Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Various things after 3 days of 12 hour shifts

Go for my 'Doing Business As' meeting with the town planners tonight. Joy.

My mom sent over some cups that I've wanted. They are cups that are like freeze packs to keep items cold in a carrying case or a lunch cold. Inside the cup is the same stuff and you put it in the freezer. Then later on you put in your beverage and it stays cool. $1.29 a K-Mart, cheaper at Wal-mart.

Got two raspberry bushes planted. I plan to get either 2 or 4 more for this year.

Good drama at work. This one guy I'll call J lost his braclet at work. He was kind of upset because it supposedily cost a good chunk of change. Later I heard it was around $800. I told the guy people at work are usually fairly cool and post a message to announce the finding of lost jewelry. A couple days pass. Another worker, C I'll call him, shows up with a new bracelet. It's apparently identical to J's. So thoughts start happening and J semi-confronts C asking where he got the bracelet. C says that his wife bought it for him at a tag sale. For the record, this is all second hand knowledge except for when J told me his bracelet was missing. J doesn't ecept C's explanation and tells C he's going to kick his ass after work. This news get arounds the room and enter C2. C2 tells the supervisor what's going to happen after work. I guess C and J were addressed seperately. J was told by another employee not to shoot his mouth off because it just got him in trouble.

So at the end of work, J called out C just off company property and called him all sorts of nasty names and such. C drove off saying he had nothing to say to J. The next day C shows up with a picture of a receipt from Ebay for the bracelet. But he wasn't wearing it either.

Because it didn't involve me it was kinda fun watching this turn out. I'm not sure what the final result was. And everything was 2nd hand knowledge other than J origignally anouncing to me that he had lost his bracelet.

A new fold was entered into my job. Sorting. What does this mean? For 6 out of 12 hours, there is the possibility or working in either a team of 4 or 6 sorting out good golf balls from bad ones on a conveyor belt. Get paid pretty well for doing it to. But I found after 4 hours the gloss of sitting around chatting had worn off and I was able to switch jobs. Of course, sorting golf balls from 1am to 5 am after a big supper at 12:30am didn't help.

Been working on a new story idea for Jaina involving Anciet Egypt. I had always wanted to do this which is part of the reason I bought my book on Anciet Egypt in the first place. I'm trying to combine it with another concept idea I had to hopefully make a really cool story. We'll see what happens.

Over and out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kinda glad I don't have to deal with the work drama, but I do still deal with the drama amongst friends, coveners, etc. It's a pain in the ass, really. Drama is entertaining when you're not involved, though.

Stop playing with your balls! ;-)

8:44 AM  

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