Thursday, February 23, 2006

Cartoon cat and weird dreams

I'm not even going to pretend to understand my cat. I took him in after my brother's friend died unexpectedly so I've only had him for about 4 months.

Anyways, he seems to have an eating disorder. If I leave him a can of cat food to eat during the day, he'll gorge or something and throw up. He's done this so many times that I was getting ready to get rid of him. Now I've cut back his rations and he hasn't thrown up since. Which is nice.

But he also has a habit of bolting around the house. My house is fairly small, more like a large apartment so he doesn't have that much room to run. So it looks like a figure 8 race track when he runs around spazzing out. The best is when he hits the linoleum. He'll literally run in place for a second as he tries to grip the floor. He looks like Wiley E Coyote or something out of the old Road Runner cartoons. Or if he's bolting through the kitchen he looks like a speed skater because he crashes into th wall unable to control his path. It's kinda funny!

Weird dreams lately. It might be because I have to sleep during the day.

The first was kinda long. I was in my old room at my parent's place. I was skulking about for some reason trying to get outside to the back field - they have 5 acres of land. It was night time and I was able to sneak down to the new shed ready to take the trail to the back field. For whatever reason, my mom was sleeping across the entrance to the trail.

Then my old boss Liz shows up. Or something like her. But she's quite a bit better looking than in real life. Not sure it was her but whoever it was looked like her. She told me she could get me to the back field. She then had a sled looking something like Santa's sleigh but sized for two people. I can't recall if horses or rein deer powered the thing. So I hop in and off into the sky like a jet liner taking are we! Then, as we fly about treetop level the whole place flashes like a TV screen gone nuts and then we're in the back field.

'Liz' is some sort of real estate agent. She's also apparently a demon trying to win my soul through deceit and greed. Apparently she figures to tempt me by looking at all of these houses. These house are built where neighbors leave by the backfield. Their driveway has been turned into a dirt road. All along this road are new, gigantic houses with two and three car garages. Liz goes on to say some crap about building homes but I see it all as a ploy to feed the greedy and ruin the land thus reducing open space and lush forrests. The dirt road also has seating all along parts of it. I'm talking about a room of stadium seats running along the right side. Liz says it's something about eggs hatching and aloowing the public to watch it.

She eventually offers me a house that's in the backfield. It's an okay house but there's no way to it via car (Liz does mention this) and it's in an area where all the water runs off the backfield. Some tempting offer. :P

The long road of houses eventuallt runs into more fields instead of mountainous forrests and the houses get quite a bit smaller. Somewhere along here the dream ends. The whole time I realize Liz is a demon I plot to try and kill her including using some sort of blessed silver dagger. But it never happens.

The second dream of the day sort of built off the first. I think I had woken up and went back to sleep. It started in the backfield again. Houses were similar to what was there in the first dream. Me and another guy were dressed like something during the Civil War time period. We were trying to get other cowboy like dudes to revolt or flee the area or something. We succeeded and our group headed off but at the end of the feild something happened. It may have been an attack but somehow we were split up.

Suddenly, I'm back in my parent's house at the top of the stairs to the second floor. There's a window jutting out of the wall blocking the stairway or most of it. In this window frame are two garden spiders. I use to call them black and yellow spiders when I was a kid. These things are pretty freaking big. Their bodies are about the size of the first section of your thumb. I started poking the smaller one with a stick. During this harrassment it tried to fall from the window and ataches a web to the stick. It crawls back up the stick and onto my hand as I panick like a little girl trying to shake the thing off. It finally flies into the web of the second spider. The second spider starts to head twords the caught spider to eat. Then the dream ended.

Weird stuff.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude. You NEVER dream about me. lol

Anyway, the cat puke is normal. But good idea to cut back on what you feed him. And try brushing him once a week. Could be he has bad hairballs!

4:53 AM  

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