Monday, May 14, 2007

There's gotta be something in the air in my house

Dream 051405

It started with sort of a gallery showing at a house. There were lots of people milling about mostly outside trying to get in. They were trying to see Ultimate Spider-Man, not the movie or comic but the real world Ultimate Spider-Man.

I can’t recall if I was in the dream or as ‘director’. I think I was in the dream though. There were two sets of individual trios or people with super-powers. One was my co-worker Adam and his two cronies. They seemed like assassins of some kind. Another trio had powers but I’m not sure what. One of their people was a young woman that could not be seen in a sort of way. I think it adjusted on the fly as my brain worked the dream. I think at first she couldn’t be seen by surveillance cameras. Then she couldn’t be seen by the naked eye. Then this one woman could see and was pointing her out to security or something. The girl had to hightail it away after trying to stay still and not be found by crouching down in the middle of every one. The woman found a room that was full of snow. Deep snow too. AT first it was just featureless and square. The camera panned away and when she was back in the picture she was a deep blue color like all her clothes and skin were freezing. The woman couldn’t speak. She made sounds but her words were gibberish as if someone had removed her ability to speak.

I either woke up or something because the next shot was sort of a marsh scene. The area was totally flat and no trees but occasion big stalked plants that could make almost a thicket. The water was probably 97% covered with intertwined vegetation. The ‘camera’ stopped on two black, plastic looking pipes that were ribbed. These pipes had an intelligence or were programmed in that they retracted t be hidden under the vegetation when a girl’s voice could be heard coming closer. After awhile the woman showed up as a young girl of maybe 10 in blue slippers and blue robe and white pajamas. She could speak again. She was practicing speaking as she walked through the marsh as if she knew pretty much were she was going. She was going to Havana but Havana was in Louisiana. She also had a southern accent. A pipe suddenly came to life – maybe a different one than the original two and attacked from behind her swallowing her whole in one shot. It then shot out a grey canister like a cannon that contained the girl inside. I knew she was still alive and being delivered to somewhere to so thing. It felt like she was being given to the authorities that would jail her or make her a slave or something not good.

I appeared in the dream and started chasing the canister. I could see it’s moments as a bulge under the vegetation. It was moving pretty fast and zipping around forcing me to run after it. Even as the controller of the dream it was hard to catch. When I did catch it the area was still the same marsh but the it was the side field of my parents house where everyone parks their cars. When I opened the canister which was now the size of say a milk carton all I found inside was sort of a blue flower that resembled a Scrubbing Bubble – the bathroom foam cleaner. I tossed that over the marsh and on to the road. I found another canister or bulge under the vegetation. That one was a jellyfish thing like orb. It was pretty gross. So I tossed that and it immediately turned into a flowering bush the size of a large sunflower. The flowers were all Scrubbing Bubbles and it had like 5 or six of them. I found another jellyfish orb , tossed it and the same thing happened.

My alarm went off and I woke up.


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