Monday, October 02, 2006

Stuff from the weekend

This past weekend was…okay I guess. Nothing bad happened but nothing good happened either. On the downer side my sleep was totally messed up. I started on Saturday by not getting good sleep. Slept like something from 11:30am to 3pm I think it was. Sunday I woke up at 6:15am and fought my way back to sleep to sleep a couple hours later and woke up at 12:30 PM. Fell asleep later in the early evening after being a couch potato for the day watching football. Both Saturday and Sunday nights I was up until 2:30am trying to sleep. It really sucked.

Watched the movie Sky High Saturday night. It’s a Disney flick set to super-heroes in high school. It had Disney’s tried and true clichés of outcast becomes popular, forgets his/her true friends but they take him/her back after finding out that the new friends are just jerks. Princess Diaries comes to mind immediately.

But I liked the characters, the setting/background info, and seeing who had what for powers. Some of the acting was a bit horrid but I think the director wanted sort of a Batman from the 1960’s feel. So in the end, I found the movie entertaining and quite enjoyable and I’d watch it again. I’d say Bruce Campbell as Sonic Boom was the funniest character. And Warren Peace is just such a great name with his mom being a super-hero and his dad a Super-villain.

My co-worker caused a bit of a problem at work the other night. Our normal supervisor has been needing to miss some time for training courses for work. So we got Scott from the shift that mirrors ours. So Kevin sees this maintenance guy and says he’s sorry about his son-in-law getting fired. Scott fired the son-in-law for having six occurrences. An occurrence is an absence that can be more than one day. And Scott is big on firing people. I think he’s fired or gotten 4 to 6 people fired since he became a supervisor about 6 months ago. Well, maintenance man had just talked to his daughter the previous day and nothing was mentioned about the son-in-law getting fired. Oops! So I guess the maintenance confronted Scott. I actually saw some of this not knowing what was going on. There didn’t seem to be any shouting or anything but the guy did come back for a second round. I’m sure he wasn’t happy about the situation.

My fantasy sports teams are in trouble this week. I lost in the baseball championship series. My guys actually came back a bit to try and make things at least have to go to the final day to say I was truly defeated. I won 3 categories and the champ won 7. I was disappointed that half my team didn’t play during the final week. Last year’s MVP sat the final 3 games of the year. That certainly didn’t help my cause. And two of my pitchers skipped their last starts of the year which rather sucked. It’s a bummed knowing that if things had gone perfect the last week that I could’ve won only to see the guys I needed to play sit and do nothing.

In football I’m facing the same opponent in two different leagues. Bob is KILLING me by 70 points in his league. That’s a huge margin. He’s scored something like 154 with a good player still to go and I’ve got 85 points with my QB still to go. I’m leading Bob by 2 points in Dwain’s league but Bob also has the same good player still to play in that league so there’s no way he should lose. So it looks like my fantasy teams will all lose again for the second week in a row. Ouch.

During football I worked on some sketches I had started at work. I was drawing in some backgrounds to help give the drawings oomph. They look pretty good and I’ll be using them in the companion issue. I’ll be working on that later today, maybe even just after I post this.

My friend Wendy FINALLY posted a picture of herself to blog profile. Hey, Wendy! (waves). I guess I haven’t seen her in awhile because she looks completely different from the last time I saw her. Of course, that was about 4 or 5 years ago I think. Now that I think about it, it has been quite awhile. I kinda like her geeky glasses. J

My brother won a 190 pound pumpkin in a raffle. It now sits by my front step. It’s a little bigger than 2 or 3 basketballs stuck together. Somehow, we’re suppose to get it up to my parents’ place but we’ll need a truck.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need the nerdy glasses. They give me cred with the geeks I hang out with. ;-)

Ok, ok. I'm geeky enough w/o 'em.

10:11 AM  

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