Thursday, April 26, 2007

More on the crush and general news

Blog 072607


Not a bad night and a good start to the day.

I’ve borderline loving my mp3 player. I was a bit too busy last night to use it at work but before work I added about 20 more songs to it and it still has over 600 megabytes? Or space left. Basically, it’s a little over half free for memory. I created a new playlist for it to. That’s the only short coming that I’ve found so far into my first foray of these personal devices. I’d like to just click and have random songs play rather than creating a ‘random’ list where I try to spread out the different artists so it seems like a radio broadcast.

My crush continues. I thought it was waning but things have gotten…interesting. Okay, I flirt with her very badly as in every chance I get which actually isn’t all that much. I’ve been consulting with my good friend Sara for guidance in lesbian affairs and it’s been a great help. My co-worker might just be bi-sexual. To make a long story short, I was getting kind of down because there didn’t seem to be much interest returned my way. I’m not fully sure how much really is. But she did ask, somewhat as a friend that lives two minutes away (literally I recently found out!) but maybe with some potential romantic interest too, for my phone number. It was essentially ‘dude, you’ve got to give me you phone number.’ When I asked ‘why? So you can give me a ride on your bike?’ she responded, ‘I’ll give you a ride alright.’ So at the end of the day I gave her my number on a piece of paper.

And suffice to say, I’m currently quite happy.

Ironically, Sara, my lesbian friend helping me out in lesbian affairs, was asked out by a guy! LOL! Talk about timing. Lemme quote from her blog:

“A guy at school asked me out t'other day. I told him had a boyfriend named Jim "The Dungeon Master" Clark."The Dungeon Master?" He asked, slightly wierded out."It's a sex thing." I said, rolling my eyes then walking away.Today before World History he came up to me and asked, with a twisted smile on his face, "So, Sara, what kind of things do you and the Dungeon Master do?"

He just asked this right out of the blue. Like it was okay for him to ask a girl he hardly knows about her sex life. Now, I'm very forward and open online, but in the real world I am ANYTHING but! I'm quiet and very reserved and rarely talk to anyone I don't know.

(some snippage)

So after he asked me this, I walked away without saying a word. No dirty looks or anything. Minutes later I saw Lora and told her about it. She didn't get upset or anything, just, "That's why we're lesbians, right."

For full details, Sara’s blog can be found here:

On a related note, apparently Sara’s blog is the favorite of one of my favorite comic book writers, Brian Michael Bendis. I’d have to give a nod that his Ultimate Spider-Man book is my favorite comic.

I just got off the phone with a guy from Charter calling me to get a promo package. I started asking him about my bill. In the end, and this was cool, he signed me up for a year of internet cable that should save me $10 to $17 a month over what I’m paying now. Not bad, especially when his original call was to get me to sign up for tv and phone in addition to high speed internet. To his credit, he didn’t try to push those on me. So in the end, his phone cost his company money! LOL!

Oh yeah, my baseball is stuck in loser gear. I have a darn good team on paper but 4/5ths of my team is slumping to start the year. I’m in dead last and already 20+ games out of first. I may rebound to make the play-off’s but it’ll be a struggle. I played in our league’s World Series last to finish in 2nd place overall.

Work is having some sort of ‘bring in your hazardous waste material’ day this Friday. This is good news. We have to pay something like $10 a computer monitor at my local dump/trash pick-up. I have 4 monitors and a TV to get rid of. I’m kind of ashamed of the waste since most work but are obsolete. I took a friend’s junk monitor from the comic book store to get rid of too. So I’ll have 6 monitors/tv’s to get rid come Friday.

It also seems I’ll be working 6 days a week for awhile. That could change but we’ve worked the past two Saturdays and will have to work this Saturday even though it hasn’t been officially announced yet. It will be today which is Thursday morning as I write this.

Okay, I’m off to read some comics I bought yesterday to get me to sleep. Hopefully I won’t have more weird dreams like I did about punching out Tom Hanks because he was treating his date, a young black woman, like a piece of shit. I, …um,… then kicked him in the face several times while wearing steel toe boots. WTF?!?!?!?!?


Blogger Wendy said...

Ok, I'm here. Had to find the blog again (and save to the browser on David's computer).

HA HA HA HA!!! I love the Sara story! I gotta remember that line... A boyfriend named "The Dungeon Master".

Well, apparently the guy who asked her out knows nothing about BDSM, or he'd have been hip to the suggestion as to what "The Dungeon Master" could mean...

Seriously, though, with the lesbian (bisexual???) chick, go for it.

2:04 PM  

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