Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Feeling better

Hmmmn,...I think my funk is lifting.

My leg feels quite good today with only the slightest of swollen flesh and is only sore if I poke and prod it.

I also feel like working on the comic. This is a good sign. I actually had forgotten that I had a picture ready to be inked so that I can complete the last of the character entries/descriptions.

The weather was miserable earlier but the sun is starting to poke through a bit. If it gets dry enough I'll be doing some wood at my parents house. The wood splitting production has gotten dangerously slow with little being done over the past few days. We are only suppose to have the wood splitter until sometime Friday. There's still quite a bit to do.

Reopened my unemployment claim today. First I had to wait until Tuesday because of the way things are set up by the unemployment department. Then I was told via recorded message to try again today. Even though I called at 8:40am - ten minutes after they open, I had to wait about 15 minutes for a claim person. Then that took about 10 to 15 minutes to take care of. I think money will be tight but I shouldn't fall behind in bills.

So I told my friends that I'm out of a job and have some free time. So what's one friend say? "Hey, maybe we can go catch a movie." Um, I think I shall have $20 or less per week to spend on myself. I don't feel like dropping half of that on a movie. He'll call me a cheap bastard but bills come first.

Someone posted this link to Youtube on a comic forum I read. It's quite funny. It really cracks on women but it's done in a funny way. Seems like it came from a TV show or something.


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