Sunday, May 06, 2007

Wii Wii Wii, Spider-man

Blog 050607

Saw Spider-Man 3 today. I think I liked it best of all the Spider-Man movies. I suppose if I sat down and analyzed it I would find issues with it but I like it very much coming out of the theater.

I then bought a Nintendo Wii. I only got the little 5 game CD that comes with it but it’s pretty fun so far. The games are bowling, tennis, baseball, boxing and golf. I can actually see playing them each for some time to come. By playing the boxing game numerous times in a row I actually got a bit sweaty playing. I wasn’t pouring sweat but the back of my neck was fairly wet and my forehead was misty.

I picked up the lawn chairs from my parents place. I had asked them to buy me them (I provided the cash) because they had a truck. The chairs actually somewhat fit in my car but I had to have the passenger side window down so the chair legs would fit.

I started a drafting system for Heroclix that the guys at the store liked. It’s merely a new way to pick teams but it gave things a new wrinkle and made it fun trying to get your picks before the other guy did. We had more fun drafting than playing!

My dad got a bit of an earful from the family. On Saturday night/Sunday morning at 3:30 am a teenaged kid woke up my parents by knocking on the front door. My dad, who’ll lock every door in sight at all times of the day and pretty much refuses to leave the house for fear of break-in’s opened the door right up for this kid. My brother and mom were pissed. They said the kid was polite and nice asking my dad to call the kid’s father because a wild animal was chasing him through the woods or something. My dad called the cops eventually and I guess they gave the kid a ride. I guess the whole incident was kind of weird and they thought the kid was either on drugs or a little drunk, maybe both. But they were more upset that my dad opened the front door right up for this kid at 3:30 in the morning not knowing what this kid’s story was.

My niece and nephew were both fired from the same place my brother does. They lasted maybe a month. It sort of doesn’t surprise me. Apparently the place needed to hire 130 employees to get a certain contract or something yet my brother says on a regular basis that he has no work. So it sounds like the company hired a bunch of people just to get the contract and now has started to fire people that can’t make the quotas. Doesn’t seem very fair to expect someone to fix 10 digital cameras a day after a little over a month of being on the job.

I survived CBR’s Project Runway to design another week. I’ve been in the bottom three every time. Strangely, in back to back weeks, the guy that’s running the contest has voted for me. I’ll take his vote though. And for back to back weeks, I went to bed figuring I lost only to discover I barely made the cut to advance.

People in my current room at work are starting to get called back to their old jobs. My old room is hiring back 13 people. The sucky part is that I’m so far down on the list I staying right where I am. Some other people are getting called back and to other rooms also. This most likely means that I’ll get stuck stamping all the time. That’ll suck.

We didn’t have to work six days this week which was awesome.

I’m starting to drag tonight. When I got out Saturday morning I stayed up until 10am. I snuck in a nap of about 90 minutes before getting up and staying out until 7pm. By 9:15pm I was in bed on a Saturday night and out. I woke up after 8 hours which ended up being 6am! So I cleaned my room a little and played Call of Duty 2 until I was ready to go see Spider-man. I then bought the Wii and later headed to my parents for supper. Now I’m home and fading fast. Oy.


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