Monday, April 09, 2007

Decent weekend gone bad

Blog 040907

The weekend wasn’t too bad until mid-Sunday night.

I had Friday off which meant I got home at 7am Friday morning. I fell out of bed around 5pm and was a zombie until around midnight or so when I ‘woke up’. I didn’t get back to sleep until 4am. So that really sucked. I didn’t really do much of anything. My brother had his son here and they watched a movie. I think I was in my bedroom reading some comics and watched something that now I can’t recall. I was totally unmotivated.

Saturday was more of a normal day. I can’t recall when I got up but it was late since I fell asleep somewhere around 4am the previous night. I spent pretty much the entire day at the comic shop my friends own. The previous owner and good friend was in town so it was a fun day. Unfortunately during the gaming I got my ass kicked all day. I lost all three tournament games of Heroclix because I couldn’t concentrate. I missed a lot of stuff that would have saved me. I must have been tired. I also sucked out in Axis & Allies. Mainly that was because of my piss poor rolling. I think I lost 50% of my pieces in my first turn and killed only 2 to 4 pieces of my opponent. It was only a matter of time after that.

Sunday I made it up to my parents for Easter. Chow was awesome. I ate so much during the day that I couldn’t eat much for desserts. But! I now have a huge chunk of uneaten desserts in my refrigerator.

After returning home I beat my brother home who had left about 30 minutes before me. I thought something was up. It was. More on that below.

Monday kind of sucked/sucks so far. I mailed out the comic to a foreign publisher to review. We’ll see what happens there over the next few weeks. Hopefully it’ll be good news.

My dad needed a ride to a doctor’s appointment. I headed over to the local big ass mall while up there. Well, as I walked towards A.C. Moore art supplies I discovered I somehow lost the 50% off an item coupon that was in my pocket. Terrific. I didn’t even bother going in after that. I saw in the car and waited for my older brother who tagged along because we don’t often go to that big ass mall because it’s 30 minutes away. Our local mall is 12 minutes away.

So for now, I’ve driven around all day, got food from my parents and now it’s close to when I bed down for a nap before work. So pretty much, this day is lost to 85% of what I had hoped to do.

My fantasy baseball team got beat up pretty good this first week. My team went 3-10-1 in 14 categories. My opponent had two of her batters score more HR’s & RBI’s than my whole team combined. Sigh. At least there are 21 weeks left to play. And yeah, I said her. I got beat by a girl. I think my team would’ve lost to just about any of the other 8 teams though. My boys really stunk it up.

At work tonight I’m not expecting to work with the older Vietnamese guy. I’m kind of happy about this. My problem with the guy is that I really don’t think he can read English very well. And when I tried to correct his mistakes by showing him, he would go ‘yeah, yeah, yeah,’ like he understood what was being said and he would just walk off. And he would do that in the middle of my explanation so that I never finished showing him the right way to do it for the third time.

I joined a thing called CBR Project Runway. Pretty much, it’s a rip-off of the show called Project Runway. CBR is Comic Book Resources so this stuff is all about designing super-heroes and or villains. Our first project was to design an animal costume wearing super-powered person.

My contribution can be found in this thread:

Feel free to join CBR and vote for my entry G. Penguin.

Okay, now to the part of Sunday night that sucked and STILL has me pissed off 12+ hours later.

My brother arrived back at my house and he had a messed up aura. I could tell he was pissed. Big surprise (sarcasm) the ex decided they needed to talk. Less than 3 weeks after calling my brother to say that the kids were wrong and that she is not planning on moving anywhere than she announces that she plans on moving to Ohio at the end of the summer. And that she’s taking the kids. Ohio is pretty far from Massachusetts. So from what my brother told me things didn’t proceed well. Here are some of the things she accused my brother of or tried to make him feel guilty over:

That he can’t trust her. Hmmn,…she cheated on him during the marriage, asked for the divorce, tried to turn him into to DSS, tried to have his daughter under her orders do physical damage to the house… Gee, I wonder WHY he wouldn’t trust her. I’m glad he told her he doesn’t trust her.

She wants to move the kids to her ‘family support’. As far as she’s revealing, she has one uncle that she went to see in Ohio. That’s it. When my brother countered that the kids have a large family support here (3 uncles, 1 aunt, 2 cousins, and 2 grandparents from my side alone!) she countered that the kids have family in Ohio that love them and miss them dearly. My brother countered again “after one visit?!” It should also be noted that by moving away my niece and nephew would also be moving away from their grandparents and their mother’s half-sister from her side of the family. Then again, they never see them anyways because the ex has burned all bridges to her immediate family members.

She also tried to blame my brother for not seeing the kids on the nights of the week she has them. She stated that her daughter age 12 has to take care of her younger brother.

Okay, when the divorce first happened she told the judge that she was getting the kids too often in the joint custody decision. The judge MADE her take the kids. A couple of years later when my brother refused to take her back after she decided she couldn’t find anyone better she sued and won physical custody of the kids with my brother getting two week nights and every other weekend custody. Then she decided to go to night school on the nights she has the kids. This might almost be every week night too, I believe. So now she BLAMES MY BROTHER for not taking care of his kids?!?!?! WTF?!?!?!

She further said that he won’t miss much time with the kids if she moves half the country away. HUH?!?!?! He’ll also get a break in child support.

Gee, what a wonderful lady – ‘you won’t be able to see you’re kids but you won’t have to pay as much’. Nice trade off. What a skank.

There’s more but that’s it for now. I’m pissed off.


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