Monday, November 17, 2008

Watching Judge Judy as I post

The weekend was okay. Unfortunately on the past 2 Saturdays I’ve been exhausted. I get home from work around 7:30am and I usually stay up until 10:30am. I get up around 4pm and try to do something during the day. The problem is that I’m so tired I usually do nothing and lay around like a slug. This past Saturday was a gameday at my friends. I was so tired I totally forgot about and never even called them. So that sucked. By 10:30pm I was dead. I was watching Superman 2 in my room and I nearly passed out. So I turned it off and didn’t even undress and passed out until the next morning.

I did wake early on Sunday and did a number of things like a good breakfast, a load of laundry and bills and work on the comic book. Then I headed out to my buddy’s for football and headed out to the parentals for Sunday night supper. In otherwords, a standard Sunday.

My parents know my frustration with my brother. My dad keep talking about it and I didn’t hold back. He called me a pessimist! My mom sided with me because I’m right. I’m making the most money in my life and should be having the best time of my life but instead I’m miserable because my home life sucks. I fully blamed my misery on my brother because he moved his family into my house and had no intention of seriously moving out until I told him to get out. And that’s when my dad called me a pessimist. I made sure to correct him. And I told him I won’t be happy until my brother moves out.

Today I was almost a total slug until I finally went out and did some chores I’ve been putting off. I signed up for an eye exam which will be my first in 5 or 6 years. My current glasses seem perfectly fine but my safety glasses are old style from the 90’s and I really need new ones for several reasons. I also purchased a gift card for my brother-in-law as payment for installing a large voltage wire for my new clothes dryer. I took waaaaaay to long in doing that.

I saw this woman today as I was grocery shopping and I’m stealing her clothes. Not literally but I liked her outfit and it’ll find it way on to one of my female characters. She was wearing a gray tweed business suit and brown, knee high stiletto boots with a highlighting strap with a buckle around the ankle. She was fairly tiny. She probably came up to my shoulder and she was wearing 3 inch heels. I’m 5’9.

I’m finally gtting ready to finally have issue 3 printed. I pretty much stopped working on it once I took the comic to the web. I know have a great front and back cover and 23 pages of story and a page of poems. I just need to work up the inside front and back covers and I can send it off to Ka-Blam for printing. It’ll be a busy week for me so over Thanksgiving holiday is probably a more realistic date to get it done.

I expect to be applying for a new job this week. My is actually pretty decent and I’m not really looking for a new one so it’s a bit of a perfect time to apply. The new job would be a couple of dollars more an hour but I’m not sure of the hours. It might be 12 hour days and 60 hours a week. So big cash but no life. But I’ll apply anyway and worry about what may be if I get an interview. The company is only prepping for now and hiring in January.

Star Wars Force Unleashed continues to be a frustrating game. I usually like unti lit has a tough spot. For me these are usually areas where you have to do a specific sequence of button pushing with perfect timing or you fail. One area was jumping around without falling back down and another area was defeating a jedi that literally took me 10 minutes to succeed. It should be noted that it actually took me a couple of hours but that the final sequence of attacking took 10 minutes.

I worry about my friends. One hasn’t responded in quite some time to my e-mails. Another I seem to constantly make question their life. Sometimes just by chatting I seem to make it worse and that sucks. It makes me want to stop chatting because I don’t want to make them feel bad.

Christmas time will be frustratingly interesting. Lots of things are being put in motion by my niece and my brother’s ex. Having dumped the kids off and leaving the state with virtually no notice the ex now wants the kids for Christmas. She initially wanted them for Thanksgiving too. This is the same deal as last year. And it’s going to be the same deal every year as this is her usual B.S. She couldn’t give a shit about other holidays but she always wants them on Christmas. Because of another situation it is uncertain what will happen with my niece. I won’t reveal it here but things are in motion and I have no idea what the consequences will be.

I’m heading into that area of the work year where I have a ton of holidays. The feeling is that the factory will shut down for about a week but that that will be spread over two weeks due to Christmas and New Year holidays. So money will be tight just after Christmas but I’ll love the time off. I also have two days off around Thanksgiving. And then there’s also the slight chance of more lay-off’s to boot but I’m not really expecting that. I wouldn’t be sorry if it did, though. J

Okay, I need sleep before work tonight.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

More brotherly hate

I wrote a big thing about really disliking one of my brothers right now. I erased it. I don't hate my brother. I don't even dislike him. But I am so furious with frustration because of him that right now I don't like him much. And the situation won't change for at least two months and has been going on for over 2 months. I'm not sure what state of mind I'll be in. I'm mad every day over it. IF it finally changes around Feb 2009 I really don't what state of mind I'll be in. I haven't been happy in quite some time now and I fear it's consuming both my soul and my bodily health. And my brother just doesn't get it. He really doesn't it. I doubt I will ever help him again to the level I am now.

I don't know when I'll be happy again. I have no faith in my brother to rectify the situation and that leads me to have no hope and to slide into depression. I rarely leave my bedroom anymore outside of going to work.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Good & Bad for the 2nd weekend of November 2008

Blog 110908

The good and bad of recent things…

A good… 4days off in a row! Saturday, Sunday, Monday (work cancelled, too expensive to start up for one day), Tuesday (paid holiday from work!)

A bad…brother lives in my living and we have opposite work schedules. So I’ll be in my bedroom during most of the nights I have off. L

A good… the sun is finally shining somewhat

A bad… I’ve been having breathing issues since Tuesday due to either allergies and or sinus infection

A good… I bought allergy medicine that seems to have helped somewhat

A bad… my medicinal expenditures where $16.50 for 3 items. Well, not really that bad I guess.

A good… I finished Heroes Season 2 and liked it a lot.

A bad… my sleep is ALL MESSED UP. I slept from 1pm to 6:30pm Saturday night and then again from about 2:30am to 6am and I feel all out of whack and expected to crash and burn later on today.

A good… I got the 20 free download bonus tracks for Rockband 2.

A bad… they seem to mostly suck as they are from bands I’ve never heard of nor listen to.

A good… it’s football Sunday!!!

A bad… my fantasy teams are already getting their asses kicked because my opponents all just happen to have the 4 players that had HUGE games on Thursday. 2 players alone scored almost half of what my team normal scores for a week!

A good… I’ve got Tuesday The Necropolis Chronicles webcomic 2/3’s penciled already!

A bad… I noticed a lettering gaffe I made in the last comic I posted which was already a day late!

A good… a ton load of people got laid off from work this past week around 65 to 75 and I wasn’t one of them.

A bad… the union leaders who are union members have a vote very soon to raise how much pay they get from us.

A good… my brother and his kids are already out of the house this Sunday morning and it’s 8am as I write this.

A bad… they left the dryer full from last night and I have about 3 loads of laundry to do and they left the bathroom toilet paper dispenser completely empty leaving the cardboard tube on the holder. I found this out while dropping a deuce this morning.

A good… I had a fun time playing Magic the Gathering on Saturday night with friends.

A bad… I only won one game and came home at 11pm to a sleeping household while I was wide awake so more banishment to my bedroom.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Ups and downs like anybody

Blog 110108

As per usual, things are up and down.

Bad – mood swings mostly likely due to crazy sleep hours and crowded house.

Good – job security and I’m making the most money ever in my life despite a recession!

My fantasy football teams are in bad shape. I still might manage a play-off surge in one league. In the league I want to win I’m doomed. Top guy is a commanding 8-0. That leaves 3 play-off spots. I’m 2nd to last with a 2-6 record. I play the 0-8 guy this week. Last year I shanked the Super Bowl by forgetting to adjust my roster. This year three of my loses were by 1.5 points or less. The usual margin for victory seems more like *= points per game. Just mainly bad luck over having a bad team.

I finally started playing the new Star Wars game for Xbox 360 that I bought a few weeks back. It’s really awesome. One a somewhat sucky note I’ve moved my Xbox 360 from my HD 40” screen to like a 25 inch tube TV. This is because I moved the big screen to my bedroom. My DVD player too. My brother and I work opposite schedules and it really sucks when I’m wide awake sitting in my bedroom while he’s sleeping on my couch where all the entertainment items are. So I moved by big screen and DVD player to my room. I really love having the TV at the end of my bed. It’s like being in a movie theater. I expect to watch Heroes Season 2 late into the night both Sat and Sun while the rest of the house slumbers. My nephew seemed fairly upset and maybe even devastated that he won’t be playing on the HD tv any more. I feel bad about that but I get really angry and resentful over my brother living in my living room due to over-crowding in my small house.

I felt pretty good about helping my parents out with heating costs this year. I helped to pay for most of a tank of heating oil. The realities of life make it hard for older couples on a fixed income to afford life. I fully suspect I’ll end up the same way despite trying to take precautions now to help prevent that. But even if I have something like $150,000 heading into retirement (currently I don’t), between inflation and health costs what would that $150,000 be worth in thirty years since it would probably be stretched over 10+ years of retirement? It’s a scary thought. I don’t worry about it to much. I expect to end up in an old folks home later in life. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing. What can I say, I like it when people take care of me.

The comic continues to roll on. I’ve been hitting my Tuesday and Thursday posts on schedule. I was a few weeks ahead on material but O.T. killed that and now I’m only a day or two ahead. So I’ve been trying to work at getting back ahead so I have more of a buffer zone if something happens.

Wow, just had a coughing fit over accidentally sucking down some of my own spit into my lungs.

I should be investing in a domain name and new website for The Necropolis Chronicles soon. I let my old one slip and it was kind of blah to begin with. I hope to make a stronger effort this time.

My days continue to be fairly jammed up. Work has dropped down to 5 days a week which is terrific. I have no desire to work tons of O.T. It’s also getting close to holiday time and I should have a fair amount of time off. The rumor is that we’ll have the week around Christmas and New Year’s off. It’s like a 4 day block of holiday time off anyway so the company usually just shuts down that week. I’m really look forward to it.

I feel pretty good about things financially. I have Christmas almost fully budgeted so that I won’t owe any money after the holidays. I also just sent in December’s mortgage payment with some extra cash on it and that’s not due until Dec 7. Money will get a little tighter though because I turned my heat on. I suspect my heating bill due in December will be around $200. I keep the house at 66 degrees.

My brother’s ex continues to stir shit where ever she can. She hadn’t called my sister’s house in years. My sister had just had to kick out some deadbeat friends of her son about a month earlier. Deadbeat girl shares the same name as my niece that the ex was calling for. My sister didn’t recognize the ex’s voice and kept telling her that “K” had moved out a month ago. So ex gets real mad and explains who she is. When she gets her daughter she rips into my niece so loudly that my sister could hear the phone conversation from across the room. Ex lives in Ohio – by the way, nice lie to the court system on THAT one ex, yeah, ‘just a vacation’, right – and we live in MA.

Fast forward another few weeks and my niece gets suspended from school for stealing. This is probably true. However, it may have been nothing more than a ploy by niece’s friend to get a new cellphone. It’s might be one of those deals where a friend steals a car and they joy ride and destroy the car and then tell the cops and insurance that it was stolen. In other words, there is the possibility that this victim through my niece is voluntarily committing insurance fraud. Not a big leap considering they are 14 year old girls.

Also in this my niece went to Vermont. This had been set up for some time as a weekend deal with her friend, different friend I think, and she cut a deal with my brother of no seeing friends, no computer and no phone for like 2 weeks because of the suspension. Apparently, somewhere there is suppose to be pictures of my niece drinking on a MySpace page. Again, a totally plausible thing. I can remember doing stuff behind my parents’ backs at the same age – video game piracy anybody?

So after this, the ex called DSS or someone to stir up shit. She wants my brother to fail in the worst way because she failed. She dumped the kids off on him and left the state and still collects child support while NOT supporting the kids (fucking court system). She pressed charges against my niece for assault and battery and petty theft and had her dragged away in shackles. She continuously threatens her and uses mental anguish to inflict pain on my niece – “if you stay with THEM, I’ll never speak to you again” (some mother). So while its no surprise that she’s stirring more shit it just continues to show what a piece of shit she is of a human being.

On a related note my brother has gotten 3 very positive notes on his handling of the kids from services that regularly visit to make sure things really are okay. Take THAT, bitch!

Okay, I want to play Star Wars now.