Whoo-hoo! Took my physical and drug test! I'm hoping this coming I'll be hired as a full-time employee for Top Flite. I did learn that I'll be making a little less than expected but it's still the most I've ever at a job and it's still really good pay. My brother keeps bitching it took him 3 years to make what I'll be making after only 2 and 1/2 months at mine.
The drug test sucked a bit. But it was my own fault. I was worried that I'd get the finger up the old exhaust port so I decided to drop a deuce before going to the appointment. I made sure to drink liquids to refill my bladder. Well, I didn't drink enough apparently. So instead of being in and out in 20 minutes - the physical was a joke - I was unable to fill the cup to the neccessary levels.
And they said I couldn't leave until they got a specimen from me. So I drank some more water and waited. Co-workers came, test, and left in the meantime. It was really annoying. The magazines sucked overall too. The doctor went to the convenice store and I asked her to get me a soda. Soda goes right through me. Okay, this time it took like half an hour. After awhile, I had to go. But another patient came in and I was told to wait. By that time, my legs were shaking and I must've looked like a crack-addict needing a fix! I had to really go! It felt like I was about to burst and have a blast of urine shooting from my pant leg like an out of control firehose!
As I passed the doc to piss in my cup she gave a good-natured 'halleuah' or however it's spelt. I had little problem filling the cup the second time. Maybe i should've overflowed it just to be an ass :)
So I took my nice warm cup and had it tested. No drugs. Considering that I don't do drugs, this was not a surprise. So I was finally able to leave the clinic. All in all, it took about 90 minutes including travel time out of my day.
Gah! Had to reload one of my biggest time killers - Call of Duty 2. I still very much like this game. It's great just to log on and kill people (and get killed by people) from across the world. It's just all types of mayhem fun!
Saturday I was somewhat surly. I got home from work at 7am and stayed up til 8am. Slept til noon-thirty and went to the comic store for Heroclix. My 'nemesis' showed up with his woman. As usual, he started in with the occassional bullshit comment. Well, I was quite tired and it pissed me off. He bascially accused me of cheating and I loudly responded so that every could hear me say - 'what are you, stupid?!' I'm sure it pissed him off. He immediately went to the judge for confirmation of what he was asking. by his thinking, he was correct, because of my honesty, his question never had to be asked in the first place.
Soon after, within minutes, my 'nemesis' started in on bitching at his girlfirend for asking him a question. She usually asks him if he's winning or losing. Considering that this guy makes sure to keep a record of his wins and loses at this particular store, he started in on her with - 'Stop asking me that. You annoy me when you ask me that when I'm playing.' There was a little more of the same from him. All I could think of was ' nice job, dickless, take it out on your girl because I pissed you off'. I do sort of feel bad for his girfriend. My buddy says there's something not right with her - like a bit of retardation. I don't know. She doesn't seem to be the brightest person but she seems to be a decent person. My nemesis gets really jealous if anyone talks to her. LOL! Sometimes we talk to her just to piss him off. LOL!
Played D&D today. Used my cleric going to become a paladin. Had fun with some role-playing and pissing off the other party members by not letting them kick open a dude's door when there's no need. Sometimes playing Lawgul good (law abiding citizen) can be quite a bit of fun.
My buddy had his centaur get killed. It was totally legitimate but my buddy still gets really upset any time his characters even come close to dying. He did his usual song and dance about the combat being unfair and that we're going to lose, etc,.etc,.etc. Well, only his character died. On some level, it is really fun to see him squirm because although he's a decent guy - in all things he's an expert and can do no wrong.
I think that's it for now.