Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Long dream

Blog 110106

Just reporting on a weird dream. Oh yeah, woke up with another headache. Because it was raining or totally foggy I sneezed like hell for about 10 minutes while trying to sleep at 6am. Mouth eventually did go dry later in the morning.

Not sure where this cream started but I was in Germany. The technology seemed to switch from modern day to the 1930’s/1940’s. I was playing Call of Duty 2 right before bed so this is probably why Germany popped up.

I was hanging around and being shown around by a man and his wife or maybe it was his girlfriend. They seemed a couple of years older than me. We went into a candle shop. I took a stem or stick and opened up a waist high freezer – the kind you see at a convenience store that usually hold ice cream bars and treats. There were tall buckets or pails that held patterns in them of what looked like ice. You stuck in the stick and then quickly moved to the check out counter (that looked like a deli) and stuck the see through candle wax on a stick into another bucket of ice to instantly harden the candle. The candles looked like ice sculptures on a stick. I did this three times before we left.

Not sure if we entered another store or not but this manager guy we met in his office ran off. Then we had to escape. I think the guy was turning in the man and lady for helping me. I was watching a show last night where this sort of happened to a reporter. So we hurried off. The place we were in was a city but not a large one. No buildings were super tall – seemed like a old city with some modern day things like car dealerships but people still got around a lot by (new) steam engines on railroads.

So we hurried into this boutique to get the lady a new outfit. I was pushing for this all leather skirt/jacket/stiletto heeled boots deal but she picked something fashionable. Then we had to wait. And wait. Apparently the individual pieces of the suit were at different stores through out the city and the delivery had to go around picking them up. He also ran out of money or something and had to go to the bank.

There was a French couple in the boutique and then it got really full. While I was sitting on a couch a big fat guy came along and just SAT ON ME! I had to struggle to get out from under him and he didn’t even try to get off me. In fat, he was all pissed off and annoyed with ME! He was past 300+ pounds, bald except for the Friar Tuck curly ring of hair and a bushy mustache. He looked gross and sick too.

Me and the guy and lady left walking along the train tracks. From a TV in the boutique I saw a commercial for taking the train. I also saw another for avoiding and/or what to do in the event of a train wreck such as a train hitting a tractor trailer crossing the tracks. I commented to my companions that we didn’t have commercials like that in America. I also remember passing a car dealership and noting 0 down, .06% financing or something close to that.

I think I woke up sneezing here. In any event, I was in a totally different place.

Now I was sort of in a complex/industrial park. It was really hilly and rolling hills. Large buildings, not tall but long and wide were all over the place. A couple were modern but most buildings were old warehouses and I think a lot were made of wood! I remember thinking somewhere along the lines that I was surprised my legs weren’t getting tired because it was constantly going up hill and then downhill. The rolling hills were tall enough where you had to crest the hill to see what was on the otherside. I don’t recall if I was wearing a jacket but there was thick ice all over the tarred areas. I’m talking three inches thick. On occasion I would pass a guy skating that was really flying around like 20 to 30 mph.

I walked through this shitty warehouse that even had some hay but was really some wood storage facility. These two guys came blasting by on a forklift. It was really strange because they were moving odd pieces of wood that were like 2” x 4” or flat pieces but they were 20 to 30 feet in length. They also weren’t centered on the forks. They hung over the right side by like 30 feet and maybe only 2 or 3 feet hangover on the left side. For whatever reason, the long warehouse had sort of a track to drive on really close to the left wall which forced the wood to be carried totally off center. But they had also built a sort of racking so that if the wood tipped at all it would hit the top of the racking and sort of balance out. The forklift ran along a sort of track that acted as a bit of a trestle to. The forklift also had these two long pieces of metal on the back. This was to help balance the forklift. Sort of like those long brackets on the back of dragsters to keep the dragster from flipping over if the tip of the car starts lifting up. And finally, there were these two mid 30’s or 40’s crazy bastards on the forklift. They wore faded jeans, had beards down to the middle of their chest and hair down to the middle of their backs and worn and faded baseball caps. They had apparently been at their jobs for many years because they had moving the wood down to a science as they blasted along taking 90 degree turns with zero slow down. The second guy would hop on to the long back brackets to give the forklift extra weight to keep from flipping because it still tilted when taking the turns at a high rate of speed.

So I left this area headed for my destination. It was sort of a dinner or gathering hall. Apparently, Barbara Mandrel (a country singer from the 70’s and 80’s) was there to play to a crowd of deaf people. I have no idea why I was there bothering to stay. She did about an hour of music and left. In the meantime, apparently half the crowd was gay deaf men that started dancing. A midget asked a guy to dance but was turned down. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough.

I was walking back to my car which seemed a half mile away because I had to walk through the industrial park again. I passed the crazy hillbilly forklift warehouse but didn’t seem them. Almost to my car, maybe 30 feet away and walking on the ice, a skater came blasting by. The guy with curly black hair went to make a sweeping turn and his feet went out from under him and he took a nasty spill instantly giving him a quarter sized welt just above his eye and a two inch gash also. It wasn’t bleeding but was frightful to look at.

I ran over to him to help him yet I didn’t really want to get involved. I helped him up and he seemed somewhat okay but as I helped him a few steps he just about collapsed so decided I better not leave him. He also kept coming in and out of semi-consciousness so I figured he had a concussion. Having heard that you never let a concussion victim pass out I put his arm around my shoulders and started helping him along looking for medical help. Nobody was around and the businesses looked closed so I headed for the hillbilly wood warehouse. I helped the guy up their docking bay stairs as they came by. Some other guy was there as we tried to walk in through a door. The hillbillies were returning from an empty run. Because the door I opened partially blocked their open forklift way, the forkpart of the forklift caught it as they were backing up. It ripped and destroyed the door and they started screaming to the other guy about being an asshole and that he knew the door had to be shut. Knowing I’d get no help from them I carried the guy on to another place. Again, nobody was really around and I had to carry this semi-conscious guy around. I headed back to hall where the concert was held. In the distance all around me I could see a few people here and there but everyone was like 100+ yards away. I spotted some army guys in full fatigues apparently heading towards my way on physical exercise jogging. So I had to backtrack to intercept them and ask for medical help. From behind came more soldiers and these guys had a doctor in their ranks. He immediately started checking on the guy but it was like he was slapping the ice skater head and nearly poking the guy in the eyes! I was rather stunned and befuddled. The doc then moved away and tried to get a GPS reading to call in a helicopter.

I guess I woke up because I don’t recall anything after that. As usual, I’ve forgotten some details or in what order things occurred but I got the most of the dream written down.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come you have such long-ass dreams? I only have them once in a while.

Usually my dreams are all sexual. I'm a very sexual person, though. :::shrug:::

I have longer, more complicated ones from earlier days. In fact, I used to dream about tornados constantly when we lived in that area. They have big symbolism for me, apparently.

Right now I'm just dreaming of breakfast... And not having a screaming baby standing next to me... And of this week ending...

Even temporary babysitting is a bad thing.

5:40 AM  
Blogger DungeonMasterJim said...

It's more in the way I describe my dreams I think. The incident at the wood warehouse with the 2 hillbillies was like 20 seconds at most. But it took a lot of words to describe it.

I also wake up a lot. So I might be melding dreams togetehr without realizing it.

7:41 AM  

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