up my third one in my room to help. I’ve found a problem with doing this though. My room gets heated up to a very comfortable temp. My thermometer for the house heating is in my room. So while my room was toasty the rest of the house was about 60 degrees because the heater didn’t know to go on! Ugh!

I did the plastic over the windows because the house is so drafty. I’ve tried to find where the drafts come from but have failed. I partly wonder if my central air somehow lets the wind in. Unfortunately, my cat is proving once more to be more of a hassle than it’s worth. Within 20 minutes it had shredded the plastic on a window. Funny? Not really. Maybe the damn thing would like to sit outside in the cold that I’m trying to keep out. I now have to find another way to insulate the house to keep my heating bill down and the house warm. Fucking cat.

First snow of the year yesterday. I think we got over an inch. It was pretty awesome to watch.

That is all.


Blogger Wendy said...

You got snow? :-P I'm jealous.

3:15 PM  

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