Blog 112407
Thanksgiving was pretty decent but not as awesome as previous years. Mostly this had to do with me working until 7am Thanksgiving morning. I went home, did some internet stuff and was in bed by 9:30am if I remember correctly. I got up around 2pm and showered and made my way to my parents’ place. I read the ads for the next day and ate chow. It seemed like the regular Thanksgiving over kill wasn’t quite there. The table looked a little sparse. Still, I had large amounts of turkey, meat stuffing, mashed potatoes and corn. I also had my favorite little sweet pickles. I’ve loved those pickles since I was a kid.
Desert was ginormous. Apple pie, bluberry pie, banana cream pie, black forest pie, jello, mini cream cheese cakes, cupcakes, homemade whipped cream (yum!) and I think pumpkin pie. I also think I’m forgetting one to three other things. Oh yeah, homemade chocolate covered peanut butter balls.
I downed some Apple pie and banana cream pie and later jello. My sister and brother cleaned up the food while another brother disappeared to his room and my oldest brother went out somewhere. Mom and dad passed out on the couch and my brother-in-law and I played a couple of games of cribbage. My nephew played Playstation 2. And then it was over. Part of the reason I left was because I had to blow up a toilet and I didn’t want it to be my parents. And I did exactly that when I got home. The cause was some heavy pizza from the worknight before courtesy of our supervisor.
The next day was Black Friday, pretty much the biggest shopping day of the year. I avoided all stores opening at 4 or 5am this time around. I went to a local electronics store that opened at 8am. I was set to buy my big screen TV. It took awhile to get a clerk because the store was quite busy. One old lady just caught everyone else off (about 3 or 4 of us) and the guy helped her out! That bastard. I was kind of pissed because the guy had seen me there for like 5 minutes and the other couple had come behind me. The old bag was there for like a minute. So the guy helps me out but boy did he have bad breath! Ugh! The tv I wanted was out but comes in this coming Tuesday. I was okay with that. I then had to wait in line for 30+ minutes. That sucked. Not unexpected but suckles. I think a bunch of people were signing up for zero percent financing because I saw a lot of sheets of paper attached to sales receipts. I was considering it but I wanted out of the store and just charged it. It took less than 5 minutes. On an aside, I wrote out and sent a check to cover the whole cost today so I don’t get slammed by interest on my card.
I ended up buying a Samsung 40 inch, LCD HDTV with 1080p. It was rated quite highly by Consumer Reports including their highest scores in many categories including picture. Consumer Reports listed it as $1700 and the store was the same or maybe $1800. Their ad said ‘save $400’. The TV was also $50 cheaper in-store. So in the end, including tax I paid $1417 for my TV. And I don’t have it. Grrrrrr! LOL!
Later on I saw some friends and told them about it. The TV coinsurers that they are they said I got ‘hosed’ on the price. They said I could’ve done a lot better for a lot cheaper. Of course, when I noticed their big screens I was mildly impressed but found I didn’t really like them all that much. I think I’ll do fine with mine. On the other hand, my brother-in-law had a 37 inch that looked absolutely amazing. That said, he dropped over $2000 on it. Out of my range. I did see a bigger 56” screen at the next store I went to but I think it was DPL. Or is it DLP? I’m fairly certain that LCD seems to be the best by general consensus. Plasma looked awesome though better than LCD. But most people that have big screens went with LCD over plasma because plasma bulbs burn out or something and use more electricity.
After my Christmas gift for myself I went to Sears and got a $15 gift for a brother that normally goes for $30. And then I was off to Home Depot for some $5 flashlights for my dad. I went back today to get me the same flashlights but they were gone. I was able to get out of Sears and Home Depot quite quickly.
After leftovers at my mom’s plus deserts I missed on Thanksgiving due to fullness of stomach I rejoined my friends at the comic shop. My buddy was playing his NFL discs of all the SuperBowls. Then they all played tabletop version of WarHammer using the future guys. I have zero interest and watched the SuperBowl games. And like they always do, they spent as much time going over the rules and clarifications as they did playing.
They didn’t bother locking the door even though the store was past hours of operation and a couple of customers staggered in here and there. One was a tiny woman none of us had seen before. She was probably 5 feet tall tops. She was average looking, maybe even cute in younger days as she was now probably late 30’s or early 40’s. Her arms outstretched could barely reach the top shelf. The guys did theie standard ‘if you need any help just ask’ line and returned their attention to their game. I was about15 feet away from them sitting alone at a table watching the TV up in the corner. Eventually she asked about some comic none of us had heard of. That broke into books she currently might like. This took about 10 minutes and at one point it seemed like the other guys were grilling her like cops on a criminal about her interests – ‘super-heroes? Zombies?’ I was quite pleased that she bought my recommendations of Fables and Ultimate Spider-Man. She bought about $12 of books and left which was probably 4 to 6 comics. The guys started razzing me about her as she seemed to show the most interest in what I had to say. I thought my buddy Dwain had been boozing it up because I smelled liquor but it turned out to be her! So I got a drunk woman to buy comics that I like to read. Oh well, at least it was a sale for the store. Who knows, maybe if I pushed my luck I could’ve gotten some from her that night. Of course, I would’ve hated myself for taking advantage of her.
I got home read my own comics and fell asleep around 2am.
Today I knew I had some stuff to get done before heading off back to work. I slept until 9:30am and could’ve slept longer because I was tired. Instead I got up and started my day knowing I had things to do. I was badgered into playing Wii bowling with my nephew but we only played one game. I wrote out some bills and sent payment to cover the cost of the big screen and some Xmas gifts I bought on-line on my credit card. The amount should make it so that I don’t get charged jack for interest on the card.
Afterwards I hit Home Depot for roof sealant and flashlights. I struck out on the flashlights. I hit up my credit union depositing more money for my checking and some for my nephew’s college fund. I have that account up to $2660 after only two and a half years. I like the girl that helped me. She’s kind of cute and always has her hair colored in crazy ways. But she makes it look good. She’s like a pale blond naturally (I think!) with some slashes and ends of black and slashes of pink. It’ done well and looks neat. It’s also funny because she dresses professionally in nice tops and slacks. She had to get up and leave her chair while helping me so I took time to look. : )
I also bought groceries today. All that went quickly and well although I forgot to buy stamps. Grr.
I get home and dare to climb my roof to try and use silicon to seal a leak. Well, that was a disaster. The aprt of the roof seems to be in really sorry shape. Parts of the shingles were cracking and splitting when I was on top of them. A couple of nails were sticking up out of the roof at almost a full quarter inch. No wonder that area leaks. And then the damn caulking gun didn’t work. So climbed down and drove off in disgust to get a new caulking gun. I pull into the same shopping plaza I breezed through before maybe a half an hour earlier. The place was packed. At one point part of the parking lot makes a 90 degree turn. I stopped and waited as an older lady was backing out. It served no purpose to do otherwise because she was clogging the bottleneck area up so it was a lot easier just to wait. This lady behind decided she couldn’t. So she rolls around me going into the ‘other lane’. She nearly hit the other lady in a head on collision. So then the pair start going back and forth with false starts to see who’s going to go. And the lady behind me keeps screwing everything up. They get that settled and the lady behind me passes me. She tries to make a left hand turn but there are a bunch of on coming cars so she has to wait. I pass on the right hand side and am happy to be done with her. I look in my rear view mirror and notice she starts doing what looks like a 3 point turn with 3 or 4 cars apparently waiting for her to do whatever she has to do so they can get by. Like I said, I was happy to be done with that schmuck.
I get into the hardware store and see that it’s packed. Joy. As I’m walking by I hear the reason, some items a customer is trying to buy are not showing up in the computer. By the time I find my caulking gun ($4) and return to the front the situation has not been resolved and something like 10 people or more are waiting in line. So I get stuck in that but everything seemed okay once I got out of that whole plaza.
I got home and patched what areas of the roof seemed damaged and probably the leaking spots. A few phonecalls around and I have no one but one potential person that maybe does roofing. So I’m waiting for my buddy, the Angry Black Man, to call me back and see if he can help me out. I hope I don’t need a whole new roof but it wouldn’t surprise me. I suppose if I do its happening at probably the best time possible since I’m slated to do overtime until March next year.
And I had a neat, semi-weird dream that I’ve forgotten. But I know it was neat. I think there was killing in it. I want to say killing monsters or bad guys but I don’t know for certain. I know it had my friends from the comic shop and I.
Thanksgiving was a solid day for me in fantasy football and it’s likely I’m romp over my opponent in the league where I’m already 10-1.
Whew. Out!