Thursday, July 19, 2007

Dead computer no more

After a $400.00 fix my computer is up and running. Either my processor or motherboard died while I was a taking a nap. I had just burned a CD of the art files for issue three of the Necropolis Chronicles and went to take a nap. When I awoke, my computer didn't to anything and all I had was a black screen. After much testing by my brother either my prcoessor or motherboard died. So while this totally sucked my time was decent in that I got my vacation check the following week and was able to buy some computer parts. That took about a week to get them and get them installed but I'm finally back up and running! Hurray!!!! :)

Had a weird dream the other night. My brother and I were in a sort of time warp. We were deaged by about 15 years. I was somewhere between 11 and 13. I was either in 8th grade or a freshmen. I think my brother was a junior in high school. He was driving us around as we were skipping school. Our car died or something because we ended up walking around. We were skulking about mountain roads keeping just off the road in the woods to keep from being seen. At one point a girl came out of her house. She was somewhere arounf our age. We considered talking to her although we didn't know her. She was walking to school I believe.

We were walking arounf Bartlett Ave, a road near my parents house. The road turned into a sort of open wharehouse for Home Depot or something. The place could fit 50 foot tall racks. I entered a doorway that in reality is the beginning of a slight hill on Mountain Road just above Grace Union Church. I often dream about this stretch of road a lot for whatever reason. In the reality of dreams, that doorway lead directly into a another store. It was cramped with people and seemed to be a sort of discount store although it was JC Penny's. The place was really packed and its alleys seemed made of of tables with stuff rather than typical store isles. My parents were there and everyone and thing was apparently deaged 15 years. As I was walking some distance behind my parents so as not to be spotted since I was skipping school, I felt a shove on my shoulder. Someone was pushing me aside from behind trying to get rudely get past me. It was my co-worker Jill. She was deaged but not as badly and didn't know me. She was probably 10 or 11 although if she was deaged by 15 years she would have been about 5! She called me a dickhead as she passed. She didn't know me. There weird thing about the dream was that although deaged, I knew everything I do now so I knew Jill. Still, I told her to fuck off. For whatever reason she was wearing a grass green skull cap. I saw her go out a door which seemed to be the only exit door to the joint. Everyone was piling out of it. The building was sort of a sheet metal building with those crazy wavy walls. The single person door exited to a small set of concrete stairs about 3 steps high. Jill turned left to go towards the road and started smoking with some friend. I turned left and headed towards a small cabin like structure where I saw some of my godparents children. They are all older than me in reality and here to but were all deaged. They didn't know me. In the craziness of dreams, the door into the close out store and the door exiting it covered about two miles in real life. The discount store essentially started at Grace Union Church but ended at the Wilbraham Tennis Club which now Interskate 91.

It was just kind of a weird dream.


Blogger Wendy said...

Strange dream.

1:45 PM  

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