Saturday, December 15, 2007

22 Days of Work

Blog 121507

Ugh. Really tired. I woke up at 6pm but after having stayed up until almost noon I closed my eyes and woke up around 7:45pm and finally feel out of bed around 8:05pm.

The roof is done! I think I picked the worst week of the year to have it done. The guys worked Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday we got about 5 to 7 inches of snow. Friday they came back and finished the job. This is good because of a potential nasty storm tomorrow. Friday was tough sleeping. Pretty hard to sleep with two guys finishing up the roof.

The dumpster is still in the driveway. It’s a low one that is about three feet high. I was able to fill it with some stuff from the garage. Many that stuff is junk that I’ve been looking to get rid of. Most of it wasn’t even mine. The garage is a holding tank of two of my brother’s stuff.

I got Call of Duty 4 for my birthday. It’s pretty awesome so far. It’s set in today’s warfare where CoD 2 is WW II. The only thing I don’t like it about is that you get special props if you kill several people in multi-player without being killed yourself. This promotes picking a spot and staying put slaughtering everything that comes your way. This is known as ‘camping’ in every other game. So far my kill to death ratio is about the same or 40/60. I’ve been getting killed more as I learn the game and boards.

I’m finally having a day off this Sunday – tomorrow. I’m really looking forward to it. It might screw up my schedule pretty badly though. I’m going to get home Sunday morning around 7:30am. After some internet football stuff I’ll be needing to get at least an hour’s nap but not more than 2 and ½. 3 hours of sleeping really screws me up. Then it’s shower and shave to head off to my mom’s Christmas party. It starts at noon but I probably won’t get there until 1 or so. It might be off to my buddy’s for WWE’s Armegeddon pay-per-view. But I’ll probably be too dead. There’s also suppose to be a nasty snow or ice storm hitting us.

So lately, it’s all been work, sleep, some Call of Duty 4. I did sleep at my parents’ two days this week. The roofing days were long. I’d gt home around 7:30am. The roofing guys would show up around 9:30am and I would hang around until 10am. Then it would be off to my parents and visit before heading off to bed at 11am. Get up around 6pm and grab some chow. Visit a little more and then head off to be home for 8pm. Do some minor house stuff and sneak in about 90 minutes of free time before heading off to work.

Work’s been okay. I got back to my favorite team of people. But the other night two of our people complained to another crew. This other crew makes very loud sudden noises. They drop skids on the concrete floor. They also throw balls into the gleebar hopper which sounds like a car wreck. You can do both making half the amount of noise. There have been a couple of times where I’ve gone to check on people – the other crew – for injury because of the ball hopper dumping. It’s a very violent and sudden sound. The other crew got all pissed off and countered the radios where too loud. Then swearing started and I was like – Jesus Chrsit, what a stupid reason for there to be a fight. And this was between people that seemed like a couple of them were close friends. It seemed like such a petty thing. It’ll blow over, I hope, but glares and blown off ‘hello’s’ ruled the roost yesterday. Oh, well. So much for adults being adults.

I haven’t done any Christmas shopping since I got about half of it done in one day. Some of it will be easy but for others it will be hard. Gift cards are always an option but I do consider those somewhat a lazy gift to gift.

It’s just about time to make dinner before heading off to work. 22 days off working straight. Ugh. I am tired.


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