Monday, April 02, 2007

Another enjoyable weekend

Blog 040207

Another good weekend.

Staurday was decent, Sunday better. Saturday I got home from work, crashed and burned at 10am and got up around 3pm. After some phone calls I stopped at my local supermarket to buy a cake sort of on a whim. It was a vanilla sponge cake of three layers. Between one layer was strawberries, peaches in another and Bavarian crème between another. Fresh whipped cream on top too. It was awesome!!!!!! I didn’t expect it to taste so good. Anyways, it was dessert after some good old hamburgers at the parentals. A trip to the comic store to hang with friends and a quick game of ‘clix followed up. I then stopped at the supermarket again, but this time a different one, and bought up some groceries. My brother passed out from flu like symptoms on the couch as I played Call of Duty 2 before reading a few comics in bed.

Sunday I saw the movie 300. It was pretty good. The visuals were pretty nice. I really enjoyed some of the one on one type fight scenes between normal men. The movie had some standard Hollywood stuff like a huge 8 foot tall guy fighting the main hero that was totally predictable. I didn’t care for some of the ending scenes though. In the final climax of the story, the Spartan king does something and the explanation is rather lame in my opinion. And the second to final scene reminded me waaaay to much of Gladiator. In fact, I was going ‘they ripped of Gladiator’ until they explained the scene a bit better.

Some more food shopping after that followed by a return trip to the parentals. I hadn’t seen them in almost 2 weeks so I wanted to visit. And my mom makes great chow. I donated some more minor foodstuff to them too. From there it was off to a friend’s place to catch Wrestlemania. I was somewhat shocked to learn I was a bit late and had missed about half of the first match. I didn’t realize it started at 7:30pm.

MLB baseball has started and so have the fantasy baseball leagues. My first opponent is a girl. Oh, man! A girl! What the hell is the world coming to? Are there no more sacred geek guy clubs anymore? First D&D has been infiltrated, then comic books, and now fantasy baseball?!?!?! A geeky guy just can’t be a geeky guy anymore. Sheesh. Women. (Shakes head). Next I suppose they’ll want equal pay. : P

This week will be somewhat interesting at work. I’m not sure if I have to go back to my real job of stamping. I’m not very good at it. However, I think I shall still be in service market. While I trained the real replacement for the job last week, there is world that my shift will eventually be getting a spot of sort of a handy-man type deal that helps everyone in the service (supply) area. So I’m thinking I might be that guy until the job goes up for bid. I also haven’t heard anything on the jobs I bid on nor the art room job.

My electric bill dropped almost $15 this past month. I’m hoping my heating bill drops way more than that. I did turn the temperature down to 65 from 67 degrees since it’s been warmer around here lately. I have been waking up to wet sheets lately. No, I’m not pissing in my bed or anything like that. I need to go to a lighter blanket I guess because my legs sweat so badly that the sheets get damp. It’s fairly uncomfortable having to wriggle around trying to search for a dry spot for my calves and feet.

So! It’s back to the weekly grind of working and trying to get myself to do art projects before work. After work I’m usually wiped out by fatigue and have no desire to do so. I should have Monday April 16th off for a holiday. Sweet!


Blogger Wendy said...

That's right! D&D, comic books, fantasy baseball... It's all part of the plan for chicks to take over the world.

The problem is, chicks ALREADY run the world. This is just our sneaky way of making sure guys know it!


3:30 PM  

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