Thursday, March 01, 2007

Wishes DO come true. Hopefully it'll work out, to.

Blog 030107

Got my wish. I won a bid on a job within the same factory. I think I shall be starting it Monday but I’m not entirely sure. It’s a second shift warehouse job. So I go from stamping balls to having to use a high lift going upwards of 50 feet. I haven’t used a high lift yet and heights aren’t my favorite thing but as long as I feel safe and secure I should be okay.

I have the option of trying the job for 40 hours and deciding if I want to stick with it or go back to stamping. I did just bid on 4 jobs in one day on Wednesday. Those are ink making jobs and one UPS shipping job. Two are third shift, one second, and one is first. If I win any of those bids I would think maybe it would be ink maker third shift. All the jobs are in the stamping room. So it could turn out that I go into the warehouse for a week, win one of the ink bids and return to the stamping room. One of the guys just quit last night and I think I would like his job. It’s not because it seems like a brain dead job but because you get to move around with some variety. I believe that the company has to post his job though so I can’t just take it.

Another one of the guys in stamping wants out. That means of the 6 guys that came from my old room to third shift, only one is going to stick – for now. Even that guy gets pretty worried about his numbers and abilities. You wouldn’t think that putting a logo on a ball would be such a pain in the ass but it is. And it’s a suckless job. I had another shit night last night producing a whopping 66 dozen balls. Those numbers are horrible. But in my defense, the 8 year veteran and 30 year veteran and even another girl couldn’t get the job to work with any kind of quality on the press I was using.

I finished my Anita Blake novel. It’s number two in the series. I liked it quite a bit. The shortcomings in my opinion were two things. There was suppose to be a monster that I really didn’t find scary at all and instead thought it was kid of dumb. The second was that the ending wraps up so quickly. That’s not a huge shortcoming but you get this nice build up for 250+ pages and the bad guys are defeated in a couple of paragraphs. Still, I very much enjoyed reading this book and it was well worth my $7. I think I might be taking a slight break from buying new books for awhile though. Two books I’ve purchased recently are art books with projects to do. I’ve been doing some of those here and there and want to do more. If I don’t have other books to read I’ll do more art. I also have my Physics of Super-heroes still to read. It’s not the most exciting read but I want to finish it.

I drew a pretty nice back cover for issue three. The only reason it’s the back cover instead of the front is because it’s a portrait. I prefer my cover to have something to do with the story as opposed to being just a portrait.

Another thing on the 40 hour try-out. In the span of days three things happened very quickly. One was signing up to go to the casino with some of my family. Just got word today I got my ticket. It’s next Friday which means I’ll be calling out because I expect to be working on second shift. If I was still working third I could go in late. So I guess I better win some money to make up for the lost wages! I’ll be using $100 I’ve had saved since Christmas for a Nintendo Wii that I no longer desire to purchase.

Okay, done.


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