Saturday, January 27, 2007

Lay-off fallout

Blog 012707

Better news as of late. I did my meeting for Top Flite this morning. It kind of sucked. I had to get up at 6am because I was told to be there for between 6:30am and 7am. I got there for 6:45am. It sucks because I have to be back there for 7pm to 7am tonight. Because I’m one of the lowest people on the seniority list I was the third from the last to be called in. I was presented with a list of jobs available to me. In other words, I could bump people out of those jobs. I chose to do so. I’m usually Mr. Nice and I don’t like to say ‘no’ and I don’t like to step on people but I want to stay employed. I’m not as young as I use to be and now have a house to pay for. So I bumped somebody, I don’t know who.

Things could have been a lot worse. I am losing $2 an hour. I’ll also be spending more on food and gas as my work schedule goes from 3 or 4 day work weeks of 12 hours to 8 hour shifts 5 days a week. I chose a 3rd shift, 11pm to 7am shift working in custom stamp & packaging. I’ll still make decent money in that I’ll be middle class but things will be a little tighter around the household for money. But I shouldn’t be in any real trouble and I should be able to make all my bills and still have money for me which is good. I’m hearing the room I’m going to is easier than what I’m doing now. It’s also nice that I’ll be joining 3 or 4 people I already know. These are guys that also would have been laid off if they hadn’t bumped people. Things could have been a lot worse. So I work tonight and Sunday night, have Monday off and go to start my new shift on Tuesday night.

I had an option to take a 2nd shift job in the same room and working with some people from my room that took that shift. I’ve worked 2nd shift before and it’s okay. What really sucks about it is that I never saw anybody except on the weekends. I was either sleeping when my friends were off or they were working when I was off. I haven’t worked a third shift job yet but I have done 12 hour shifts at two different jobs from 7pm to 7am. I think the first time I did it the hours were 6pm to 6am.

One thing that could suck is that I will probably have to work 6 days a week before to long. Apparently most places work 5 normal days and then 1 mandatory OT day of 5+ hours. While the extra money would help, working six days a week would/will really suck. I also expect to spend more money on gas because I’ll be driving 5 days a week. I’ll also have to make lunches 5 days a week. And for now, I’m losing 8 hours of OT because I’m losing my 48 hour week every other week. On the plus side, I’m still employed, I make a pretty decent wage, I have my benefits fairly cheap and I’m adding to my 401k every week. I’m sooo sick of having to look for new jobs every two years. I still may have to eventually, but I’m okay for now. Another bonus is that I’m only losing one day of pay instead of having to go on unemployment which is a fairly decent drop in money. I also have call back rights to the RIM if they need people but I’m so far down on the list that almost 20 people are ahead of me.

My brother and nephew headed off to the train show today. It’s a model train hobby show. I usually like to go although I have no room for a train set with my brother living here. Still, I sent $15 with him to buy me some hopper cars if he sees them.

I’m selling the watch I got from Callaway to my brother-in-law. I had asked him if he wanted it for free as I told him I was probably going to sell on Ebay otherwise. Despite a $90 tag right on the watch my co-workers figured we could only get $20 for it. So that’s what my brother-in-law said he’d pay. Not bad of him since I offered it to him for free.

I think I use to work with my new supervisor in my new room at an old job I had. I’ll have to ask him.

My nephew left his wallet in my car last night. Not sure how he managed that since he was digging through it just before getting out of my car. I’m guessing it feel out of his hand or pocket.

I’m fairly zonked out right now as I write this since I went to bed at midnight last night. I was reading my Anita Blake novel. I’ve got about 100 pages left out of a 620+ book. It’s an okay read. The book still feels like a bunch of short stories linked by sex scenes and put together into a novel.

Haven’t really felt creative over the past few days. I think it’s because I’m tired and I keep having to do some driving somewhere every couple of hours. It’s hard to sit down and devote time to drawing, writing or painting while keeping one eye on the clock. That said, I do feel that I should be able to get more work done on the comic now that’ll I’ll be working only 8 hour shifts. I also won’t be stuck trying to do all my business stuff on only one day a week like I pretty much do now with my 12 hour shifts.

Because I still have a job and at the same place this could really work out well. My plan at this time is to use my tax money from this year for two things, even split. I plan on putting extra money on my hose loan principal. I also plan on putting the other half into my comic. I also have an eye towards getting a table in ‘artist alley’ for this year’s ConnectiCon. It’s a manga/anime con but it’s close and seemed to have very good attendance. It also happens when my plant has a scheduled shut down.

Okay, I think I’m done here. I’m glazing over at the very least.


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