Monday, February 06, 2006

Dreamy things

Had a weird dream this morning. It was quite long but I can't recall all of it. It got weird in places to.

The bulk of the weirdness was when I went to church. It was a little building with sort of an 'L' shape. And it was close-quarters. Maybe two rows or chairs (no pews) and some random chairs lined up on the base of the 'L'. The chairs were all mis-matched and the whole place seemed really poor financially. Because of some reason earlier in the dream that I can't remember, I was happy to go to church because it had helped me out in a positive way. It was a summer day and it was probably going to be fairly hot in the church. Also, time was really weird. The church goers seemed to pretty much be late 1800's like something out of Little House on the Prarie. But later on there were big old farm tractors and other somewhat modern things.

So this fellow comes in after I grab a chair that's in a less congested area after I had tried a few out for comfort. Don't know who this guy was, but in the dream, he was a family friend. Kinda of a big guy, maybe 6 foot, 200+ pounds. He had girth and was tough but like trucker or drinker tough - a belly that was expanding, thick but undefined arms. He had a closely shaved beard and haircut to. Seemed like a good guy overall. Later on, his name was Jebediah.

I know no one like this in real life.

In any event, the dream becomes hazy in parts but the church filled up to around 75% capacity. And it comes to our attention that Jebediah (I'll call him J for short) didn't get along with this farmer that had a place near the church. We all either looked out a window or an open door and could see quite a ways through a dirt road with thick old trees lining either side almost making a tunnel. Quite a ways down we could see a guy on a tractor plowing a field as the 'tunnel' trees thinned a bit. Things here get a little weird. J originally had a problem with a girl from my old high school but my mind seemed to say - 'well that's not cool, let's make it a guy' so suddenly it became that J had a problem with her brother. I have no idea if the high school girl had a brother in real life, I barely knew this girl - pretty much by name only.

So in dream weirdness. This guy is suddenly IN the church and pretty close to J. This guy would probably be know as a hunk or hottie. He was tall - over 6 foot, wavy dark hair about shoulder length, some defined muscle from working the farm and a chiselled face. He was wearing jeans and a plaid blue and white shirt. For whatever reason, his name was Dan. So J and Dan get started over whatever issue they had in the past and a fight errupts between them. It's fairly quick as J dislocated his shoulder somehow. I think he slipped and fell against a hard wood bench or something. Dan started raining lots of uncontested punches in. So other people started to try and haul J away while I tried to grab Dan's arm. Dan seemed not to be the most popular guy in this dream either. Maybe along the lines of an arrogant asshole or something.

So as Dan storms off there's ANOTHER guy that J has a problem with. This guy looked a lot like my old neighbor Will Jahn. So J takes a total sucker punch and clobbers Will guy. Will guy is stunned but otherwise unhurt. That gets settled quickly and Dan is gone. Will guy too. Us church goers help J get on a horse and have him ride off to see a doctor about the dislocated shoulder. He takes the route of the tree tunnel road.

I can't recall why but some of us end up going after him but like 10 minutes later or something like that. We came upon a grusome sight. J was hanging from a tree along the road. He was dead and had been hung by a hangman's noose. Discussion came about Dan and Will guy and which of the two did it. Since J was a big guy and he was like 10 feet or more off the ground it may have been them both. The dream ended before the mystery was settled.

When I dream, I often wake and go back to sleep. I often have dreams that sort of take up where the previous dream had ended. I'm sure this was the case here. Like I said, there was a lot more. Earlier I was runing around through a neighborhood present day. I was doing something weird that I can't recall. Getting an item or something and digging through people's garages for it. There was also some stuff with war and rifles. That's most likely because I was playing Call of Duty 2 and playing in a WW II scenario where everyone has rifles and machine guns and try to kill one another. So I was doing some wooded area combat running around and stuff in the dream.


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