Thursday, September 28, 2006

Getting what I deserve

Screwed up my sleep again so I'm all kind of messed up. On Tuesday I stayed up until 2 AM and got up around 8:15 am. Got up early to see if my buddy needed help at the comic store. My other buddy was there so I ended up heading done to hang out with them and found that a third friend was there too. Then a fourth friend showed up later in the morning. So it was a good time - new comics and hanging with friends - do some work too.

Left a little after noon, paid my house insurance down payment (was blind sided by this bill - completely forgot about house insurance), went home, and read one comic in the bright sunshine while sitting on my lawn during the beautiful fall day. I then passed out around 2:20 pm and woke up around 5:15pm. This was bad. I ended up not being able to get to sleep last night and was up until sometime after 3 am. Ugh! Forced myself from bed at 10:15 am this morning so that I would be awake from something like noon today until 9am tomorrow. I'll be taking a nap before work for 90 minutes or so.

I was actually happy to get my credit card bill. A bit insane but I've been working at getting it pretty low so I don't have to pay a big minimum fee. I'm pretty good with my credit and bills so a big credit card bill for me is $1500. I also try to treat my credit card like an American Express card - pay off whatever I've recently purchsed with it. So I've got the money for the monitor I just put on the card and another $150 to knock off older purchses. Between the combined amount my credit card should have around $460 for a balance. I'm quite proud of that and should have it down to $300 after next month's payment. I just noticed during the week of Christmas that I should have a 60 hour week (my normal 48 and Christmas holiday pay) so that should take of any linger holiday bills that I might put on my card. But considering I like to pay for almost everything in cash a big credit card bill may not be a reality.

Looking to splurge a little and buy some Halloween props. My brother bought this funny thing for my parents' house. It's a coffin where if you press the button it opens and a skeleton sits up and says some words while music plays and some lights flash. It's fairly amusing and is about 15 inches long. I'm only looking to spend around $40 on stuff though. It's gets expensive fast. My friend Sara would probably like my parents house. My mom bought this fake blood that adheres to the window so the front door of the house has all this blood seeping down from the top of the window frame. My brother also bought some other things like these puppet things that hang from the ceiling, a spider about the size of a man's hand that drops from the ceiling after a loud noise and then climbs back up it's web line, a witch's head in a sphere that lights up, laughs and moves around in the sphere. the sphere is about the size of a basketball. And there are lots of other props and such all about the house for added decoration. And I mustent forget the real dirt cellar. It's been reworked a ton but I still don't like going into it at night.

Pay day tonight at work!

We also have the supervisor switch deal going on. The supervisor from the other crew likes to write people up to make himself look good to the higher up's. He's also the one that got one of our people fired. The guy did break the rules and probably deserved it but this supervisor doesn't hold his own crew to the same tough restrictions.

I think I had this dude semi-bad mouth me at work. Myself and another co-worker will probably be training people on this thing called the auto-degator. Because of the way rotation works our trainees (other co-workers) get some time with this other fellow "C". So C gets some time auto-degating with Marie who I've known for 10+ years. And if I understood Marie correctly, C was asking her what she knew about the machine and felt that someone wasn't showing her the correct way to run the auto-degator. Since the other trainer was out sick, this pretty much narrows it down to just me. So C decided to educate Marie on the proper workings of the auto-degator. She later told my supervisor that she doesn't want C to teach her anything ever again. I couldn't help but laugh over that. C is not a bad dude, but he's a bit of an authority on things even if he doesn't know it that well. And he's one of those guys that if he gets a chance to speak he makes sure other people know just how good at things he is. I have to admit, I was fairly miffed that this guy was bad mouthing me about 'not doing things right'. of course, this IS the same guy that has been accused of stealing an $800 bracelet from another employee and maybe some crazy magnet things from another. And he's also the guy that had his little hand held Playstation stolen.

Got two more pictures scanned and grayscaled for the companion issue of The Necropolis Chronicles. I still have about 6 pages to go until it's finished. I should have it done in October.

And just to be a dick and taunt Sara if she's reading this, I just got in the mail a promotion for a local sci-fi convention. It's suppose to have William Shatner there, Checkov, Grace Parks from Battlestar Galactic, and Peter David (long time Incredible Hulk writer) among some other guests that are "B-listers". MAYBE if Sara's nice to me I'll get her a Shatner autograpgh if I'm able to. Afterall, I know she's a big geek at heart. LOL!



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