Thursday, January 12, 2006

friend things

I can't believe what shitty luck my friends are having.

Despite being unemployed, I'm meeting my bills easily and at least have several opportunities to get a job.

But my friends,.... :(

The mothers of two of my friends died this winter. A third's father-in-law had a massive stroke a couple of days before Christmas. And now another's grandmother looks likely to pass on.

Then there are the friends that own the comic. There's a third owner and I am'was friendly with him. not anymore. Today he finally admitted he wanted out of the business to start a new one. This new business would be - hello, a comic shop! And he would be partnered with one of the store's biggest customers as owners. My friends have known that this was likely for a number of weeks. But they played the moral highground of taking the third owner at his word and now it's going to cost them.

Totally behind the backs of my friends (the other two owners) he has gone and filed to open an account with the only comic book distributor. He went to look at places to open a store essentially across the street from the current establishment. He has gone and asked another hobby guy to join him at the store so they can both save rent - an idea I believe that was started by my friends. He also told this fellow that he and the highest paying costumer are the owners of the store - a store that at this time does not exist! He done some other things too that at this time I can't remember all the details.

Then there's all the times the cash register is screwed up after his shift. On occasion, it is one of the other workers that have a problem. But this third - there's almost always a problem with the register. And the belief is, is that this dude is hooking up his personal friends with huge discounts that hurt the store. Nobody has a problem with the discounts except for the amount of the discounts. It's believe that this third owner may be giving his friends a discount of almost 50%. The store itself only gets a 35% discount on buying the books wholesale. So it's very likely that the store is losing money, and maybe lots of it, when this guy is at the register servicing his friends.

So today the guy says he's resigning from the store. He said he mentioned it already in a letter. Apparently, this letter was discovered (not sure when - maybe even today) at the very bottom of a very cluttered drawer. Then, during the discussion the guy wouldn't give a straight answer to save his life. He even at one point suggested my two friends do what he was going to do - become a mail order comic shop from their basement. Hmnnn,...could it be he wants to occupy the exact same location as the current store?

Now they are missing their important contacts list. The one printed on a sheet of paper AND the file of the computer. Meaning someone had to go out of their way to delete said important file.

So here's the kicker. The guy's into religion. It did do a terrific thing and get him sober because he was a drunk. He does go on about Jesus this and Jesus that. Not a big deal. But now that he wants something, he's blatantly lying, being totally under-handed, and the best is the porn. He says part of the reason he's leaving is that the store sells comic book porn. But! It's been figured out that by using cache memory and cookies that this same relgious fellow is looking not just at porn, but porn with teenagers or barely legal. He totally denied this or wouldn't answer the accusation by my friend that they have caught him viewing porn this way.

So all in all, everything's really fucked up for my friends.

And nobody knows what's going to happen to our local hangout.

Tomorrow could be interesting. I'm going into the store for a couple of reasons. One, on occassion they have asked me to run the store. So I will go in to learn how to run the register. Also, the other hobby guy is suppose to show up for more details about moving in. The reglious is scheduled to work so I'll be there to try and keep things straight and narrow. And finally, I'm there to keep the religous guy on they straight and narrow. Who knows what he'll do or try no that he has stated he wants out - or even if he'll show up!

We'll see!


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