Saturday, August 12, 2006

Holey Moley!

4 respones!
I missed this unti lI reread the blog I just posted. I'm feeling like a king or something. LOL!

And also a little embarrassed by the number of spelling errors in my blogs but that's more because of my lame typing skills. My spelling skills aren't THAT horrible.


Angelle, if you're reading this, the dream about the blogger was you and I think it was my guilty conscious telling me to apologize to you which is why I did. Glad there's no trouble there. And that dream really had me mistified.

Agric - Thanks for the links. On rare occassions I've done some lucid dreaming. Thanks for the links for further investigation. Kinda runs through part of my family to have prophetic dreams to. But I usually don't recall them until I find myself in the exact event in reality that I saw from the dream at which point a prophetic is kinda useless. LOL!

Wendy - I'd give you a spanking for those wiseass comments but I know you'd enjoy that the evil woman that you are.

And now I'm really late for my nap. It sucks getting old and needing a nap. Working 12 hours every work day kinda sucks too, but it providing enough money to feel kinda financially secure feels pretty sweet!

Good night all!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is nothing "evil" about enjoying being spanked. It's called BDSM. :-P

5:01 AM  

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