Wednesday, August 08, 2007

There's no pleasing non-christians

I don't usually talk regilon but I am a christian. But there really seems no pleasing non-christians. From friends and internet forums I keep seeing the same type of shit: if I don't follow the bible entirely I'm not being a good christian but if I do follow the bible entirely I'm an idiot and the scoruge of the world and a source of most of it's problems today. It just gets really sickening. And last I noticed, every other practicioner of every other religon has the same human problems as christians like lying, stealing, not helping the poor, treating people like shit and similar stuff.


Blogger Wendy said...

Its' true. I always tell people who want to stereotype me that ALL religions are the same - they all have their hypocrites, their fundamentalists, etc.

You know what, do what you do, believe what you believe, and only you and that Whatever That Created Us can decide if you are being a "good" or "bad" something.

I applaud the idea of not following the Bible blindly and of thinking in general. And it ticks me off when people want to judge others.

I know I don't call myself Wiccan, because I just can't follow it flawlessly. So I stick with Pagan and Witch, because I am being truer to myself and to my relationship with Deity.

And, honestly, who can know what is between you and God/dess/Creator/Spirit, but you and Them?

It is human ignorance and arrogance to attempt to dictate what and how we ought to believe.

4:53 AM  
Blogger Wendy said...

P.S. The problem with most non-Christians is that they feel Christians are the Evil Empire (and one with way too many Darth Vaders!).

But they are confusing Xtians - that is, fundamentalist Christians with radical views - with Christians - people who believe in Christ's message of love, tolerance, respect, and understanding.

Furthermore, I've seen Pagans and other non-Christians with huge chips on their shoulder act out in unbelievably rude and inappropriate ways toward Christians and Xtians alike. And where does that get anyone?

Tell your non-Christian acquaintances to get over it. You didn't participate in the Christian slaughter to dominance; you accept all people based on personality, regardless of religion; you don't judge; and you let people find their own relationship with Deity.

Tell them that if they are pissed off at some Christian or Xtian they know, then they need to talk to THAT person, instead of blaming all Christians as a whole, including innocent bystanders like yourself.

Just a thought. :-)

4:57 AM  
Blogger DungeonMasterJim said...

I know you can be critical but I was thinking of the guys at the comic shop when I mentioned 'friends'. Still, I have no problem with you leaving comments. In fact, I thank you for it!

5:18 AM  

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