Monday, May 05, 2008

I'm going to be a ROCK STAR!!!!

Blog 050508

I just spent a boatload of money on myself. I went out and bought an Xbox 360. Along with that I purchased the Rock Band game bundle package. That comes with a guitar, drums and microphone. And I bought Xbox Live for a full year of on-line gaming. Further, just to be safe I purchased store warranties for the items so that if the bust, and lots of people have had them bust, I can get a return at the store instead of sending the stuff to Microsoft. So all that cost me $688. Maybe not the wisest purchase of my life but I want to spend some of my money on me instead of everyone else. I haven’t really gotten to play it much yet but Rock Band is fun. I wasn’t sure how to work the drums or guitar so I just did the singing. Once it gets nice and I open my windows regularly it could be fairly embarrassing to play Rock Band. At least I’m a decent singer. Guitar and drums? I think I’ll need a lot of practice on those…

I bought that all on my action packed Sunday. So let me rewind and tell about the whole weekend.

Friday I left work fuming. As usual, I got stuck working with the Ship’s Fool. This is my idiot, self-absorbed co-worker. Once again she pulled her usual stunts of moaning and groaning about being tired and sore. She didn’t miss a beat on stuffing her face though. A fast food cheeseburger at our work station, a pack of Suzy Q’s at break, more chow at lunch and then soda and coffee the rest of the night. She probably hasn’t consumed a healthy food item in months. It’s not surprising that she’s almost as wide as she is tall.

That night she started in on the hate of the co-worker who’s job she wants. Then she outright abandoned her own job and left me to do the job WE are suppose to do for almost most of the last two hours of the night. She would waddle back, look at the orders, leave the table empty and waddle off to go talk more. She was ‘mad’, and ‘didn’t care’. The problem? She had to do physical labor. The poor baby. I think my friend has it right, she’s spoiled at home so she expects to be spoiled at work. I don’t spoil people. She has to do some work even though I do the bulk of it and it gets her mad.

We had to work Saturday night as required over-time. I was okay with this since I was buying Xbox. With Saturday I did 16 hours of O.T. this week. Between that and this week I’ll have 90% of the Xbox paid for which is awesome. Ship’s Fool got the job she wanted because my co-worker was out. True to form Ship’s Fool sat her ass down at every opportunity including eating and reading the whole local newspaper. I wasn’t surprised in the least.

At first she waddled over to me in the beginning of the night pulling her sad puppy look stating that she wasn’t working with me. I told her ‘Good. I’m still pissed from what you pulled last night’. She was all stunned and I had to explain how she just upped and left at one of the busiest times of the night. She offered no apology. She even told me to my face that ‘that’s wrong, that’s wrong’, I was like WTF?! She came up with every excuse she could and I rebuffed them as false and weak. She basically lied to my face trying to tell me she was in the back area loading balls. She tried to tell me that twice and both times I rebuffed with the truth – she wasn’t because I had checked. When all her b.s. didn’t work it all became about her and how tired she was and sore and this and that. She even pulled the ‘I’m a woman, you’re a guy’ deal on me. What a piece of work. What a piece of SHIT! It then seemed like she was getting mad because I wouldn’t let her off the hook. She finally walked off saying ‘I was mad, I didn’t care. And we’re going to rotate’ still trying to get the job of our co-worker that she’s so jealous of. Fuck her.

The rest of my Saturday night was pretty good as I worked with someone else and then it got real slow and I was by myself. Work installed a heavy punching bag for people to take their frustrations out on. How cool is that?! I did let my supervisor know on Saturday all that happened. He told me not to do her stuff for her I think for future planning.

Ship’s Fool was also sniffing around for more free money. Because temporary workers can’t work weekends by union decree, we needed extra people on all shifts. She was getting ready to pass of that the supervisors didn’t ask her to work O.T. and posted it instead. I went right to our union person who just happened to be about 3 feet away and cleared it all up. Ship’s Fool would not get free money by not being asked. She would have to sign the paper if she wanted the O.T. She hasn’t worked non-mandatory O.T. in forever and has absolutely no intention to. That’s why her union grievance the prior week was so full of shit. She claimed that she didn’t asked and filed for the payment of the day. I then caught her lying about not being called. She said in front of three of us, including the union rep, that she was called but that Pee Wee, a co-worker – got the hours. This could only refer to the previous week where she claimed she never got a call and filed for 12 hours of pay. There’s a lot of jostling going on and she may end up with only 4 hours pay if that. One can hope.

On Saturday I was still fuming from Friday and managed only 5 hours of sleep. Ugh. I snuck in another 30 minutes a little before work which saved me. I couldn’t sleep Sunday morning wanting to get my Xbox. I tried to for about 90 minutes but just tossed and turned. I finally got up and showered and got my Xbox. I set it up and played Rock Band for a couple of hours. I took a 30 minute nap before heading off to my parents for supper. I then had two options: play cards with friends or see Iron Man with a different set of friends. I chose Iron Man because there were people going I hadn’t seen in quite some time. Also, that crew owns the comic shop that they are being forced to close so I wanted to be with them a bit more under the circumstances.

Iron Man was AWESOME. Tony Stark, the main character was totally cool. The movie was a lot of fun with a lot of little things only comics fans would know but that wouldn’t burden the movie. It also never slowed. The movie flowed along awesomely. I was dead tired but I never felt it while watching the movie. For me, it was easily the best comic book movie I’ve ever seen. The new Narnia and Indiana Jones movies come out this month so it’ll be a busy movie month for me. There’s a G.I. Jo movie coming out later but my buddy said it won’t be called G.I. Joe because the rep of America is in the shitter world-wide and the studio doesn’t want the name of the flick to hurt global ticket sales.

I got home Sunday night and web chatted with Sara who’s been away for over a month. I then staggered off the bed. I got a good 7 hours of sleep waking up only once or twice. I needed it. Friday to Saturday I slept only 5 hours and a 30 minute nap about 5 hours after that. I got home Sunday and tried to sleep but it didn’t happen. I snuck a 30 minute nap in at 4pm and then stayed up until midnight. Whew!

Monday’s been busy so far. It’s 1pm as I write this. I got up, cleaned the shower, took a shower, cleaned the toilet, folded laundry, started a new load of laundry, folded that when it was dry, made out bills, changed my bed dressings and my parents came over to help cut up a large branch that had broken off a tree during the winter. I haven’t played Xbox yet today but did do some internet surfing. My fantasy baseball team won again but my red hot start has simmered down to winning 8-6 the past two weeks. This other guy continues to maul teams and passed me for first place. He wins every week 10-4 of better. His secret is that he picks up players at midnight and drops them the same day. It’s called streaming pitchers so he has like 20 pitchers going a week to other people’s 6. It’s all legal but it kinda sucks. Anyone can do it but you have to on your computer at midnight to do it.

I’ll be cashing my check and food shopping after this and then washing the mountain of dishes I have in my sink. I haven’t done dishes in probably 5 days because I worked back to back 12 hour days and then over-time Saturday. Sunday was all Xbox and fun so today is chores day. At least it’s a beautiful day out full of sunshine and cool like maybe 70 degrees.



Blogger Wendy said...

You are such a guy.

8:02 AM  

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