Monday, July 23, 2007

decent weekend, potential good news on the job front

Blog 072307

A decent weekend.

First, random news:

My oldest brother bought a new car. It was stunning to hear that he bought a Ford Mustang. He always buys useful cars like pick-up’s, vans, or good gas mileage cars. He was going to pay for the car in cash. CASH! Must be nice to have money. Instead, he took the 3 year no interest deal so he could keep his money in the bank. I look forward to seeing the car. I was never a big fan of the Mustang until it’s redesign a few years back.

Work should be a little weird this week. It’s shut down for all the plant except our area. I suspect it’ll be like a ghost town.

Could be some good news on the way for me. Works is introducing some new golf balls soon. That should mean a chance to go back to my original job. If that doesn’t work out another area is supposedly going to have 20 or so new openings for a new golf ball type. I hope to get out of my current job and into one of those. I’ll miss my boss and co-workers if I leave to another room but I dislike stamping and I suck at it.

My brother recharged the AC in my house. It’s something I never even thought about.

I’m leaning towards painting my bathroom. I’m thinking of a pale yellow for the upper half and sort of an ocean blue for the bottom half. Looks like I can get away with it for around $100. It really depends how many cans of paint I need. I found the gallon cans at Home Depot for $24 a pop.

The weekend was pretty good. I had signed for Saturday morning OT but lost out to people with more seniority. The guy that won the bid is a friend of mine and by the time Saturday morning rolled around he didn’t want it. We both work 3rd shift. So he checked and I could have and took it. For whatever reason, I was full of energy despite a 12 hour day. I’m glad I didn’t sign up for 2nd or 3rd shift OT as there was serious talk about canceling it. I think they canceled at least half of 3rd shift.

I got home and eventually took maybe an hour nap before heading to the comic store to play Heroclix. A good crowd was there so I had to wait awhile to get into a game. Three of us played a ‘draft’ game. I created the ‘draft’ game we play where we essentially draft heroes/villains as if we were like football teams. Once a certain character is picked, nobody else can pick him. You also have to go by memory and do not have access to your stuff. This is to help make it more fun as you try to remember that certain guy that’s awesome but forget him in the heat of decision making. It also makes it interesting as to when you try to draft someone. And do you draft a guy just to stop someone else from getting him. The drafting is usually more fun than playing the actual game.

I didn’t pick the greatest team. Angry Black Man and I beat each other up pretty good so D ended up winning fairly easily. D pulled his usual – let everyone engage each other and then do mop up duty. They he squawks that everyone is against him (and only him) when the weakened teams team up to stop him. Pretty much par for the course, I started in the middle. Par for the course I split my team. I didn’t do jack against D’s team as I was outnumbered and over powered. I got some good attacks in on Angry Black Man though and weakened him enough so he lost. I never expected to win the game unfortunately.

Saturday night was laid back doing some on-line gaming.

Sunday my brother and mom paid a visit which is when the AC was recharged. I headed down to CT after that to meet some people I chat with on a comic book forum. They were cool and I had a good time meeting them. The two clerks at the comic store are into drawing so they asked to see my stuff as we were leaving. So I stayed a while longer showing my stuff which worked out well. As I was showing my comics this customer asked if they were for sale so I sold two copies for a quick $5.

One of the people I met is an artist and he’s better at dynamic shots than me. I may hire him to do the front cover. Jason Embury did such a great job coloring the picture I drew that I don’t want to cover his gorgeous work with the title logo and price and stuff.

I’m not big on action figures but at the meeting place, a comic store, I did notice these little statues of comic heroes. They looked really terrific and would look great in a display case. I may have to go back and buy them. I think they ran $12 to $24 each depending on the size of the statue. They had mostly X-Men but also a great Silver Surfer.

After that was good chow at the parentals. Hamburgers, corn on the cob, and other goodies. Mom made me a banana cream pie that tasted awesome.

I brought home The Messengers that they had rented for the week. It was a really good creeping movie. But it sort of fell apart at the end. I didn’t like the resolution of the film. So many horror flicks go standard Hollywood. They have all this great suspense and then when you get the pay off of why things happen it’s like – ‘are you kidding’? Descent was another movie that was like this, great for the first ¾ and then totally lame, generic slasher flick using every cliché in the book to end it.

I kind of blew it today in that I didn’t start greyscaling the comic like I should have. I think because I was on the run so much Saturday and Sunday and I only caught little naps of 4 hours or less since Friday that today I’m really unmotivated. I did manage to return the flick to my parents, do some much needed grocery shopping and wash and dry a load of laundry. But that’s about it. In fact, I’m heading to nap very shortly so I can survive the work night.


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