Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Props to Tori!

Blog 030707

My food shopping list from the other day. I have to admit, I’m stocked up pretty well and felt I could splurge on stuff.

2 boxes of Grapenuts cereal for $5

2 boxes of Fruity Pebbles for $5

A 9inch awesome tasting apple pie for $8

2 pounds of bananas (about 5 bananas) for around $2

4 boxes of strawberry Toast ‘ems for a total of $4

150 paper plates for $3 I think (the 500 for $6 were out of stock)

2 boxes of 12 ice cream sandwiches for $5

Buy 1 get 1 free boxes of Cheeze-It’s.

2 bottles of Big Y thirst quenchers to see if they were generic Gatorade.

I think that was it. The total bill was close to $36 and change.

Had a crazy dream where I was at my parents place in my old room. I woke up and walked around in the middle of the night and got dressed and left. Mom and dad made an appearance but I think it was after I had left the house. Later I was walking along forested mountain roads, very steep, in the middle of the night trying to get to my friend TJ’s house. There were hardly any houses, maybe one every ¼ to ½ mile. I eventually found their house and we talked about playing D&D semi-live role-play by walking along the road at night. It was pitch black though. I talked with TJ’s younger sister about getting a flashlight so I could see something so I wouldn’t walk off the road. I vaguely remembering them heading out and I was languishing behind. Their friend Keith showed up or was mentioned. I think he was suppose to be the bad guy in D&D.

It was a weird dream. I remember more elements of the dream than the dream itself. Climbing long, dark roads was one aspect. Feeling alone was another despite having friends and family about. I thought I had another but forgot it.

And a BIG thanks to Tori! She sent me a link about possibly having my comic distributed in Scandinavia! I’m just getting to look into it so I’m not sure what will happen but it’s cool of her to keep an eye out for things like this. Thanks, Tori!

Work's ever changing as always, but I have to leave or I'll be late!


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