Money - spending more than I have
Blog 041508
Big week for spending money.
The biggest hit was my cat. $373. Phew. Got her a physical, her shots, blood work, and fixed. It seemed like the vet rattled off more shit and some sorta seemed not necessary but I still went with it. And I have a follow up for more shots in three weeks so there’s more money.
My financial advisor shows his mug tomorrow morning. I’ll be moving some cash around to different accounts. He tried to get me to splurge on life insurance but I was like ‘forget it’. I’ll be dropping my 401k contributions at work to put money into a different account. I have 12% of my pay going into my 401k which usually results in $84 on a normal 40 hour week. I’ll have to do some math to figure out how to drop it to around $70 a week. That money lost would then be used to put into an account I can use at any time instead of when I’m 60-something.
Thursday morning it’s off to the garage for an oil change. I noticed the other day I’m 200 miles late. Damn it! So that’s going to be like $30.
My niece’s birthday was this week so I gave her $10.
I gave my mom $50 for her birthday gift but I have no qualms about that.
I found raspberry bushes at both Lowe’s and Home Depot. Home Depot has regular bushes for $7 a pop. That’s what I paid last year. Lowe’s has golden raspberry bushes. Yum! I like them better than the regular ones. They are $10 a shot. So I need $30 that I currently don’t have to get some bushes. I really wanted a golden raspberry bush last year but nobody had any. I know I had one raspberry bush survive from last year. I may have another towards the back of the land that I planted two years ago. Otherwise, all my bushes have died. I probably planted them in the worst place possible though the first year.
I also bought some various garden vegetable seeds and some flowers seeds. I’m fairly poor at attending my garden so everything will probably die again.
Because of all this cash flowing out of my pocket I’ll be signing up to try and score Saturday and Sunday over-time. I’m pretty sure I’ll get Saturday but Sunday is a tougher bid. Everybody loves double time pay. We have Patriot’s Day off though so it wouldn’t surprise me to see Sunday axed since it’s all voluntary.
My fantasy baseball team is off to a scorching start. I’ve ripped up the competition both weeks now and stand in first place with a 20-6-2 record. The second place guy is smoking too with a 19-8-1 record. This current week I’m off to a slightly slower start losing 5-7-2 but we have 5 more days left of play.
One of my brothers has left for Japan on business. He’ll be gone for a couple of weeks. That means I’m the only brother in the family not to have gone to Japan. My remaining brothers went we they were in the Navy.
Haven’t done much drawing lately. Actually, I really blew it this past weekend. I had Saturday and Sunday off and most of Monday. I did some working on the back cover for The Necropolis Chronicles. The background is of the academy but I have a really hard time drawing buildings. It’s looking decent so far but I want it perfect but my skills aren’t up to my desire. I ended up playing a lot of Call of Duty 2 on-line. The game is usually really awesome when a ton of players are one and the games were often 10 versus 10 which makes for a lot of action. The last game I played I kicked ass finishing with something like 20 more kills than the next guy.
Seems a lot of co-workers and my brother are sick. Joy. I’ve fended off everything so far though.
Lots of drama over the pas two weeks involving my niece. Her mom threw her in foster care without even telling my brother. She may have kicked my niece out of the house. My niece is 13. The ex also filed assault chargers and larceny charges against my niece. And she also blamed the niece in front of a bunch of court and DSS type people including lots of verbal fighting for not being able to move to Ohio. No mention that my brother files to stop that in the courts. Yeah, the ex is a real piece of shit. If it wasn’t for getting money from my brother which I fully believe she pockets I wonder if she would bother with the kids. Well, yeah, she would, because she uses them as weapons as often as possible against my brother. She’s a real piece of work. And she’s also a picec of shit as far as human beings go.
My reading binge continues since Christmas. I’ve finished 8 books I believe since Christmas 2007. That should be 3 Harry Potter books, 3 Dark Horse Universal monster books and two Anita Blake books. There may have been a third Anita novel in there for a total of 9 books.
I actually lost my glasses in my room the other day. Sunday night I was so tired I took a nap at 8:30pm. I woke at 9 and couldn’t get up. I slept until 10:30pm when I got up and turned off my computer. I then went back to sleep. I woke up a lot but I slept until 8am or so. When I got up I couldn’t find my glasses. I found my other pair easily and eventually found the pair I always wear. They had slid off from where I put them and had been covered by some loose papers. So they were where I pretty much figured they were but I was apprehensive for a number of hours when I couldn’t find them.
Nothing overly major with dreams lately. A lot of dreaming about work. Stuff is usually like I need to wake up to get to work. I think a lot of it is because my co-worker really sucks. She’s just flat out stupid and lazy. I’ve taught some people the job in a day. It’s moving on 6 weeks and last night she asked me something she should’ve known since day one. Nobody else wants to work with her because she’s so pathetic. I get stuck with her because I can cover most of her mistakes. Usually.
One dream was really weird though. My friend uncovered a spider, more like a tarantula about the size of a serving platter. This thing was BIG. Somehow, its fat and round and hairy abdomen came off but it was surviving like nothing had happened. Then I started playing fetch with it. I would toss its abdomen and it would run off and bring it back to me.
I make up way to many comic book characters to possibly write about. I love making characters. My current scheme is working on some characters whose names start with X, Y and Z. I’m missing a good name starting with Z but I haven’t googled it either.
Getting close to time to leave for work. Damn suckless Bruins are gobbling up NESN when the Red Sox are also playing. Now I can’t watch the Sox.
Big week for spending money.
The biggest hit was my cat. $373. Phew. Got her a physical, her shots, blood work, and fixed. It seemed like the vet rattled off more shit and some sorta seemed not necessary but I still went with it. And I have a follow up for more shots in three weeks so there’s more money.
My financial advisor shows his mug tomorrow morning. I’ll be moving some cash around to different accounts. He tried to get me to splurge on life insurance but I was like ‘forget it’. I’ll be dropping my 401k contributions at work to put money into a different account. I have 12% of my pay going into my 401k which usually results in $84 on a normal 40 hour week. I’ll have to do some math to figure out how to drop it to around $70 a week. That money lost would then be used to put into an account I can use at any time instead of when I’m 60-something.
Thursday morning it’s off to the garage for an oil change. I noticed the other day I’m 200 miles late. Damn it! So that’s going to be like $30.
My niece’s birthday was this week so I gave her $10.
I gave my mom $50 for her birthday gift but I have no qualms about that.
I found raspberry bushes at both Lowe’s and Home Depot. Home Depot has regular bushes for $7 a pop. That’s what I paid last year. Lowe’s has golden raspberry bushes. Yum! I like them better than the regular ones. They are $10 a shot. So I need $30 that I currently don’t have to get some bushes. I really wanted a golden raspberry bush last year but nobody had any. I know I had one raspberry bush survive from last year. I may have another towards the back of the land that I planted two years ago. Otherwise, all my bushes have died. I probably planted them in the worst place possible though the first year.
I also bought some various garden vegetable seeds and some flowers seeds. I’m fairly poor at attending my garden so everything will probably die again.
Because of all this cash flowing out of my pocket I’ll be signing up to try and score Saturday and Sunday over-time. I’m pretty sure I’ll get Saturday but Sunday is a tougher bid. Everybody loves double time pay. We have Patriot’s Day off though so it wouldn’t surprise me to see Sunday axed since it’s all voluntary.
My fantasy baseball team is off to a scorching start. I’ve ripped up the competition both weeks now and stand in first place with a 20-6-2 record. The second place guy is smoking too with a 19-8-1 record. This current week I’m off to a slightly slower start losing 5-7-2 but we have 5 more days left of play.
One of my brothers has left for Japan on business. He’ll be gone for a couple of weeks. That means I’m the only brother in the family not to have gone to Japan. My remaining brothers went we they were in the Navy.
Haven’t done much drawing lately. Actually, I really blew it this past weekend. I had Saturday and Sunday off and most of Monday. I did some working on the back cover for The Necropolis Chronicles. The background is of the academy but I have a really hard time drawing buildings. It’s looking decent so far but I want it perfect but my skills aren’t up to my desire. I ended up playing a lot of Call of Duty 2 on-line. The game is usually really awesome when a ton of players are one and the games were often 10 versus 10 which makes for a lot of action. The last game I played I kicked ass finishing with something like 20 more kills than the next guy.
Seems a lot of co-workers and my brother are sick. Joy. I’ve fended off everything so far though.
Lots of drama over the pas two weeks involving my niece. Her mom threw her in foster care without even telling my brother. She may have kicked my niece out of the house. My niece is 13. The ex also filed assault chargers and larceny charges against my niece. And she also blamed the niece in front of a bunch of court and DSS type people including lots of verbal fighting for not being able to move to Ohio. No mention that my brother files to stop that in the courts. Yeah, the ex is a real piece of shit. If it wasn’t for getting money from my brother which I fully believe she pockets I wonder if she would bother with the kids. Well, yeah, she would, because she uses them as weapons as often as possible against my brother. She’s a real piece of work. And she’s also a picec of shit as far as human beings go.
My reading binge continues since Christmas. I’ve finished 8 books I believe since Christmas 2007. That should be 3 Harry Potter books, 3 Dark Horse Universal monster books and two Anita Blake books. There may have been a third Anita novel in there for a total of 9 books.
I actually lost my glasses in my room the other day. Sunday night I was so tired I took a nap at 8:30pm. I woke at 9 and couldn’t get up. I slept until 10:30pm when I got up and turned off my computer. I then went back to sleep. I woke up a lot but I slept until 8am or so. When I got up I couldn’t find my glasses. I found my other pair easily and eventually found the pair I always wear. They had slid off from where I put them and had been covered by some loose papers. So they were where I pretty much figured they were but I was apprehensive for a number of hours when I couldn’t find them.
Nothing overly major with dreams lately. A lot of dreaming about work. Stuff is usually like I need to wake up to get to work. I think a lot of it is because my co-worker really sucks. She’s just flat out stupid and lazy. I’ve taught some people the job in a day. It’s moving on 6 weeks and last night she asked me something she should’ve known since day one. Nobody else wants to work with her because she’s so pathetic. I get stuck with her because I can cover most of her mistakes. Usually.
One dream was really weird though. My friend uncovered a spider, more like a tarantula about the size of a serving platter. This thing was BIG. Somehow, its fat and round and hairy abdomen came off but it was surviving like nothing had happened. Then I started playing fetch with it. I would toss its abdomen and it would run off and bring it back to me.
I make up way to many comic book characters to possibly write about. I love making characters. My current scheme is working on some characters whose names start with X, Y and Z. I’m missing a good name starting with Z but I haven’t googled it either.
Getting close to time to leave for work. Damn suckless Bruins are gobbling up NESN when the Red Sox are also playing. Now I can’t watch the Sox.
You need to find a woman to spend money on; it is a very worthwhile investment!
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