Friday, January 12, 2007

Another day in the life...

Blog 011207

Ugh! Couldn’t get to sleep last night and stayed up past 4 a.m. Some late reading of “The Physics of Super-Heroes’ helped to knock me out. The book is an okay read. When the formulas are talked about, I get sort of glassy-eyed. Pretty much, I like it when the author says whether Spider-man’s webbing could hold his weight or if the Flash could run up the side of a building.

The Rick Olney mess I wrote about in my last blog continues. This guy has gotten several big name comic book creators going against him. And the truth about the guy is really coming forward. I’m really starting to wonder if this Olney does have some sort of mental disability. The amount of lying this man does is incredible. Actually, it’s stunning. And now that the truth is coming out and that he is being served with legal papers he is trying to erase virtually every single post he’s ever made. Some of his truths that are coming to light as lies include claiming on numerous boards that George Lucas named a Star Wars character after him. Worse, it seems this made up story has Olney gaining Lucas’s appreciation by giving kids with cancer free comics through a charity of Lucas’s. Are you kidding me?!?!?! Falsifying and completely making up a story about helping kids with cancer? Good lord. Nobody has yet to find out if he really served as a Marine during the early 1970’s. And he apparently claimed that Gail Simone, a writer that really brought this all to the forefront was a close friend despite numerous e-mails from her stating that she wanted nothing to do with him. It’s almost turning out that this guy’s whole life is a lie. It’s like some crazy movie from A&E or Lifetime or something. Totally unreal.

Got most of another page inked for issue three of the Necropolis Chronicles yesterday. I also snuck in some gaming on Marvel’s Ultimate Alliance, a lame game or two of Call of Duty 2, some reading on super-hero physics and reading on painting. I’ve been wanting to get into painting lately. So except for to getting to sleep after 4am, yesterday was a fairly decent day.

David Beckham was signed to a 5 year contract for $250 million dollars by the American Major League Soccer or something like that. That equals the highest paid player in baseball who is roundly considered over-paid. Where does the soccer league get money like that? I don’t think that Beckham will usher soccer into a new era in the U.S. Soccer has to climb over hockey and basketball just to become the third most watched sport. The NFL rules all and will for some time to come. Soccer just isn’t that interesting to watch for most Americans including me.

I expect to be running around a bit after the mail shows up. I’m waiting to see if my unemployment check will show up. I’ve received two paychecks in the time since I (and apparently others at work) filed for the week we shut down of Christmas.

I also expect to nap at some point or pass out in the late afternoon. I got to bed after 4am and got up shortly after 11 am. I feel fairly groggy. It may hamper my desire to accomplish things today.


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