Friday, July 28, 2006

Ugh! I'm useless today.

I am. After getting only 90 minutes in the middle of a 36 hour period I'm fairly useless today. I slept until noon and forced myself out of bed to keep from sleeping more than the 8 or 9 hours I did. But I don't feel all that rested, just very sluggish and with not much desire to do anything.

Had really weird dreams on Tuesday or maybe it was Wednesday. I was trying to sleep but kept getting woken up by various sounds. The hazards of working nights, days tend to be noisy making it hard to sleep. So I kept falling in and out of REM sleep and having tons of dreams.

One had me in a car accident with my Chevy Cavalier. That's pretty much all I remember. Another had me as a patient of psychologist Dr. Melfi from HBO's The Sopranos. I had entered a version of my parent's house that was Dr. Melfi's office. The house was about half as narrow as it normally is. I was looking out from the dining room watching her trying to cross the road to get to her neighbor's to return something. Turns out this neighbor was my former dentist. Dr. Melfi kept trying to cross the street but it was quite busy with traffic. A suburban area road with lots of trees and such but a really busy road. Cars kept slowing down and yelling at her and flipping her off. After some hazardous attempts she made it across. She was returning a pait of shorts. Super bright red ones that were huge as if they would fit and 8' giant. They were like cut-off's but neatly tailored. Really weird.

As I was waiting for her to return my friend Wendy showed up for her appointment. And Wendy somehow had parked her SUV in my parent's living room which was more like a bare room. Wendy was a little taller than she normally is for whatever reason, almost as tall as me. I think we b.s.'ed for a second or two. I then lended forward to kiss and she was receptive to it. So we start getting a heavy wet kiss going when I get worried that Dr. Melfi was going to find us. On some level, and Wendy agreed (you sicko, Wendy!) that it was hot to get caught. But I didn't feel I could keep having Dr. Melfi as my pysche doc if I had been caught doing the deed in her place of business.

And then the dream ended.

I had another dream where I was driving all around. It was on highways and then in and around a city. It was no city that I really knew in real life but i seemed to somewhat know it in my dream. Again, I was in my Cavalier. The other car accident dream and this one were somewhat similar so I may be confusing parts of them with one another. I ended up at a store that looked something like a Home Depot and found one of my older brothers there needing a ride. But someones else was already on the way to pick them up. I think I gave them a ride anyways.

We ended up at some place like an industrial park. The driveway entrance was a small hill leading steeply down surrounded on all sides by buildings. For some reason my mom was in the car and I was no driving it remotely using an oversized calculator to control it. Mom and I were out of the car and it started driving off. I tried to stop it using the remote control but it wasn't working and it went down the hill into the industrial park. I was slamming all the buttons in a panick but nothing wroked and the car slammed into big truck door to a wharehouse. I ran down to find all the people surrounding my overturned car. I kept my silence as they asked various questions of one another but I finally owned up to owning the car. Things seemed to peeter out and I started walking around the area seeing all the heavy contrustion equipment. Some benign stuff happened like watching a bucket loader being fired up to move my car and the dream ended.

I think that dream occurred before the Dr. Melfi dream.

I also had an erotic dream involving some fetish stuff but I'll keep that one to myself. :)

Today is one of my brother's birthdays. He's 39. We're heading up to mom's because she cooks a birthday dinner for who ever's birthday it is. Usually it's whatever the birthday person wants but I don't know if my requested requested anything. There'll be a cake too. I'm 35 but I'm a sucker for a good birthday cake. So I'm defiantely there. LOL!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! You had some WEIRD dreams. The weirdest part of it: I would NEVER drive an SUV. I abhor those gas-guzzling pieces of shit, especially the ones bearing "NRA" license plates (YOU CONSERVATIVE FUCKERS!!!!).


Seriously, though, screwing in a place/situation when you can get caught IS hot. I do have to agree with that one!

3:45 PM  

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