Sunday, April 15, 2007

Work and a heavy duty, good old fashion crush

Blog 041507

Lots of stuff if I can remember it all and feel like writing about all of it.

I got done working a 60 hour work week. I’m not sure how badly taxes will zap me. I always hate it when working O.T. that sometimes I give over half of that O.T. money to the government. And no, I don’t believe that I’ll get it back next tax season. I’ve seen my taxes and they are pretty consistent from year to year. If I don’t claim ‘zero’, I always end up paying money instead of getting money back. I’m hoping to put the extra money I earned towards going to Wizard World Philly in June. Unfortunately, I just got my dentist bill for a cleaning, x-rays and I guess consolation. After a co-pay and dental insurance I still owe over $87. WTF? My last cleaning was only like $90. Actually, I just noticed a $50 deductible. Why do I bother with insurance again when I’m still paying a hefty chunk? Sigh.

I’m actually a bit sore from work. I have to bend and lift a shit load of times at work per night. I’m talking constantly. At least it’s exercise.

I’m very ecstatic over the coloring job Jason Embury did for me on the back cover of issue 3 of The Necropolis Chronicles. Just look for yourself by clicking on the following link:

I also posted my entry for the second week of CBR’s Project Runway. Our assignment was symbolism like Captain America. The art for my entry is here:

I should be getting a raise at work starting Tuesday of this coming week. Because it’ll be my official first year at Top Flite I now move into the highest earning wage for my job. It’s not a big raise though.

I’ve got a mad crush on one of my co-workers. Then again, so do most of the guys. She’s quite cute in the face, fairly tall at 5’8 or so and skinny as a rail. She usually has something real guttural to say yet I’m entranced by her. Figures, though, she has a girlfriend. Which makes her even more sexy.LOL! One of my lesbian friends gave me a warning to not even mention a three way with the girlfriend to my co-worker. I shall heed my friend’s warning.

We’ll see how things go. She’s a fair amount younger than me and usually doesn’t talk to me unless I start the conversation. But then she’s like a total exhibitionist high-fiving me, showing me her scarred foot before I could say ‘no’, and sometimes touching me like a hand on the shoulder with a soft pushaway after one of my comments or jokes. So I don’t know. She’s pretty chatty overall but I haven’t noticed her touch other people much that I can recall.

We heard that my brother’s ex is still telling the kids that they are moving at the end of summer to Ohio. Further, she has said that anyone that is telling the kids otherwise is just trying hurt the kids and make them feel bad. What a wonderful person she is. No doubt about it that if the courts do allow her to move that she’ll continue to do what she does now: dump her 6 year old son in daycare and then have her just turned 13 year old daughter be his caretaker/raise him. And then she’ll continue to harp how she is the superior parent over my brother who actually spends time with his kids when visitation allows.

I think I’m forgetting a lot of stuff. Seems like I had a lot more to write about. Oh, well.


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