Monday, September 04, 2006

Varying stuff

Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter died during filming the other day. I really enjoyed his shows about animals. I shall miss him. He was killed by a stingray.

Weird dream a few days ago that I thought I had forgotten forever. I 've forgotten most of it. I was travelling to a city. A large industrial city that had a mammoth energy plant that was a couple of miles across or something. It had a couple of structures that were like skyscrapers and it was really impressive but also a little on the skyline at the same time. Various family members showed up including my parents. They were going to dine at this restaurant that was on the energy plant's land. This place was like a casino or something. I did get the feeling that the city more grew around the energy plant as opposed to the energy plant being built for the city.

I did some walking around the plant. Large tanks like oil tanks and such were here and there and the ground was mostly kinda dirt with some paved roads. Like I said, very industrial. My brother Greg showed up from somewhere.

I saw this so of mammoth testtube just hanging in the air. It was all metal and seemed to be used for pouring sludge or maybe molten metal. It was huge! Two or three people could stand on one another and still not reach the top side of the mouth. It had to be around the length of a football field or something. My brother and I were hanging around when the test tube - quite far away, suddenly turned in the sky as if to pour and then we finally saw some suspension wires. I almost got the feeling that I added them into the dream to make it more real so I may have been lucid dreaming a bit. So my brother and I watch the tube and it starts coming our way. We watch it some more and it keeps heading down towards us. We finally panic and ran like hell to hide behind this open topped tank. DUH! The tube was heading for it and started pouring it's contents out into it with us right there. It seemed like an extremely dangerous situation.

Don't remember much else of the dream.

My brother's evil cat returned home to my parents' house. It was gone for 4 days and nobody saw it during that time. It had been a house cat it's life before going up to my parents' house late last year.

D&D was both good and bad yesterday. It was good because I hung around with friends and played D&D. It was bad because I couldn't roll to save my life. For thos that don't know you roll a 20 sided die numbered 1 to 20 and the higher you roll the better. In the final fight I rolled 6 or under 5 times in a row. This really sucked because the guys we were fighting weren't that tough because we were playing low level characters. But it also really sucked because my character was 'buffed' meaning pumped up on magic to be able to do massive damage. But I never hit. In fact, I probably hit less than 30% of the time I rolled. It was really frustrating. And to add to it, one of our players insisted we go straight to where we suspected the biggest bad guy was. So we missed all these things to help us with him and he kicked our asses. He dropped our two big fighters and killed my character with one hit each all in one round. Basically, we got close, he attacked, we died. And then the DM pulled all his punches so the other three characters survived. I was a little irked at this because by all rights, 5 out of 6 characters should have died because 2 could not escape being in the bad guy's face but the game isn't neccessarily about butchering characters. So I was a little upset that the DM pulled punches after jacking us up after our party made several strategic mistakes - he just wussed out. LOL!

Another part that sort of sucked is that we have this guy 'S' play with us, He's a good guy, about a year away from retirement and a reliable person. When he says he'll be there he's there. But he does have the annoying habit of telling us about every signle one of his characters. Unless these stories involve the listener's characters in some way so they can join in in the memories, listening to someone else's fantasy exploits has got to be one of the most boring things in life. And he mentions all these names of other characters, other players and other gaming campaigns that we've either never heard of or never played. It borderlines on torture!

I've been liking the rainy days of the past two days. It's a little cooler now as summer is fading fast and fall is probably my favorite time of the year because of many reasons. Okay, NFL football is a main reason but Halloween, cooler tamps, etc...

Rainy days are good for sleeping and good for gaming. With a rainy day, you really don't have to worry about mowing the grass or shovelling snow or anything like that. It's been a good rain too. Not to heavy to knock down trees but enough to make soothing pattering sounds on the roof that are almost hypontic.

I finsihed my book Ghost Tracks. Not bad. I like the Warren's ghostly investigations although some of them are pretty hard to believe. I think the only thing I didn't like were two things and it may have been the author's fault rather than the Warren's. Lorraine Warren has had her clairvoyant abilities tested and confirmed at UCLA - a fairly well know college here in the States. And the author or the Warrens never lets us forget it through out the book. It must be mentioned in every case and in multiple times per case. Yeesh.

And they talked about their experience. They mention that people shouldn't really on inexperienced parapsycologists. But it almost makes it sounds like they are the only people experienced in the business.

I like the Warrens and hold them in high regard but they are only human. And I still can't forget how i pretty much cringed at one of their lectures during a slide show when they showed what was suppose to be a demon manisfesting in a commercial kitchen. It looked so Photoshopped to me that I couldn't help but shake my head. I still believe that they had been had to this day on that one.

My fantasy baseball team pulled out a victory on Sunday and finsihed in 2nd place in the regular season standings! This means that I get a 'bye' in the play-off's as the play-off teams #3 through #6 duke it out to advance to the 2nd round of play-off's. That's when I face my first play-off opponent. So I believe I should finish no less than 4th in the final standings. I know, that seems weird because I finished 2nd already but essentially the play-off's are a new season. Because I did so well in the regular season I get to skip a round of playing so I will automatically finish no worse than 4th when everything is said and done. I want to at least finish third though so I can get another little trophy for my Yahoo sports profile! LOL!

Enough of my blabbing.


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