Thursday, September 10, 2009

Whoa! Haven't blogged in forever!

I went to dragonCon this past weekend. It was a really fun experience. Some of the things that happened:

Airport security checked my bag because of a tube. Whoops! I didn't realize that my travel size tube of tooth paste was an alarm raiser. I took the recommendation of the security person and didn't bring it home with me on my return trip.

The trip down wasn't too horrible. I got to Atlanta, checked in at my hotel and then had to look around for registration. The pre-reg line is HUGE so I never pre-reg. One guy told me he waited in line for 3 hours in the pre-reg. I do on-site and probably took a little over an hour to get my stuff done. I was spotted by an internet friend but she wasn't totally sure it was me so she didn't say hi.

Friday at the con was full of D&D. I was playing my mods of levels 4-7. My cleric was dropped and dying in two of the three mods because of player tactics. One sort of pissed me off because I could tell it wasn't going to work. In fact, this guy's tactics made 8 out of 9 creatures in the fight attack me, the party healer. That's where my character was dropped and dying. The 9th creature wasn't attacking the party in that fight. Overall the gaming was fun and I got to play which is a huge plus. I don't get to play much these days.

Sleeping was tough because of noise around the hotel. It wasn't really guest noise but the sound of moving furniture. I don't know what the heck was above me but it happened all weekend at night when I trying to sleep. It was really annoying.

Saturday was the Dragoncon parade which was really cool. Search Dragon con parade 2009 on Youtube to see all the great costumes. Then it was time for the YABS/CBR lunch. CBR is a comic book forum and there ended up being 22 of us getting together for lunch. I ended up sitting next to my friend Charles from England which was really cool. The guy's a hoot. Saturday I also saw some panels on ghosts. One was the guys from TAPS. The other was another tv show or guys that do tv and radio. They weren't quite as cool but still enjoyable. Then I snuck in a late game of D&D from 10pm to 2am. I finally got to sleep some time after 3:15am and was up by 8:30am for more D&D. Ouch.

Sunday was more D&D . About 12 hours throughout the day. Here and there I checked out the dealer's rooms and picked up the soundtrack to the original animated Heavy Metal movie. This sound track is not the double disc set but the music for Den and Tarna vignettes. It's some of my favorite moive music so I was quite pleased.

Monday ended up being a trip to tour the CNN studios. It was fairly neat. Begin a holiday though Robin Meade was not there for The Morning Express on Headline News Network. Robin is so HOT so it was a bit of a disappointment not to see her. I hit up another ghost panel by the same guys from before that aren't TAPS. It was fairly interesting and a decent way to pretty much end the con. I took a last look around the dealer's room and bought some Magic cards with the 2 $5 vouchers I won for playing D&D during the weekend. I snarfed a new miniature to represent my Drow Warlord that I want to play also. I then headed out to the airport and fly home.

The flights were fairly quick and I think I passed out during one of them because of lack of sleep. I'm not sure if I was being paranoid or not but while waiting for my final flight I was sitting and drawing an update for The Necropolis Chronicles. I overheard a lady say 'That's his face. That's so fun funny." I looked up and the guy she was travelling with semed to be looking at me and she was looking at her cellphone. My gut instinct told me they recognized someone and were using Facebook or something to sort of confirm their suspicions. And of course, my paranoia told me they were talking about me but I can't prove that. Although my name is on my suitcase if people know where to look. So who knows.

So I had a great but exhausting time at DragonCon. There are tons of smaller details I'm skipping but I'd be writing a novel if I jotted down everything. I did forget to mention Dragoncon's Indy wrestling show that I attended. They had some former big name stars in wrestling there and I was sitting one row behind them. Raven, Iron Shiek, and Demolition anyone? They filmed all of them and I may be on their film because I was right behind Raven. I'll have to look into seeing if they have a tape of the show for sale.