Monday, February 12, 2007

Bad karma? More job stuff, okay weekend

Blog 021207

Not a bad weekend I suppose. I got another page fully inked for issue three of the comic book and had good chow at the parentals both Saturday and Sunday. Sunday was like Thanksgiving: turkey, (StoveTop) stuffing, mashed potatos, peas, corn, and carrots and Italian bread. It was awesome.

Friday night at work was another disaster. I got to the point to where I asked my boss about taking the lay-off. The problem is, I take the lay-off I ain’t going back to Top Flite. It is a decent paying job. Of course, when on three consecutive days I’m visibly shaking because of frustration I have to consider my health. I think it was Thursday night I felt really faint after my shaking fit. I slept for almost 9 hours and still felt exhausted on Friday. So I can actually say, my job is taking a toll on my health. I was never like this working 12 hour shifts in the RIM room. Hopefully either I can bid out of the room to a job I like more or things’ll get better. I did send out my resume to another company today applying for the job via e-mail. We’ll see what happens.

Does karma nab you for not doing a good deed? I went to the mall today and bought a new Anita Blake novel book #2 in the series. I also found an art book for $6 I couldn’t resist. It’s a huge book on drawing. I already have a ton of art books but this one delved into some color pencil stuff that I don’t think I have seen before. It’s a nice big 200+ book with lots of illustrations in any event.

As I was walking back to my car, I noticed that someone had dropped their keys. I don’t know how this missed this because the thing was like a small mountain of keys. They were by the back tire of a small SUV so I’m thinking the person dropped them as they walked around the corner of the vehicle. And I just walked on by not bothering to pick them and at least bring them into the store that was most likely where the person had gone into. In other words, I didn’t want to be bothered. But now I’m feeling all guilty. I’m feeling guilty because I’m certain the keys had the alarm device on it so that if a less honest person came by, they could just hop in the SUV and drive off. So I didn’t do a bad deed, I just didn’t do the right thing. And now I feel pretty guilty about it.

I almost made an ass of myself at the grocery store yesterday. I almost bought more stuff than I had money for. In the end, I think it would have been $35.94 for everything and I had $36 on me. But I got nervous and snuck out of the check out line to replace my 2 for $5 Instant Quaker Oatmeal back to its proper end cap. So my bill ended up being $30.94. I bought the Oatmeal today after passing the car keys on the parking pavement after having bought my books.

The family’s still a bit cautious with my niece. It seems to me like she’s sick of being alone all the time. Her mother takes night courses and is gone every single week night. This leaves my niece to babysit her younger brother 3 of those nights, my brother gets him Tuesdays and Thursdays. So my niece didn’t really speak up about wanting to be picked up by my brother on Tuesday and Thursday and he picks my nephew up at the daycare on those days. He stopped by the ex’s place to check on my niece but the place was all dark and the car was gone. Turns out my niece was wanting to be picked up that night. It must have really sucked wanting to be picked up but not having it happen. So it seems for now, my brother will be picking her up on Thursdays and Tuesdays along with my nephew. Maybe my niece after 2 years of playing adult (babysitting younger brother, fixing meals, and doing all that stuff while mommy does who knows what) wants to be a kid again before it’s too late. Currently she’s in 7th grade and I think 12.

Somewhat panicked today as I got an e-mail saying it was from PayPal asking for confirmation about the purchase of a $700.00 laptop computer. I called up my credit card company to check and there was no charge. My browser had said the e-mail was most likely a Phish. That’s an e-mail designed to get the recipient to cough up more in-depth information about themselves. The guy at the credit card company agreed. I contacted PayPal about it also. They agreed that they hadn’t sent the e-mail either. So it seems no harm was done. Phew!

Looks like I’ll be making a purchase for the house ranging anywhere from $400 to $700. My brother that use to own my house is a heating and ventilation guy. I was bitching about how it is so dry in the house I wake up almost every night with a completely dry tongue and on occasion, a bloody nose. This is despite having two humidifiers in the house and one is in my bedroom at the foot of my bed! So he said they could put a humidifier in that will go on any time the heater starts filling the house. I said ‘go for it and let me know the bill’. That should be either later this week or next week. My savings account can and will take the hit. In January and February I get really poor. Basically my monthly heating bill takes up a whole paycheck. That paycheck is the paycheck that is suppose to be mine to spend as I please. March the bill usually starts to become cheaper and I get to keep some money for me.

No overly weird dreams lately. I can only remember remembering one lately.

There was other stuff I was thinking about writing about but I’ve forgotten it.

Oh well.


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