Saturday, July 01, 2006

random stuff

There's a new sci-fi convention with gaming in Springfield! This is really cool because we only have one a year and that's in November and it has very little gaming. But I guess nobody likes coming to Springfield because the registration fees are kinda high compared to other cons. And then there's the bad news. I have to work that weekend. Frackle-frazzle. If there's some gaming availiable I may go Friday night. I could kill myself and try and go for a few hours Saturday but I like to be in bed napping anywhere from 2:30pm on Saturdays. 12 hour shifts become quite hard with little to no sleep. And yeah, I could just call in to work but it's also my 'big' wek meaning I get 8 hours OT and it makes for a NICE check so I don't like to skip those. We'll see.

Stumble into a fight between two friends at the comic store. One of the owner was one and the other was a friend that works there but quit/ is quitting because he's been less than reliable lately. Now, I can't blame the owner because he's rather justified overall. But! He loves drama. He needs drama. He lives for drama and starts a lot of shit when there's no reason for it. And I got the feeling as soon as I walked in the drama either re-ensued or started up because I was there. So I hurriedly bought what I planned on and skirted out ASAP so I was there maybe 5 minutes.

The Bengal cat lady e-mailed me back. She mentioned that she has a couple of marble kittens who's patterning isn't all that terrific for shows and that she would consider selling one at a discount. She didn't say what kind of discount but I'll check out and see what's going on.

One the good news side of things my dental insurance kicked in. I was concerned because it had a $50 deductable but it paid the normal 80% like it said it would. So I now get to keep 3/4 of the money I set aside to pay the dentist because the insurance took care of it. Sweet! I put it into my 'cat' fund just in case I decide to pull the trigger on the Bengal cat.

I got my first raspberries yesterday! Only a whooping two, but I only planted the bushes this year. One tasted not so great and the other was what I was expecting for a taste which is good.

Saw a firweowrks display last night. It was pretty good. The town that puts them on is fairly small and not rich but they have a very nice, compact but exciting display. I am glad I went after considering not going out of laziness. And I would've been extremely lazy too because my brother drove because he takes his son to see them.

Ugh! Got the teller again. And he STILL sucks. Okay, I was a little out of it having just woken up but I really don't see what's so hard in understanding 'I'd like to cash this check and put $200 of it into checking'. So I see him type in my account and stare at the screen for a good 8 to 10 seconds and then ask me if it's a transfer of money. Sigh. So I re-explain what I want and he gives me my money. He proceeds to drop it to. Sigh. I'm glad i made sure to do my second transaction seperately because that usually totally screws him up. I always put $10 and whatever change there is into an account every week that I'm saving up to give to my nephew for a college fund. But when I tell 'the teller' that I would like $200 in my checking account, $10 and change into this seperate savings account and the remaining balance of the check to me in cash, it doesn't compute with this guy and I have to explain things three times over for him. And it usually takes literally like 8 minutes for him to process this. Maybe I should just go to direct deposit.

The plant shut down at work has been delayed by a couple of days because supplies are lasting longer than thought. I'm not sure if this will just delay the shutdown or shorten it. I think shorten it for my area because right now we are the bread and butter and really the future of Top Flite.



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