Tuesday, April 04, 2006

another weird dream

Today's a standard 'back to work day'. By that I mean I get up around 10am do something til around 1 or 1:30pm and then go back to sleep until around 4:30pm. I do this because I usually can't sleep much past 11am and don't want to be up for 19 to 21 hours straight by being up from 11am to 7+am the next day because of work.

Today I had trouble getting back to sleep but I must've really been in a deep sleep or something. I feel really woozy even though I've been up since 5pm (it's now 5:39pm). Had a really weird dream to go along with the sleep.

There was some stuff before what I can recall but I just remember coming home from the neighbor's house at night. Upon getting to my parents' house (it'll always be 'home' as long as they are alive) my olderst brother was there and a family friend Lance. I could see someone back at the neighbor's house wandering around in their backyard. All I could see was a yellowish flashlight light. So the three of us decide to investigate. My brother grabs a lantern and walks to the side field to light it up behind some super thick bushes. We intend to sort of sneak down to the neighbor's backyard which is about an acre away. Then he opens a hidden trap down in the field and reveals an underground complex of tunnels filled with machinery. I'm talking stuff like turbines and grating and pumps and all sorts of other stuff. The place is a little clausterphobic - not a lot of room to walk.

My brother heads off in one direction as Lance and I look around. My other neighbor that has a three acre long driveway comes home. Or somebody drives up the driveway. Lance and I are able to get right up to the driveway via tunnels. Sorta like the Viet Con use to. I got out and hid in the darkness listening to voices. Some were my neighbors others were not.

Then the phone rang and the dream abruptly ended as I woke up.

Played D&D for about 12 hours on Sunday. 8 of pen -n-paper and another 3 or 4 on D&D On-line. Yeesh!

Monday was fairly low key. The only interesting things were that I watched RAW at my buddy's. And I also ordered 100 copies of The Necropolis Chronicles Book One (issues 1 & 2 combined) from an on-line printing service and sent the CD with digital files to them also. I figure they should get the disc by this Friday since they are in Florida and be able to review the files by Monday or Tuesday. Then Paypal payment and around business days later I should have my stuff shipped to me. That's the thought anyways. Hopefully I don't have the 6 month wait like I did with Comixpress.


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