Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Dreams and random stuff

Blog 021307

I think I got my humidifier today. My brother and his boss worked in my basement for awhile but I had to go to bed so I don’t know if they finished. I believe they did. And I’m too lazy to run to the basement. But, to get to my basement you have to go outside.

We’re suppose to get 4 or 5 inches of snow tonight/tomorrow morning. We’ll see. There’s nothing so far and it’s 9pm.

Weird dreams today. I had a dream where I beat up two different people. One guy is a dude that rarely, if ever, has anything nice to say about me. He’s a little putz. If you don’t suck his dick in real life, he’s your enemy. I haven’t seen him in months and it might be pushing a year or more. So I’m not sure why I dreamt I kicked his ass. It was at a gaming con or some sort of gathering. Other people were around and we were all sitting at a long table. The kid made one of his usual asshole taunts and I jumped over the table and punched him in the face. I don’t recall all the details but I thought he keep his mouth running and I chased him down and kicked his ass. I’m talking bloody lip/nose and black eye stuff. After I kicked his ass and he kept a good distance from me he kept threatening me as he gathered his books and left.

The other guy I beat up was an old friend. This was surprising. But on occasion he would really treat people like shit including me. He was another bloody nose/black eye beating. Neither guy even got more than a single punch back at me.

Another dream had me driving in a forest like setting. There was a flood and the rising water was getting pretty deep. It never really came into my car but it got over 5 feet deep. Soon I was floating around in my car being carried by the current. I got nervous when I saw something floating in the water. I thought it was a crocodile. Either it or something else was an elephant trying to swim in the deep water. I could see only its trunk, part of its head and maybe an ear. I was scared. I got out of my car through the window and it either sank or drifted off. I could see the water acting sort of like a waterfall with rapids in the distance all the while still in a forest type setting. I was able to get away from the waterfall/rapids area by hanging on to a tree. I only had my clothes and my wallet.

Not sure how things changed – maybe I woke and went back to sleep – but the dream changed. I seemed to turn into a director and no longer starred in my dream. There were two kids maybe 12 years of age using a sort of cart on railroad tracks on the Texas/Mexico border. One portly kid was telling the other – a newbie to the area – how to survive. The railroad turned into a dirt road that was a highway. A small school bus drove by and the portly kid through a railroad switch that told the driver to stop. He did and came out of the bus. He had a map and a sawed off shotgun as he checked the dirt roads he was on to see where he was. The whole idea was to get the driver away from the bus for the kids to steal it and rob the elderly people on. It was how the kids survived in this rural but run down and poor area.

Either the same dream or a later dream changed to a middle aged guy traveling deep into Mexico. I’m not sure why/where he was going. At one point Indians started chasing him but went after a moose that they came across because it was more important to the tribe. The guy ran through a more ritz area including doing something to a house. I think he rang the doorbell and squirted the door answerer with some sort of blue liquid that seemed like paint. He then bolted from the area and keep following a wide stream to get away. The stream and forest area opened a bit more to wide rivers and big pools of water like large ponds. Dinosaurs appeared everywhere but in the water and on land. Tons of different species that I didn’t recognize. It seemed the deep south the guy escaped the more time seemed to go back in time. I want to say he disappeared into the distance to escape to who knows where but I probably just woke up really.

So yeah, weird dreams.

I’ve plowed through the first 100 pages of my new Anita Blake novel. It’s #2 in the series and I’m really enjoying it.

I haven’t heard from the place I applied to but I only applied yesterday afternoon.

My oldest brother was bitching at my parents place the other day. But then I noticed he sort of had a point. Every single surface such as countertop or table was filled. Literally. After a look around I really couldn’t believe it. It was really filth or trash but clutter. It was really from one of my brothers. I just couldn’t believe it. I had to clear off an area just to put my coat down. I feel pretty bad for my mom. If she cleans, the cleaned area is just immediately filled. It’s a losing battle for her. My brother really is a total slob.

I think that’s about it although I’m pretty sure I’m forgetting something again. It’s nothing huge but something I was going to write down.


Blogger DungeonMasterJim said...

Man! Double spammed!


5:09 AM  

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