Saturday, August 12, 2006



I got about 9 hours sleep last night with only limited interruption. I was worried because I woke up and had to piss only about 2 and 1/2 hours after going to bed last night. That usually spells disaster for me in that I cannot get back to sleep. But I did!

Had two dreams that I could recall this morning but now I can only recall part of one. Seems I was in college or something and a group of us went to Philly to see some sort of basketball game. I think it was a play-off game or something. I don't usually bother with basketball. In this group was co-workers and high school friends and others I didn't know. Most of the dream seemed spent in a hotel - glitzy with lots of open space and lotsa glass. I spent most of the time in the lobby and the place seemed big like a mall or something. Nice place. At one point I was worreid because everyone had broken off into cliques and I wasn't in any of them. I believe I took the elevator up and the dream ended.

My little nephew's birthday party went off today. He got a good haul. It was borderline Christmas haul. The hit gift was a remote control submarine one of my brothers bought him. We were all watching this thing crank around later on at the little pool of water behind the house. It was funny seeing frogs escape and crawfish scoot away as the sub came near them.

I got him 3 comic books ($3 a pop!) a Hot Wheels car (.99), a dinky motorcycle that had a cord that you pull to make it take off ($4.99) and I gave him a card with $5 inside. I didn't have any wrapping paper so I used the Sunday comics newspaper pages I had hanging around waiting to be recycled.

My brother that gave him the sub got attacked by his dog. He was teasing the dog who was ganwing on a bone or something. I guess the dog got upset and leapt up at my crouching brother and bit or hit him in the nose. He had a pretty good bloody nose that bled quite a bit. Looked like my brother had been in a brawl or something.

My other nephew got me really annoyed. He doesn't have a lot of friends so that when he does talk, he doesn't stop. I mean he doesn't even stop to breathe. This I am use to. So he asks me for a favor. But it takes him like 30 seconds or more of him to ask for a ride. It's more of repetitous - 'I need a favor, I need a favor'. Then it became how do I go home, am I going by such and such street and he decides the quickest route for me home without bothering to wait for me to tell him how i drive home. And so it derails into how I drive home before I finally cut the shit and try and ask where is he trying to go. And he doesn't know, Maybe the mall or his friend's. But it's a nice day so he walk from wherever I drop him off. This is the way my nephew is a. It's not, can I have a ride? To the mall? It's ten minutes of extra annoying bullshit and sidetracked dialogue. Even after I said 'yes, I will give you a ride' it wasn't done. It took two times, maybe a third time of me saying 'it's done. Over with.', or maybe I just outright started talking to someone else ignoring my nephew to end the conversion about the ride. All of the extra song & dance stuff is what gets me so mad.

BTW - it's a terrific day weatherwise here. Sunny, low 70's, a slight breeze. I love this kind of weather.

Got some bad news on making extra copies of my comic. I went to a local print shop and by the guy's opinion my comics were printed using a press and liquid ink. I thought it was a high end copier because the place was print on demand that I originally used. I'm going to have to reorder my comics using Ka-Blam. I very much like Ka-Bla but I'll have to wait a couple of weeks maybe 3 instead of a quicker turnaround time as I had hoped for from the local guy.

He also suggested that maybe Ka-Blam is just being a broker that (in print terms) gangs up several printing job into one long run for a regular printer/printing service. Either way, I'm not sure. I'm just a little disappointed that I will have to wait longer than I expected. I wanted the books on hand to send to some business people as soon as they reply. now they may have to wait a bit. We'll see.

Fun at the local supermarket parking lot. So I decide to go to my local supermarket yesterday to get my luncheon meats. The parking lot is packed - at 2:30 in the afternoon. And the palce inside had a number of people too. 2:30pm on a Friday. What gives? I wasn't in a hurry and had plenty of time so it was more of an observation than an annoyance. I had to wait for 6 cutomers before me at the deli. A ton of elderly people were there for whatever reason.

I get my stuff and do some minor shopping, pay and return to my car. I have to back out since I'm parked next to the road and a big curb prevents me from going forward. I look either way but decide to wait as a car pulls in next to me. Actually, that old lady waited for me because I had my driver's side door still open as I was just getting in. So I look both ways and start to back out slowly but stop when another car pulls in across from me on the opposite side of me. Nothing overly close. So I look her way again, look the opposite side and then start to back out again looking again in the first side I looked. This guy in his 50's or something with grey hair is on a kid's BMX bike and rolling through the parking lot at a pretty good clip. So he swerves around me what seems like easily enough but I still stop. Apparently not quickly enough for his liking. His sudden apperence did startle me for a mili-second and he stared at me through his sunglasses as he rolled past me. His sudden appearence was another delay and this time I snorted out a "Jesus Christ!". I'm guessing the guy heard this because he started yammering away as he was already past me. I only heard something to the effect of 'running me over'. By this time the old lady from the first car to pull in has walked around the back of her car and in front of my car. So I pretty much have to wait for her to get out of the way before I can start turning while in drive so I can fully finish my pull out into the parking lot. I also notice a car tunring to come down my lane. This car was about 8 parked cars away but with the old lady walking in front of my car and me having to wait and that new car not waiting for me to get on the right side of my lane we pass each other on the wrong sides of the road. I was kinda tired during this and highly annoyed and I'm sure some of it was my fault. But goddamn, can't other people make some decent decisions too? The guy on the bike was who pissed me off the most. He had a steady pedalling going the whole time I saw him riding so he was going through the parking lot quite fast. As fast as cars actually. Add to the fact that the parking lot was packed and he was on a kid's bike limiting his visiblilty to others I found it to be a dangerous set of circumstances that he set for himself. It also seemed like he was riding pretty close to the backs of parked cars so that while I slowly backed out to just be able to see clearly (a Cavalier doesn't give a great view) I put him in jeopardy - not bad jeopardy but jeopardy in that he could see me backing out but I couldn't see him. So in the end, I was fairly upset over this. Mainly his yammering. I didn't feel I did anything wrong but this dude felt all slighted and got mad at me when I got mad at him for jetting around a parking lot on a bike. Come to think of it, it's the only time I can really recall anybody ever riding a bicycle through a parking lot. I'm sure I've seen it once or twice before but I can't recall it.

Ugh. Time to go to nap before work.


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