Friday, March 10, 2006

Lots 'o comic news

Got the cover art of the comic the other day. Looks nice too. But when I opened it, it was somehow only 72 dpi and the dimensions were gigantic. I'm talking like 2 feet wide by 3 and 1/2 feet tall! Ugh! LOL!

After a couple of e-mails and another sending of the file, things seem to be okay now. Because of my 12 hour shifts things seemed to go quickly. I'd e-mail before leaving for work, arrive about 13 hours later to find a response. And Alexandra's in France.

Looking into finally naming my company. I'll keep it mum except to personal friends until I have checked on that I can use it.

Looking into UPCs and ISBNs for the comic. Normally, if I was just trying to get the comic through Diamond distribution I wouldn't really need that. But I want those because it opens so many more options. Amazon and bookstores rather than just comic stores are just a few of the options.

Also found a website with a guy that helps sells the rights to the books for publishing overseas. For some reason, just a crazy gut feeling, I feel the book may be more successful overseas. Maybe because it's not tradional super-hero fare and more horror-adventure. Anyways, this guy already does this overseas stuff for Image books. Image is probably the thrid largest comic publisher so I'm guessing he's legit.

Filling out paperwork to get a post office box. Now that the comic's just about ready for printing I'm not big on handing out my personal address. And I don't want to drive to the neighboring town's post office to use my brother's P.O. Box. Not when my post office is just 8 minutes away.

I did find I almost missed something for the comic. The indicia! That crazy stuff like volume #1, first printing, printed in USA and all that disclaimer stuff. Gotta squeez that in somewhere.

Seems like a lot of good news for me. I got my papers at work to start the hiring process. This is welcome news. Once hired, I'll be making an additional $6 an hour. The way the higher up's at work were talking was that it should be pretty quick too. I mentioned a two week process and they said it would be quicker than that. I think the drug testing and physical would be the only semi-major time delays. The other stuff is just paperwork. So that's exciting and terrrific news. It'll be nice to afford my mortgage and bills and then have several hundreds of dollars a month to spend on what I want. Of course, I save money and am slightly cheap so most of the extra money will not be blown. With warmer weather coming I expect my heating bill to drop significantly from the $285+ a month I now currently pay. So that'll be great to.

Like I said, things seem to look really awesome right now.

Hell, even my insane, lesbian internet friend came back on-line! Turns out she's entering a new friendship that could turn her couple into a threesome. Hot stuff! LOL!



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