Shitty week
Like the previous entry stated, I was rejected by Diamond Dist. - pretty much the only game in town for distributing my comic across America.
It also looks like one of my internet friends has either had her PC go belly up or give up the internet. Because of college and a new love interest and community interests, I'm figuring she gave up the internet. It probably is for the best but I miss her wackiness and wrestling knowlegde.
And today my cat died. He had been having his troubles so I took him to the vet today. He wasn't eating much, looking like he was half-dead, trouble breathing. Turns out he had congestive heart failure - fluid in the lungs essentially. And the trip to the vet was too traumatic for him and he had a stroke or a heart attack and died in front of me in the vet's arms. Pretty much, the whole vet incident killed him. It was the right thing to do - to bring him to the vet - but I'm sorry for Elvis (the cat) because he was really scared and couldn't breathe and was meowing and even moaning and he was never vocal. I know he was going to die knowing the conidition he was in but I just wished he had gone more comfortably rather than having a bunch of strangers holding him and pricking him with a needle trying to get a blood sample. It wasn't a very happy final image for Elvis.
I inheritted Elvis when my brother's friend passed away unexpected. There was really no one else to take the cat in so my family did. I then took the cat when I bought my brother's house. Otherwise, there would have been 4 cats at my parents' place.
I didn't realize Elvis was 13 years old when I took him. I actually thought he was a young cat. He was kind of a pain in the ass at times throwing up by gorging himself on food. For awhile I was considering giving him away because of the throwing up. But I changed his diet and that stopped.
He was a neat looking cat all gray. I used to love the way he would come to the doorway when I would come home, look at me, seemingly shrug like 'oh, it's you', and wander back to wherever he was laying. Today when I came home from burying him he wasn't there to do it. And that's when I do and will continue to really miss him. He wasn't very affectionate until he started getting really sick at the end and he hated to be held. But I was very fond of him and miss him already.
The vet did say that on the x-ray you couldn't even see his heart because of all the fluids in his lungs. So Elvis was going to die shortly. I just wish it had been easier on Elvis. So I buried him at my parents' place and I hope he's been reunited with his true owner - my brother's friend. And I hope I did well as Elvis's caretaker until his time of death.
See ya little buddy. I miss you a lot.
It also looks like one of my internet friends has either had her PC go belly up or give up the internet. Because of college and a new love interest and community interests, I'm figuring she gave up the internet. It probably is for the best but I miss her wackiness and wrestling knowlegde.
And today my cat died. He had been having his troubles so I took him to the vet today. He wasn't eating much, looking like he was half-dead, trouble breathing. Turns out he had congestive heart failure - fluid in the lungs essentially. And the trip to the vet was too traumatic for him and he had a stroke or a heart attack and died in front of me in the vet's arms. Pretty much, the whole vet incident killed him. It was the right thing to do - to bring him to the vet - but I'm sorry for Elvis (the cat) because he was really scared and couldn't breathe and was meowing and even moaning and he was never vocal. I know he was going to die knowing the conidition he was in but I just wished he had gone more comfortably rather than having a bunch of strangers holding him and pricking him with a needle trying to get a blood sample. It wasn't a very happy final image for Elvis.
I inheritted Elvis when my brother's friend passed away unexpected. There was really no one else to take the cat in so my family did. I then took the cat when I bought my brother's house. Otherwise, there would have been 4 cats at my parents' place.
I didn't realize Elvis was 13 years old when I took him. I actually thought he was a young cat. He was kind of a pain in the ass at times throwing up by gorging himself on food. For awhile I was considering giving him away because of the throwing up. But I changed his diet and that stopped.
He was a neat looking cat all gray. I used to love the way he would come to the doorway when I would come home, look at me, seemingly shrug like 'oh, it's you', and wander back to wherever he was laying. Today when I came home from burying him he wasn't there to do it. And that's when I do and will continue to really miss him. He wasn't very affectionate until he started getting really sick at the end and he hated to be held. But I was very fond of him and miss him already.
The vet did say that on the x-ray you couldn't even see his heart because of all the fluids in his lungs. So Elvis was going to die shortly. I just wish it had been easier on Elvis. So I buried him at my parents' place and I hope he's been reunited with his true owner - my brother's friend. And I hope I did well as Elvis's caretaker until his time of death.
See ya little buddy. I miss you a lot.
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