Tuesday, January 01, 2008

The New Year

Blog 010108

The New Year. Well, the new year by a calendar at least. It’s still winter for several more months.

The new year has started off subdued which is just the way I like it. New Year’s Eve went as I predicted.

New Year’s Eve I went to my buddy, D’s, place. I was concerned because when I go over when they are drinking I usually take shit for not drinking. I don’t drink. I maybe have a shot a year. I often get verbally sexually harassed because a couple of the guys cheat on their girls or go for strippers and usually those strippers seem to have drug problems. Wreslting also takes place between guys in their late 20’s early 30’s. And finally, when alcohol is involved there is usually a near fist fight.

I arrived around 8 pm with the intent of leaving if the crowd got too drunk. Some people where there and a beer pong table was set up. It’s a drinking game involving tossing ping pong balls into your opponent’s beer cups to make them drink that beer. It actually looked fun if I was a drinker.

There were two crews there, the drinkers and the comics crew. The comics crew drank some but mainly sat around watching Monday Night RAW wrestling. Then we broke out some wrestling games for the Xbox 360. There were some homemade dips and a homemade taco salad and I found both quite good. I’m not huge into trying new foods because people seemed to get pissed when I don’t flaunt over their family recipe. But these I found quite tasty and let my friend know it.

I found a small shot like bottle of licorice drink in the freezer and got the okay to have it. Yeah, it tasted like crap making me shiver and wince but I did finish it… eventually. There aren’t many drinks I’ve actually liked. I probably dislike 99% of available alcoholic beverages. But a prediction came true. I was given some shit later on for not drinking enough. It wasn’t a surprise.

RAW and Xbox 360 were decent and enjoyable. I haven’t seen RAW in forever. Basic cable doesn’t carry it. At one point D grabbed his best friend and started wrestling with him. Best friend got hit in the nose by accident by D and it was a pretty good shot apparently. Best friend was pissed! He stormed off to the bathroom to check his schnowzer for blood. He was fairly subdued the rest of the night. I suppose the mother of his baby puking after taking her first hits ever of marijuana didn’t help matters. LOL!

I was mildly sexually harassed. I think D made one comment, two at most. That wasn’t too bad.

I’m happy to say there was no near fist fight this time around. The drinking crew seemed to be a happy dunk crew mostly which was very refreshing. The last big drinking night was made to sound like this grand escapade but when viewed with reason there was multiple near fist fights between friends and some with strangers, near vandalism, puking in rented cars and on the steps of homes and other ‘wonderful’ times. Yeah, I don’t miss much when I skip out on these drinking night out’s.

So I had a decent time at my buddy’s although this entry doesn’t really sound like I did. I headed out around 12:15am which was about 90 minutes to two hours later than I had planned.

It snowed again today and since I didn’t go anywhere and had no desire to go anywhere I was happy to have it. It was sort of magical to watch. Since we’ve gotten decent amounts of snow the past weeks there’s like 3 to 5 inches of snow everywhere and it’s still nice and white. It’s always the coolest to me when it’s snowing when there’s a bunch of snow already on the ground.

I rearranged the living room today. I moved my brother’s couch around so more people can sit and watch the big screen TV. Probably the only draw back is there is less room to play the Wii. But my brother’s couch is a corner couch shaped like an ‘L’ where mine is just a couch. It’s a fairly major realignment for the living room but it seems like a good move.

I woke up from sleep last night dreaming I was suffocating. Either I had this same dream before or I had it multiple times last night. It was quiet unnerving since in the dream my throat had closed up to the point of choking and losing consciousness. I did wake up to find my throat and mouth quite dry. I haven’t used the main humidifier in my room that past two nights so I think that was the main motivation for the dreams. Still, it wasn’t cool.

My niece got me a game for the Wii called Manhunt 2. It’s about as violent as a game gets. You murder people left and right. So far I’ve killed people with my fist, a shank, a needle and a sledge hammer. The graphics are quite intense too with lots of blood and gore. In the first stage of the game you have to sneak by two mental patients in their cells. I was unsuccessful so the first one peed on me and the second one threw shit at me. Um,…yeah. Still, it’s kind of enjoyable all the killing and all.

I’m forgetting a few things I wanted to write about but this is long enough as is.


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