Sunday, May 25, 2008

VERY frustrating start to he weekend


Messed up weekend so far.

My baseball team is really getting squashed. I was losing 0-14 out of 14 categories. Saturday my team limped up to an astounding 1-12-1. But I have no pitchers scheduled to pitch and I’m inning strike-out’s by a measly 3 K’s. So I expect to go to 0-13-1.

Work’s been bugging me badly the past few days. I really didn’t want to work this weekend and I was really bummed out when our 3 day holiday weekend was cut to 2 with Saturday becoming mandatory. That was bad enough but then my supervisor said he was taking Thursday and Friday off. Joy. That means 2nd shift stooge would be in. Oy.

What REALLY pissed me off was ship’s fool. Once again on a holiday weekend she called out. Last time it was Thursday and Friday and didn’t show on a mandatory Saturday because nobody told her. Stooge was working that weekend and felt it was the employee’s responsibility to call to find out if we were working. So Ship’s Fool filed a grievance with the union and won 8 hours of pay although she tried for 12 because over-time that she never ever signs up for was available.

So I tell Stooge on Thursday that Ship’s Fool is probably going to pull the same shit again. I recommended all he had to do was call her maybe each day to tell her we are working. He pretty much poo-poo’d the whole thing again claiming it was the worker’s responsibility to call to find out. I decided I’d better tell the area manager because this was exactly the way things went down the last time. He showed up just late enough that I was almost out of the building and I didn’t want to ambush him before he even reached our department.

Friday arrives and surprise surprise, Ship’s Fool doesn’t show up. So I’m thoroughly disgusted by this although I have a pretty good night at work. I again explain to stooge what Ship’s Fool is going to do come Tuesday. She will play her song and dance about ‘DID YOU KNOW WE HAD TO WORK SATURDAY?!’ like she didn’t know. And she will file a grievance with the union and with the standard set to win, she’ll win 8 hours pay again because Stooge won’t lift a finger to call her. The guy was oblivious and blew off that the exact same thing happened last time on his watch and she won. I decide I’d better tell the 1st shift supervisor my thoughts on the subject. Friday was a decent night and 1st shift super shows up. She has a ton of people surrounding her as they look to see where she puts people. A number of these people are friendly to Ship’s Fool so I decide to hang back. 1st shift super disappears and I’m like ‘FUCK!’ I punch out and go home. It’s fate. Ship’s Fool is destined for free money by beating the system despite my efforts.

Saturday arrives and I’m sleeping on and off. I notice the road outside seems pretty quiet and decide I’d better check the time. It’s already 8:15pm. By the time I’m out of the shower it’s a little after 8:30pm. I’m really dreading work and mull calling out the 90 I have before leaving. I end up heading to work in a sour mood. I arrive and notice that Ship’s Fool is listed under ‘OUT’ along with some other people. It then dawns on me that when I read the board for worker job assignment that Ship’s Fool had finally been pulled out of the spot that she works with me. In other words, as of Friday night when the Stooge made the board he already had her out. The whole impression I got from him over the situation is that he wanted as little to do with it as possible. So a worker’s out for 4 days straight with no repercussion yet scamming the system to get a free day’s pay. It was just too much trouble for him to call her to let her know we were working.

I walk off so incensed that I’m almost shaking. I’m ready to rip anybody that says the wrong thing to me a new asshole and shit down their neck. I punched in at 10:50pm and can’t stop mulling over the situation. I notice that I’m to cover 7 machines. Doable but maybe tough if the stampers decide to work hard. The table is also half empty meaning I’ll have to have 11 out of 12 machines loaded with three orders each for Tuesday morning. Fuck it. I walk past Stooge who mentions a greeting and I mutter ‘I feel like shit’ and then something like ‘I leaving.’ I grab my stuff and punch out at 11:05 pm and go home.

I feel guilty about abandoning my friends and my post but I don’t want to work for a wuss that’s just looking to be everyone’s friend. Fuck him. And fuck his touchy-feely-ness. Yup. He’s one of those guys that has to touch you – a tap on the hand, a hand on the shoulder. He’s been told by higher-up’s NOT to do this and I guess he stopped with the women on his shift but not the guys. The company has fired employees for touching other employees. I might just file a grievance with the union if he touches me again. It’s a running joke on our shift now. It also makes a lot of people wonder if he’s gay. It’s not a big deal if he’s gay but he’s really wussy and a toucher and that makes people wonder. The guy even reached over about 2 feet to try and touch me. He missed so I may have backed off from him.

I had told my brother that I could be home early and I was home 20 minutes after 11pm. I was happy he was still up because he’s sleeping on the living room couch and I could still make noise in trying to relieve stress. I played 3 games of Call of Duty 2 that helped immensely totally taking my mind off the subject. I also finished first in killing people 2 of the 3 games. My brother headed off to bed which rather sucked because most of the house’s entertainment devices are in the living room. I retired shortly to my bed room and finished a drawing and started and fully inked another. I listened to my working mp3 player to help keep my mind off things. I produced a decent drawing because I was still somewhat pissed. Part of my weakness as a person is that I have a hard time letting some things go. Seeing people abuse a system and people that could probably stop it not doing anything about it really pisses me off. So I’m still slightly pissed as this essay shows.

I finally feel asleep around 4:30am so my Saturday was kind of a wash which sucks. Today is beautiful though. Maybe a little cool outside for the shorts I currently have on though. I’ll see later when I head outside.

My young nephew has joined me on Rockband. I almost get the impression that my brother doesn’t care for him playing with me or at least playing on Rockband. Today he told my nephew to keep playing his Playstation 2 game while I played alone on Rockband. I was suggesting my nephew join me when my brother chimed in ‘did you ask Uncle Jim?’ to which my nephew then asked to play with me. Actually, I WANTED my nephew to play along with me. That’s when my brother said I wanted to play alone. We made a little band: him on drums, me on guitar. My brother seemed a little strict today compared to his usual self. Maybe something’s up I’m not aware of. Maybe he’s pissed at my niece. She doesn’t do anything when she’s here. She just sits on the couch like a vegetable watching whatever is on TV. She usually goes to bed around 9:30pm. I NEVER wanted to go to bed when I was 13 and certainly not on a weekend. I don’t know. I’m not sure what I should do or say.

I expect to spend a chunk of time at my parents’ this holiday weekend. My mom wants to paint the kitchen and I need to get some rust off my car to pass inspection in June. I expect to do both at my parents – and leech supper of them. : )

I ordered up my core rulebooks for D&D 4th ed from Amazon yesterday. I think it was $66 for everything. I could probably pick them up at my local Walden’s book store but I didn’t want the hassle of maybe having them sold out or something. The books are due for release June 6th.

I also re-upped my year long subscription for my Tracfone. That was $100. Mainly it’s a peace of mind thing as I don’t use my cellphone except in emergencies or rare incidents like when I travel. I never use all my minutes or even half of them.

Harry Potter 6 is fairly interesting and I’m plowing through it. I’m not sure it’ll make for a good movie though. It mainly explains the history of the bad guy so far and there isn’t really any fighting going on. But I’m enjoying the character development of it and it’s kept my interest.

I’m at a bit of a loss as to what I’ll do before bed once I finish the series. I expect that to be around July. I have another Anita Blake novel that’s long as all hell. Unfortunately, the last couple of Blake novels have been just okay. I’ve found reading a book about an hour long before sleeping has seemed to help me relax. I’m not sure if I’ll keep reading books or try drawing or something. Drawing is not really good though because I don’t mind putting a book down but putting a drawing down means I probably won’t finish it.

I saw Prince Caspian last Sunday. It was okay. I don’t expect to watch it again nor buy the dvd. It had two scenes that made me go ‘but I saw that almost exact same thing in the Lord of the Rings movies’ so I had a bad ‘been there done that’ feeling walking out. I was also surprised by the amount of violence for what I considered a kid’s movie. Technically it’s probably an ‘all ages’ movie but the original series of books published in the 1950’s won all sorts of awards for novels for kids. The series is pretty much a retelling of Bible stories using kids as the protagonists. C. S. Lewis was big into Christainty. So because of that I was really surprised by the new ‘cute’ character that would make a funny comment and then slash his opponent’s throat or stab him in the face. And he was a ‘good guy’ to boot. So there was no blood in the movie but the amount of characters that died could quite possibly be 20 to 30 in number. The movie added a lot of fight scenes that the book never had either. I’d give the movie a B- for a grade.

Okay, I’m wasting time instead of fixing my ripped up lawn with new seed and my new American made rake.


Blogger Wendy said...

1. Work. Can't blame you. That is such bullshit.

2. D&D 4th ed. is a no-no in this house. We figure, why spend the money? Same goes for the rest of our group. Hell no. We've put too much into 3rd ed.

3. Yup on HP 6. Good book in that it delves into Voldemort's history and background; but as a movie, it's going to have to be a 3-hour long series of flashbacks. Not sure if it will work.

But from Azkaban onward, the movies have gone downhill as far as keeping with the books, but certainly the graphics and special fx have become spectacular.

4. I won't bother with "Prince Caspian". I read all the books as a kid and teenager. Still have 'em for Gavin someday. And, against my will, I saw "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe", and was disappointed.

The books are MUCH better than the movies.

Then again, I'm not a "Lord of the Rings" fan, but if I had to choose between the books and the movies, I'd choose the movies only because the books are so dry.

Oh, except for "The Hobbit". The book was fantastic, and having grown up on the cartoon version of it, well... I must admit a preference for it.

7:07 AM  
Blogger Wendy said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

7:11 AM  
Blogger Wendy said...

Sex may help. And I may have some for you.

5:52 PM  

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