Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Red Sox, Patriots and I all win!

Blog 103007

A quick weekend. I mostly slept, ate my parents and watched sports on TV. I watched the New England Patriots destroy yet another team this year: The Washington Redskins. Once again the Patriots were accused of running up the score.

I also watched The Boston Red Sox sweep the Colorado Rockies in the World Series. The Rockies had won 21 of 22 games going into the series and had swept both of their play-off series to get to the World Series. So after 86 years of no championships, the Red Sox have two in 4 years. Pretty sweet.

I won in both football fantasy leagues over the weekend. I’m 7-1 in the league I really want to win and 5-3 in the other league. In my pick’em league where you just pick winners and losers of games I correctly picked 13 games out of 14. Not bad. Not bad at all. I’m in 4th or 5th I believe in that league out of 12 to maybe 14 people. The pick I missed on only cost me 3 points.

I added four more Classic Marvel Figurines to my collection over the weekend. My case is starting to sill up but should be able to accept another 6 statues or so before things will look cramped. I need to go order some statue that I like but don’t have now that most of my previous orders have come in.

Sara is back on-line which is good news. I keep tabs on far away friends via blogs. While I don’t leave a lot of messages I check blogs daily to see what’s new.

My work schedule got a little wacky this week. My training for my new job was delayed until this Wednesday which is tomorrow as of this writing. So I worked third shift Monday and asked to have Tuesday off to hopefully get my sleep in order. We’ll see. If there’s one thing that sucks about first shift which is what I’m working during training is that I put a lot of pressure on myself to get to sleep. In the end I only end up staying awake worrying about the time. That could happen tonight. At least I’ve remembered my first shift routine which is to pick my clothes the night before and to make my lunch the night before. That way I can try and sleep as late as possible. I get up, shower, eat, leave for work. For the comedians out there, yes, I do dress before leaving. I also brush my teeth and do other small details to numerous or common to list.

My co-worker I keep bitching about went to court today. A lot of things may have happened. She may have lost her license because of a DUI. She may go on probation. She smokes pot daily which is not good. If she gets tested if she gets probation it could really cost. This includes jail time I believe if she found out to be smoking pot while on probation. She could really blow it. Maybe it’s the wake up call she needs to straighten out her life.

My older niece has a friend that often follows my niece to my mom’s house. Her name is Alicia. She’s a decent kid. Sometimes looks a little unwashed because of her semi-goth style but she’s really a neat freak that showers a couple of times a day. Turns out her boyfriend broke up with her before he left for Iraq since he’s in the service. In case something happened to him, he didn’t want her cling to him or at least have her freedom or something along those lines. He came home the other day. An IED blew up his Humvee and killed him. It’s a pretty sad story.

I’ve done a number of drawings recently, half of them done while at work. I posted them on my comicspace.

I started doing crossword puzzles at work to pass the time. It’s that slow. I’m surprised that there hasn’t been another lay-off. My boss use to do them at the old place we both worked. It was funny because he would check my progress and help out. He even made photocopies so he could do them in his office. I’m going to miss him.

I guess the people that took the voluntary lay-off are due back November 12. If it is still so slow I would think that juniors would be bumped into lay-off by returning seniors in the union. I would be the third person out if this happens. It’s why I bid for the jobs in the new area despite a paycut.

Ugh. I need to go to bed. I’m not sure I’m tired because I’m use to third shift and worked it last night. But I gotta try and get some sleep. Over and out at 10:22pm.

Friday, October 26, 2007

A new posting at last

Blog 102607

Big changes for me at work. I won a bid on a job after a couple of other people with seniority turned it down. I have mixed feelings about.


Job security for several months

New job that hopefully I’ll do well at unlike my current job


Second shift. Ugh. I’ll see nobody and never see TV shows I want to watch.

Less pay. It’s a pay cut.

Mandatory over-time. For an unknown amount of time I’ll be working 6 days a week with Sundays being optional to work.

I’ll miss my current supervisor the most of the people I work with. I’ll miss a couple of my co-workers too.

I’ll be training on first shift for awhile and then get booted to second shift. I was to start this next Monday but it’s been pushed back to next Wednesday instead. I asked if I could just have Tuesday off instead of working. Nothing like doing third on Monday, was suggested second on Tuesday and then first on Wednesday. So like I said, I’ll just stay home Tuesday.

What I expect to happen with this new job is that I’ll be married to my job which sucks. I don’t expect to see my friends for quite awhile as I’ll be using Sundays to visit my parents. I should make decent money despite a paycut because I’ll be working more hours. If I do both Saturdays and SundaysI should gross somewhere around $350.00 for the two days. I would expect $200 take home from that after taxes. So that should give me some money to get a big screen TV and hire an artist for my comic. I may also work more on my comic quite a bit because everyone will either be at work or asleep during my non-work hours.

I have one week to decide whether to stay at the new job or return to my stamper job. It is unlikely I’ll return to stamping because I truly believe that stamping could lead to health problems related to stress. Although it’s slow as hell right now I’ll eventually have to stamp again since it is my job. Either way I’m stuck wherever I go for 6 months or more. I lose my bidding rights whether I take the job or not. This has also screwed up my call backs rights to my original room. This really sucks because they will be bringing something like 12 people or so back to work there because of the area I’m going to. It wouldn’t surprise me that if I hadn’t won the bid I may have been called back to my old room.

Because it is so slow in my current room I’m paranoid about another lay-off sometime in November. If I go out on lay-off I think I would be out for several months. There are a number of senior stampers that took the voluntary lay-off earlier that would be called back before me. I also haven’t seen a lot of people laid off from other jobs come back at all. So all of that has led me to accept this new position that’ll have a ton of hours and for less pay.

It’s been really slow at work. This was further complicated by our plant in Carlsbad being shut down for a couple of days because of the smoke and fires in California. Carlsbad sends us our orders to print/stamp. People go home left and right. I don’t know how they can afford it. Some people that bitch about money problems go home at the drop of a hat. That kinda kills their argument about needing money.

I’ve been able to get some decent drawing done at work.

Tom Brady of the New England Patriots continues to power my fantasy football team to a 6-1 record in the league I really want to win. In the second league I’m in I just played the guy that has Brady. He also has several of the guys I have on my team in the league I really want to win. So I got destroyed by him. I’m 4-3 in that league and my opponent is undefeated. He also won the league last year.

In the league I really want to win it is because I won the league in the first two years. Because of a then new job I missed drafting my own team and finished out of the play-off’s last year. My team did decently after I jettisoned most of the players drafted by the computer. So I want to dominate the league by winning it three out of four years.

On a different subject, I’m a little bit pissed. I had a big crush on a girl at work. She’s a lesbian but because of rumors I suspected she might be bi. We had a lot of fun flirting but she wasn’t interested in me enough to go beyond it despite my hopes. So now, with me having only a couple of days left in the area she tells me on back to back days that she’s had boyfriends. This after several times of me being told “I like girls” by her with what really felt like a strong hint of ‘I don’t like boys’ in her tone. So now I really don’t know what to think about this person. Her life has a lot of drama in it including getting into a text argument with her girlfriend this past work night. While I still have a slight crush on her I’m actually starting to dislike many aspects of her. She seems to play the victim a lot but also seems to cause all her own problems. She also doesn’t seem to resolve her problems or even really try to. I think I really believe what another friend told me about her – ‘you know she insane, right?’ At this point, I’m inclined to agree.

The Red Sox being in the World Series is pretty damn cool since they are my favorite baseball team. They have cramped some of my other TV watching time though since the average Red Sox play-off game seems to last 4 hours. Seriously. I also try to watch Kid Nation and Bionic Woman. Kid Nation is pretty cool. Bionic Woman is okay and not ‘live or die’ TV viewing for me. I seem to always forget about Supernatural even though it’s probably my favorite TV show. It’s on late in the week when I start to get tired because of third shift and sleep quite late.

I’m starting to lose interest in hanging at out at the You’ll All Be Sorry comic book forum. There are some people that are really fun there but it seems there are also about 8 to 10 people that just say the same shit over and over to the other same people and it’s really getting boring. The same thing happened at Jinxworld. But I’ll always love Jinxworld because it’s where I met Sara and Sara is cool as shit.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Geez, it's been awhile since last posting

Blog 101607

Damn sickness. I’m fighting something right now. It usually nails me when I’m sleeping. I woke up today early and had to get up and blow my nose for about 4 minutes. I didn’t get everything out but it really felt as if I blew my nose anymore I would actually hurt myself. But I was able to get two solid hours of sleep afterwards.

I have no idea where I got this sickness. Sometimes I wonder if it’s my house. I can’t recall getting this sick when living at my parents place. Then I wonder if it’s my brother. He lives on cigarettes and coffee. He’s usually sick every other month. I use to get sick once a year. Not anymore. Also, with my brother living here, my nephew is here every other weekend. Being seven he’s exposed to tons of other kids and maybe bringing home stuff that eventually gets to me.

I got a raise at work because of the union contract. So what happens? First week of the raise is union dues. So I’m not sure how much more money I’ll have in my check. I think somewhere around $15 or a little more.

I thought I was doing great for money and saving. My car insurance was paid off, my credit card balance was zero… I was all set to start spending money on ME! Then my house insurance arrived. $440. I also went to the dentist. I have a new cavity. They also sold me this mouth rinse to help kill germs for $18! Sigh. As soon as I get ready to spend money on me, surprise surprise, more people want money.

Had a dream about my co-workers. It may have been a mistake to tell them. I mentioned how we all ended up in a 1975 blue pick-up truck being driving by a co-worker. My boss was in the dream. Apparent he was creeped out because he use to a 1975 blue pick-up that he got rid of before I ever met him.

My buddy at the comic store hurt a rib by sneezing. LOL!

I’m doing well in my football leagues. This year I drafted my team. In one league I’m 5-1 with Tom Brady as my QB. He’s ripping it up both in real football and fantasy. In the second league I’m 4-2. In that league I’m facing the undefeated highest scoring juggernaut who is in first place. It’s a tough match-up.

I’ve been trying to draw a back cover for the comic lately. I’ve gone through a couple of ideas that were uninspiring. I think I may have come up with something I like finally. Jaina is pretty much finished in the drawing but the backgrounds take up most of the picture. Jaina looks pretty decent though.

Football and being at my parents a lot has really filled up my weekends. I think it was last weekend where I told my buddies I would show up and fell asleep after work for over 5 to maybe 8 hours. I showed up at the last second so they made sure to give me a lot of grief.

Name dropping time. I’ve been in contact with a book cover artist named Larry Dixon. He has a website called gryphonking.com. I’ve been communicate with him through a message board via PMs. I recently sent him a bunch of my extra Heroclix that I didn’t want. He’s going to give them to some kids. He also asked that I send him some copies of my comic. He did ask that I sign them but I screwed up. I didn’t have a silver pen and neither did the comic store. It use to and I was relying on that. They didn’t. The cover is dark so dark or even blue inks don’t show up. So I felt like a jerk as I sent him unsigned copies.

A fellow YAB forum member while at work at a place to help kids with behavioral problems was chased around by a 450 pound guy who had a butcher knife trying to stab him. I may not like my job but something like that keeps me from taking my bitching about it to seriously.