Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Work things

Blog 061307

Work. Huh. Monday started off with a total sucklessness. I got a bit better but it did suck for the first hour or so.

Yesterday was actually kind of fun. I was in a good mood and things ran somewhat well. Or maybe I just didn’t care. I was cracking jokes most of the night and having a good time. I was trying to make people laugh with two things. My first was to say that I’ve introduced ground iron to my diet. I elaborated that food goes right to my ass meaning as in weight gain. Thus, by eating ground iron, I would have buns of steel! The second thing I was saying was that I was very mean to my kitten while being lazy at the same time. I told them I dropped a deuce in the cat box because it was closer than the bathroom. I also said how my kitten was trying to bury the turd for an hour.

I’m done to one page left with an option to add another on the comic. I’ve now got the last page half penciled.

I added a small avatar to some of the comic forums I post in. I found a picture of some cool spiked heeled boots with thick straps. And since I go by the handle Dungeonmaster Jim…

Things have cooled off a lot with the crush. I still like her and all but it seems the return likablility just isn’t there. We don’t talk all that much. She may be mad with me actually. We had agreed to eat breakfast at a local shop but she asked to delay a day. Then, with about an hour to go the next day she asked to delay it by several hours as a mutual co-worker was suppose to go to her place to give her free cable stuff. At first I said ‘sure’ but then went back to her and said I’m canceling. She wasn’t going to call me with a new time because she’s never called me once despite saying she would. So pretty much, we’ve said ‘hi’ to one another and some very minor conversation in the meantime but the magic seems rather gone. I’m glad my instincts were right – she’s always had a lot of red flags. Still, the whole situation is disappointing.


Blogger Wendy said...

Ok the "ground iron" conversation was just SICK.

1:58 PM  

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