Thursday, June 22, 2006


Yep, rejected. Diamond Distributions has decided not to carry my comic, The Necropolis Chronicles.

So what does this mean? It makes selling the book that much tougher. Diamond is not the end all of comics distribution. Had the comic made it into Previews, their monthly catalog, it would have to try and stand out against literally something like 300 to 500 other pages of comics. A daunting task. But it would have be nice nonetheless.

There are still on-line comic stores, overseas sales (and for some reason, I really the chances of the comic overseas) and conventions. Some will be tougher than others. There's also the possibility that the comic will never succeed financially. But instead, it might be a springboard to a job in comics maybe at a bigger name publisher.

I'm not stopping though just because Diamond said no. I'm continuing on with the companion issue and will continue coming up with stories for Jaina and crew. A webcomic may be used in the future also.

On the good side of things, today is payday at work. Pretty much the bulk of my check is already gone but bills should be fully paid up for the month leaving to the whole next paycheck at my spending descretion.

Sleep is all screwed up. But that should clear up some. I told my buddys at the comic store I won't be helping them anymore except in emergency situations. Wednesday was a prime example of why I've made this decision. Tuesday I got home at 7:30am. Started feeling a migraine coming on so I immediately went to bed. Got up somewhere around 4 or 4:30pm and felt kinda shitty. So Tuesday was kind of a waste.

Wednesday I got up a little after 8am. Didn't want to get up but I had made the commitment to help 'pull books' at the comic store on my Wednesdays off. Wednesday is also trash. Because of stormy weather I waited til the morning. Also needed to shower and to feed my poor cat who looks HORRIBLE. He eats, but he's skin and bones. I don't get it. So I ran out the door around 8:55am with no breakfast.Got to the store and helped out for 3 hours. Made a quick stop to pick up cat liter supplies and then back home for around 1pm maybe a little after. Read some comics and passed out for several hours. Went to parents for dinner. Almost 7pm before I got home. Day pretty much gone. But then despite feeling tired around midnight, I never fell asleep. I finally fell asleep around dawn to the tune of birds chirping. Got a whopping 5 hours of sleep. If I hadn't crashed and burned in the late afternoon I would have been okay and gotten to sleep at a more normal time. So this is exactly why I'm giving up pulling book at the store.

Top Flite may have shown it's true colors if the heresay is true. They fired three guys from my shift. All three had some sort of criminal record. The word amongst the workers is that the company knew that these guys had records - at least one had a felony - and hired them on for a tax break and then fired them after it came close to hiring them on from temp status to full time employee. If this is true then I really don't care if people steal from Top Flite. I'm usually honest to an extreme but if a company is going to fuck with people's lives just for a tax break then fuck the company. In a way, it's not like the company's killing itself to help us workers. It's sending equipment to China where workers have shit for rights and get paid cents by the hour. It also saves a ton of money not having to pay for health care insurance.

Lego is no better. Lego had it big US plant just down the road. Well, now it's going to be quite a ways down the road. As in Mexico. They are closing the plant here including some big ass wharehouse the company just built about 10 years ago and moving. The offices will stay here. People in Lego's home country are losing their jobs to the Mexicans too. I think it was as high as 600 to 800 employees. Yet somehow, I really doubt Lego is going to slash prices. They'll save I don't know how many millions and probably record record profits but prices will stay the same I bet.

Hmmn. Guess I'm a little pissed today.


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